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Crossovers that Should Be: The Write Stuff
RE: Crossovers that Should Be: The Write Stuff
Ranma 1/2 crossovers may be out of fashion these years, but I think it would fit together quite well with Dresden Files, though some of the later feats (any time "a mountain sorta vanished, but it ain't my fault!" frex) are a little high-end, and I'd bet the Amazons are very much at odds with the White Council over their fondness for mind control and body modifying magic. At the same time, they've got multiple people capable of those high-end feats and your average tribeswoman is going to at least hold her own with a Warden, let alone Cologne and her peers, so those arrogant youngsters on the White Council can suck it up and respect their elders.
‎noli esse culus

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RE: Crossovers that Should Be: The Write Stuff - by classicdrogn - 11-22-2019, 12:33 PM

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