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2020, the election campaigns have begun
RE: 2020, the election campaigns have begun
But Bob, the thing about those Utopian Communes is that they understood that socialism only works for a short time and only in small rural communities where they don't really require any outside input/imports. Thats why the Amish are as close to working socialism as you will find.

Modern socialism on the other hand, is the first step to either communism or national socialism (aka naziism) the difference being in whether or not they try and expand to other areas or try and isolate themselves behind their national borders. Both use pogroms and purges to "purify" their believers and use them as informants to find others to purge.

Yes Dartz, they are a bunch of kleptocrats, but the current head kleptocrat is a former KGB department head who seems to be trying to put the old USSR back together, maybe not for an actual soviet state setup, indeed probably not, but more for his own power structure.

look, none of you agree with me, i get that, and i'll try to talk what i feel is sense into the lot of you same as you try to talk what you feel is sense into me, but we are not going to agree on everything. As far as the election go i think the DNC has realized that they need to get all their lame ducks off the field as fast as possible so that when they lose, the moderates can look at the kooks in the base, the sanders and occasio cortez types and say "Look, you can't move that fast, you have to take time and win them over slowly. Anticipate the occasional retrenching like what happened with Trump, and just keep slowly pushing further and further."
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent. 
Currently writing BROBd

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RE: 2020, the election campaigns have begun - by Rajvik - 01-19-2020, 01:29 PM

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