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A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No
RE: A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No
My apologies dear readers, for those of you who participate in the Taylor Varga or WhoAmEye’s discords you will have seen me put up what my recent distraction has been. Because of that distraction I haven’t put a word to this until today since the last time I posted. That said, there will be this post, and then a sidestory post that will likely have the lot of you quoting Clockblocker. Needless to say that yes, there is another story on the horizon, and this time you can blame OPPenguin for it
Walking into the classroom I gave the group a nod as they turned and looked at us and then sat in an empty seat that was close to Taylor. I watched her glance around and smiled. The bitches three wouldn’t be here, though I couldn’t say for certain that none of their hangers on wouldn’t make the cut, those three had specifically been banned from attending Arcadia because of what they had done. A gasp from behind me had me looking back at a black girl, about my age, wearing glasses and a flower print dress, (that did not exactly flatter her appearance,) with her hands over her mouth as her eyes darted between Greg and Katie. “Miss Erkhel,” an adult male voice said from the front of the classroom, grabbing practically everyone’s attention. “While I am sure that the romantic prospects of your fellow students will be the grist for the rumor mill throughout the day,” the teacher said, not even showing his face from behind the book he was reading one handed while the other jotted down notes on a legal pad, “I would appreciate it if you did not shatter the windows in the room with your squeal.”

“Yes sir,” the girl said softly with a thick southern accent. That the man was multi-tasking like he was and very obviously not being strained by it caused the class to murmur more about the teacher than the glances Katie and Greg had been throwing each other’s way. Something that was rather comforting to me, as was the fact that they all went dead silent when the chimes rang out through the Public Address system drawing everyone’s attention to the morning announcements.
“And finally,” the voice over the PA system said as the announcements wound down. “I want to welcome our new students from Winslow High School. You are the most intelligent students that those halls have produced, and both the teachers and the administration here at Arcadia wish you luck in facing the upcoming challenges you will face here at Arcadia.” Three more chimes sounded and the PA clicked off.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” the teacher said, stepping out from behind his desk to the podium at the center of the front of the room. “I’m going to read off a list of names, if you are here, simply say present. If you do not hear your name, come see me after I am finished and have assigned the daily reading. Please hold all questions until I call for them. Now, Aaronson, Andrew?”

“Present sir,” a boy in the back responded, and like that we were off. He read through one hundred and twenty-five names, of which only twenty-five were in our classroom, and when he reached the end, he assigned the reading that he had talked about.

“Now that that is over,” he said feeding a scan card into a reader next to his desk. “Inside each desk is a welcome packet including a student handbook and a school map, please pull both of these out.” He gave people the time to do so before speaking again. “Now, each grade has a section that is primarily for their lockers, all of which is indicated on the map. Please find where your locker section is on the map.”

One of the girls near the front row raised her hand and was pointed to, so she asked a question, “Sir, the locker sections are designated by the letters A through H. What would set where our individual lockers sections are?”

“Very good question miss,” he replied. “Sectors A and B are for Freshmen, C and D for Sophomores, and so on. Does that enlighten the rest of you?” the majority of the class nodded at that and then proceeded to find the areas that their lockers would be in. My own were C and D, both of which were located on the second floor. “I want you all to recognize that somewhere in those areas is going to be your locker, and your classes will more than likely be all over the entirety of the school. Classes start at eight am precisely, and last for one-hour each with a ten-minute window between classes to get to your locker and then be seated in your next class. Fourth period is the only exception to this, consuming an hour and forty-five minutes to allow for each group to have a full half-hour for eating their lunch plus the requisite time to get to class afterwards. Fifth period is, honestly, a catch all period, and on Fridays during the season, used for pep-rallies as well as an early start to intramural sports practices and games. Now turn to your handbooks.” The class pulled them out and listened. “Turn to page three and start reading, we have forty-five minutes until second period and I want you all as well versed in the rules as possible while once your schedules get here, I will call you up individually to go over them, their locations and any possible drops and adds to the system.”

I raised my hand and was called upon, “Sir,” I said politely, “I was informed that there is a Work Study Program, how does one become part of that?”

“Good question miss Takamachi,” most of the class seemed to blink at that and turn to look at me. “Most of that,” he continued, “we will cover during the drop add process, however, you should all know, and I will say this now so that I don’t have to repeat myself during the drop add choices, that to participate in the Work Study Program you must have Study Hall as your fifth period class. Yes, you can double up if you have first or second lunch and have two study halls back to back, thought the school does not recommend that, and then you must note on a drop add form that it is for Work Study. Later in the week Miss Evers the Guidance Councilor here at Arcadia will call you into her office and show you what professions are available as well as help you put an application and resume together to send to the profession of your choice. At that point it is up to the professionals in question as to whether or not to accept your application. Now, get to reading.” With that he went back to his desk and his book.
It seems like they are going to scatter us through the school, I thought as the four of us compared schedules. All of us had first lunch, which would allow us to compare notes at least, but otherwise we were all over the place. First period had me in History with a Mrs. Jackson, while Akane had Algebra II with Phillips and Katie had chemistry with Pavlich. Second period, I shared anatomy/physiology with Akane while Katie took my place in Jackson’s History class. Third, had me and Katie in Bassett’s AP English while Akane was back here for Wolfe’s AP History. Then we had roughly forty-five minutes to meet up in the cafeteria, get and eat our lunches and then be off to fourth period, which for me was Algebra with Greg in Phillip’s classroom while Katie had calculus of all things. Greg, the poor soul, didn’t even cross paths with any of us except my fourth period. All three of us girls had, probably because of PRT involvement, study hall as our fifth period, which allowed all of us to quietly apply for the Work Study Program, while Greg was stuck with Auto shop. “Are any of you going to try out for any of the clubs or sport teams?” Millicent Erkhel asked as the class period was coming to an end.

“Maybe next year when things aren’t so hectic,” Katie answered, and I nodded.

“A paid Work Study program like this,” I said. “Even at minimum wage for data entry, is a damn big boon to my family’s finances. Add to that, it will be both a foot in the door and experience to call upon after college.” Millicent nodded, she had just transferred to Winslow before Christmas Break, so she didn’t have anything to do with the trio other than just being another cog in the rumor mill machine. “Still though, I might check out what clubs the school has, at least for next year.”

“I’m still playing with my band back in Japan,” Akane said with a smile, “In fact, I need to see if I can spread the advertisements around here.”

“Advertisements for what?” Katie asked. In response, Akane pulled a much-folded flyer out of the inside pocket of her blazer and spread it out. “Akane, it’s in Japanese, so I can’t read it.” Katie said in a deadpan tone.

“Your no fun,” Akane said with a smile to show that she was joking before pulling an almost identical one out that was in English.

“Covering the End,” Katie read, “a benefit concert series on pay-per-view to benefit Endbringer victims around the world. Brought to you by the Kuno Foundation and the Wrecking Crew Memorial Fund.” Katie looked at Akane, “Kuno, as in Kagome’s family?”

“Yeah,” Akane said just as the bell rang. “I’ll explain it to you later though, gotta run this by Aunt Emily as well as the school.”
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent. 
Currently writing BROBd


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RE: A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No - by Rajvik - 03-14-2020, 11:03 PM

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