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2020, the election campaigns have begun
RE: 2020, the election campaigns have begun
From the "You Might have Missed It" news: Tulsi Gabbard Finally Ended Her Increasingly Quixotic Campaign -- two days after she was mathematically eliminated from the race.  Notably, people kept talking about how there were no more women or people of color running and how sad that was on the cable news.  Every once in a while, someone would point out Tulsi was still technically running.

We're at a very weird spot in the campaign with only about 5% of the delegates available in the next four weeks, until five weeks out we finally see New York and Pennsylvania.  If those elections even happen.  If any of them even happen on time.  Bernie Sanders hasn't shut down his campaign yet.  But he's stopped running TV ads.  I'm not sure what he can get for quitting -- it's not like he's enough of a team player to be a rational choice for vice president to anybody.  But at this point, who knows, as all three of our delegate leaders are in a high risk group for the coronavirus.

Locally, we have a special election coming up in mid-May, because recently-divorced bisexual-hottie freshman ex-Congresswoman Katie Hill couldn't stop sleeping with anything that moved.  Something like 55% of the district is registered to vote by mail.  Could we make it 100% in time?  Probably.  Christy Smith (D) is trying to move up from the state assembly, and because we have a top-two primary, Republicans have already regained the assembly seat for one of their two candidates.  Please, keep it in your pants, kids.
"Kitto daijoubu da yo." - Sakura Kinomoto

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RE: 2020, the election campaigns have begun - by Labster - 03-24-2020, 04:27 AM

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