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[OOC][PLOT] The Sixth Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals
RE: [OOC][PLOT] The Sixth Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals
That might be the best way to go with Hogwarts.  Except that they should have a specially assigned case worker...

Again, enter Harry Dresden.  He's exactly Dumbledore's kinda mayhem, and a perfect fit for guiding the school faculty through this sudden-onset of craziness.  At the very least, Dumbledore won't have to worry about Voldemort... for now, that is...

Cool idea - actually have it that Snape gains a grudging respect for Dresden - the man knows his DAtDA, but he's not so prideful that he won't ask the other teachers (like Snape - arguably an expert on the subject himself) to look over his lesson plans and get some feedback.  Also, Dresden is unlike all the other bumbling fools, cats paws, and undercover enemy agents Dumbledore has roped into the position in the past.  The only one that comes even close to Dresden's experience was Barty Crouch Jr when he was masquerading as Mad Eye Moody.  And while Dresden might not like Snape much, he'd certainly recognize Snape's knowledge and skills.  His Master-level certification as a potioner is nothing at all to scoff at, especially at his age.

(Not saying Snape isn't an utter bastard of a man - just that he does have redeeming qualities.  They're just really hard to see under the greasy hair and nigh-perpetual sneer.)

As for Femme Fatales and Tomo...

...Alright.  I can see it.

If Roger Smith ever shows up, she should apprentice under him.  He's exactly her kinda speed - generally good-aligned, but shifting between chaotic, neutral, and lawful while rocking out an Art Deco themed version of Noir that would probably send her into apoplections of SO FREAKIN' COOL!!!

And if she does become some kind of chaotic-good Femme Fatale?  Well now!  Wouldn't that just play into the royal title she scored off of Minako?

It might be interesting, though, if the God-Empress of all Femme Fatales, Queen Emeraldas, were to show up.  I could easily see a scene where Tomo is like, "Teach me, oh learned master!"  Only to have the woman gently explain to her that the only way someone becomes like herself is by having their heart broken so badly that they are never the same person again afterward.  (Not that she wouldn't find some amusement in Tomo's antics.)  And no, she does not want to ask Maetel, either.  Her story is even more tragic (as well as, to be honest, quite fucked up in general), and part of why Emeraldas respects her so.

But then, this is all Season 2 stuff at the very least...  Tongue

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RE: [OOC][PLOT] The Sixth Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals - by Black Aeronaut - 09-15-2020, 01:50 AM

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