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2020 US election - The fat lady is warming up in the wings
RE: 2020 US election - The fat lady is warming up in the wings
I get the aspect of judge not lest ye be judged, but at some point we need to say that this person is a bad example.

GethN7 Wrote:Honest question here, what has Trump done (besides being an obnoxious asshole some people did not want in office) that warrants criminal action that is any worse than what any other president of any political alignment has done?

Ummm.... So this is hard because of history.  We can probably say that anyone President prior to 1891 has done something worse than Trump.  If you're wondering about that date, the Wounded Knee Massacre took place on December 30, 1890.  This was not the end of the Indian Wars, which lasted until 1924, ten years after the Titanic sank, but it was the end of the worst era.  The Dawes Act, for all that it wouldn't pass moral muster now, was at least well-intentioned at the time.  So let's start after that.

Is Trump the most racist president in the modern era (1890-2020)?  Not really.  Wilson was easily more openly racist, in an era where eugenics was gaining popularity.  But he has had policies struck down for being racist, such as the Muslim travel ban.  And Trump says racist things pretty much constantly.

Well, let's talk about incarcerating non-whites who committed no crime.  The winner in this category is Franklin Roosevelt, who sent 120k people to camps for years.  All Trump has done is take a few thousand Mexican children away from their parents, many of whom we cannot reunite with the parent because they were deported and we don't know where they are.  The cages are a little smaller, too.  So maybe this one is a draw?  Definitely not the worst.

How about obstructing investigations into misconduct?  I'd say that Trump and Nixon share this title.  Although, at least the conduct he was trying to hide wasn't that he had given away secrets to the Russians.  Nixon at least had some standards, unlike the people he complained about like the goddamn bla--- moving on...

Okay, let's go to the big one.  Who has killed more Americans?  About 400k American soldiers lost their lives in WWII, most of which we can assign to Roosevelt, again.  Only 265k Americans have died from the coronavirus.  Sure, they were mostly civilians, but you have to agree, 265000 < 400000.  And, as Trump said, it's a war against The Invisible Enemy, which is why he recommended most Americans head into battle with no gear to protect themselves, because who needs that?

We can keep going on and on.  Trump has a terrible economy, but Hoover had a worse one -- and McKinley crucified us on a cross of gold.  Trump grew the budget deficit by trillions, but FDR grew them proportionally more.  Trump was slow to get a vaccine in a pandemic, but Wilson never got an influenza vaccine during his term.  Sure, it was bad when Trump said he'd grab women by the pussy on his secret tape, but compare to all of the racial slurs coming out of Nixon on his tapes and Trump seems like a choir boy.

You know, Trump is so much not the worst at anything, I don't know why people dislike him.
"Kitto daijoubu da yo." - Sakura Kinomoto

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RE: 2020 US election - The fat lady is warming up in the wings - by Labster - 11-30-2020, 01:26 AM

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