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Updates 45 (couldn't think of anything witty)
RE: Updates 45 (couldn't think of anything witty)
Chapter Trigger Warnings Wrote:Explicit Depiction of Illness, Explicit Threat of Torture, Explicit Threat of Mutilation

It's time for 2021's first A Thing of Vikings instalment!

The Life Of Dragons, Ánslo Academic Publications, 1563 Wrote:Pre-modern dragon social structures and culture were based around the institution of the nest, a result of the necessity of these sites for breeding. Due to the hunter-gatherer lifestyles of the dragons, all pre-modern nests had a finite ceiling to the population they could support, which led to a lifestyle that was a hybrid of sedentary and nomadic elements, with many dragons moving from nest to nest over the course of their lives (especially in early adolescence), and yet still spending a large portion of their lifespans in one location.

At the center of each nest's social structure was the nest's lord, the Thengill, typically the oldest, largest, and most powerful dragon present. The Thengill would—ideally—protect the nest and the eggs and hatchlings inside, organize and direct the nest's members (including banishing excess members when the nest had exceeded the number the region could support) and act as a social and military leader for the members of the nest. Regardless, their word was law and their decisions final.

While abuses by Thengills were sadly common as a result of this unchecked power, the resource they commanded in the form of access to the nest and the breeding potential it represented was such that the vast majority of dragons would accept their terms without question. And due to their age and experience, few other dragons could challenge the Thengill—and often the second-strongest dragon in the nest was the Thengill's auxiliary, or even their chosen successor. Still, when a Thengill weakened from hunger, illness, or injury, challengers would appear.

Back in Constantinople after the honeymoon, Sigurd learns that the bureaucrats have made a stupid-ass decision. Up at Inbhir Niss, Mac Bethad takes warning from a passing flight. In a Vedrarfjord hospital, Fintan starts on the road to recovery, already well enough to give his lord a suggestion; Toothless watches as that suggestion, his walker into action puts. Above and within the remains of the Höfn nest, a certain Nadder Spiketail comes to certain understandable conclusions. On his farm outside Faaborg, Markus Ulversson receives the rarest of all treasures. At Talǵar shyńy, near Almatu, Drago lays some stones on his friends's grave and prepares for what being Kagan will entail. Somewhere at sea, a young Nightmare for his life flees, and at the end of his strength, help finds. At Inbhir Aora, Toiréasa has a confrontation with Savage and a more pleasant encounter with Dagur. Lastly, somewhere in the Arctic Ocean, the most unusual member of Good-Cold's nest is called in to help the injured Nightmare, as she brings something to his problems that no flyer can quite provide...

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RE: Updates 45 (couldn't think of anything witty) - by Mamorien - 01-03-2021, 05:26 PM

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