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Russian lawmakers authorize Putin to use military force outside the country
RE: Russian lawmakers authorize Putin to use military force outside the country
-- BBC casts "Vladimir Putin as the [Y2K] bug in a human and deadly form." (Link not because the article is interesting but because it's proof they actually wrote this)
-- Putin is partying like it's 1939
-- South Korea joins bank sanctions on Russia
-- North Korea launches missiles in desperate attempt to get senpai to notice
-- International gymnastics federation shocked -- shocked! -- that a Russian gymnast displayed pro-war messages at a competition the day before the ban on Russians went into effect.
-- US Congress seems to want to ban Russian oil, US President does not.  Republicans plan to blame Dems for the price increase later.
-- Oil hits 130 petrodollars per barrel as markets assume major sanctions are coming
-- Russians tell their Ukrainian family members that the artillery shell that hit their house is fake news
-- Russians must now "and chill" without Netflix
-- American Express leaves Russia.  Visa already gone, because it's only "everywhere you want to be", and you don't want to be in Russia.
-- 1.5 million refugees is a lot.  Expect more.
-- Refugee children arriving without parents in Europe is the hot new trend.
-- 4% of Moldova's population are refugees.  One in eight children there is a refugee.
-- There are vague worries about famine in Africa due to a cut off in Russian or Ukrainian fertilizer and grain
-- Russia opens up a new flank in Ukraine's soft underbelly, by firing rockets from Transnistria.
-- Huge protests in occupied Kherson.  Russians confused as to why they are not greeted as liberators.
-- Smaller protests in St. Petersburg, but the police break out the batons early.
-- Russians release siberian tigers from Kiev Zoo.
-- That last one was false, but I'm sure I had you going there because of the other stupid stuff they're doing, so why not tigers?
-- Poland will give fighter jets to Ukraine, if US gives better fighter jets to Poland.
-- China remains vaguely, but not really, pro-Russia.  Like the USA during WWI, they are more than happy to sell to both sides, then move into the post-war power vacuum.
-- A week ago, I missed: IOC tells athletic federations to ban Russian and Belarussian athletes... or just remove their flags or whatever. Revokes Putin's membership in the Olympic Order
-- Wikipedia: "The [Olympic] Truce has been violated three times in the modern history of the Games. All three violations have been committed by the Russian Federation."
-- The humanitarian cease fire at Mariupol has been violated twice in the past two days.  Both violations have been committed by the Russian Federation.  Try #3 today.
-- The Russian government has said that he is providing evacuation routes for four cities today as a personal favor to Macron.  The French government says no such request took place, and following international law is not a favor.  It's kind of weird that this is a thing.
-- Letter "Z" ruined.
-- And I'm freeeee / Free fallin'
-- French Canadians stop eating poutine, because they spell putain Putin's name Poutine in French.  Numbnuts racists have threatened restaurants.
-- The chance of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine goes up with each passing day.
-- And by "tactical", I mean, a tactic to expand NATO very very quickly. If neutrality is not enough to keep your country from being nuked, alignment sure looks attractive.
"Kitto daijoubu da yo." - Sakura Kinomoto

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RE: Russian lawmakers authorize Putin to use military force outside the country - by Labster - 03-07-2022, 04:05 AM

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