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Russian lawmakers authorize Putin to use military force outside the country
RE: Russian lawmakers authorize Putin to use military force outside the country
Right, we're back from the office - what the fuck happened while we were gone

--Russia has reached 100% commitment. The first barrel is empty

--By one (shakey) measure of casualities, they've been literally decimated.

--Another Fullback fucked. That's 3 so far.

--Being a Russian supply truck driver seems to be a way to get a guaranteed coffin.

--Ukrainian special forces claim to blow up 30 helicopters in Kherson

--VDV secretly thankful they now have an excuse for not leaving the safety of their base.

--It has not been confirmed if they have left their hearts with the sappers round Kherson.

--There'll be no VDV heroes in 2023

--More wrecked Russian AFV's. One more Broke-dick T72 with it's barrel almost in-half

--One more round of peace talks fail.

--Russia's terms now Donbass, Luhansk, Crimea, mandatory neutrality and a Russian toady as PM

--Hmm. Did they just blink?

--Once again, 'Humanitarian Corridors through Mariupol' is a new way to say 'Haha Fuck you'

--Choose between a safe route to Belarus, Russia, or through a fucking freshly-laid minefield.

--Like, fuck me that's some proper moustache-twirling evil shit.

--I wouldn't believe it either if it hadn't come from the Red Cross.

--One Russian officer on Ukrainian TV - "Shit, we're the baddies" (But more eloquently)

--More Ukrainian Weapons of Mass destruction. Now into the Biological weapons. That's the full NBC

--I can't shake the feeling that this is building to something utterly abhorrent - like, gets its own chapter of infamy in the history book abhorrent.

--The same sense of inevitability before the war began pervades this.

--I want to think it's a bluff.

--Random rumour from the office from a doctor familiar with these things. Putin has Parkinsons. Putin has stomach cancer - had surgery during Covid and is terminal as fuck.

--It would explain his rapid self-isolation. No immune system left due to chemo'

--And this shitshow is his legacy to history. The man who finally united europe

--For about ten minutes. There're minor squabbles about cutting the gas off or increasing the pain.

--Where the fuck is Ukraines armour?

--Idea from an idiot. Driving it out, painting invasion markings on it and 'Capturing it' to fuck with Russia?

--I got my military science degree from Facebook university. (No lab accepted my Twitter Masters in Virology)

--Ukraine's Foreign Legions are so oversubscribed they can afford to be picky -- no Wannabees with Viva La Quinta Brigada notions - competent people only.

--They're still advertising. (And there's still that bit of your brain that goes 'If only I wasn't so fat, lazy, and terrible at FPS's ')

--Russian embassy in South Africa gets schooled on Nazi recognition by Germany Embassy (If anyone has experience with Nazi's...)

--Russia has few friends left in the world.

--Shell still wants to business with them. As do Coca-Cola.

--China claims to be friend of Russia, working to diplomatic solution

--Russia refers to Taiwan as a country by mistake in its Nixonian enemies list.

--Some eejit in Dublin backs a truck full of religious tat through the gates of the Russian embassy. Promptly arrested (Wasn't me)

--Russian embassy complains of attack on peaceful diplomatic mission, and why the police didn't dive under the truck to stop it.

--Japan eyes up the Kuril islands.



Special Parking Operation, nothing more.

I love the smell of rotaries in the morning. You know one time, I got to work early, before the rush hour. I walked through the empty carpark, I didn't see one bloody Prius or Golf. And that smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole carpark, smelled like.... ....speed.

One day they're going to ban them.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Russian lawmakers authorize Putin to use military force outside the country - by Dartz - 03-07-2022, 03:03 PM

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