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Russian lawmakers authorize Putin to use military force outside the country
RE: Russian lawmakers authorize Putin to use military force outside the country
Summ ab ignaris. Early today because I'm going to go get pissed and typoing while drink is not classy. (And now in the right fucking thread).

We'll keep rolling so long as I've been able to make it reasonably interesting.

--Day 17 of a 3 day war.
--Lukashenko suggests route around sanctions. Belarus and Russia become trading partners!
--This intelligent statement from a man who'd rather be a Soviet colonel than President of Belarus
--Most people in Belarus would rather he be an army colonel, than President of Belarus.
--He still can't get his army to join the war - even after Russia bombed them as 'encouragement'
--The other nations in Russia's orbit are making mild noises against the whole thing - or are allowing their people to.
--Russia threatens to attack NATO weapon's shipments to Ukraine
--The first appearance of a Red Line in the wild. President Biden announced that no matter what a NATO country does on its own - a retaliation by all will be assured in the event of a Russian attack. 'Even if it risks starting World War'
--I can hear the ticking of the Doomsday Clock.
--Me sitting wondering if my favourite fic will update one last time before we all get incinerated
--Posture probably the old Cold War 'Bombing a Polish Truck in Ukraine is an incident', 'Bombing a Polish truck in Poland is WAR'
--Up to 10,000 may now be dead in Mariupol, by one figure.
--Unable to defeat the Ukrainian army, mass murder is the only strategy left to Russia.
--They are still grinding forward slowly to encircle Kyiv
--Quantities of abandoned vehicles on Twitter suggest another offensive is underway
--Tank traps in Kyiv are spotted with plaques on them. They've been taken from a WW2 museum - once more asked to stopped the fascist tracks from rolling forward
--Assessment from USAF General. Russian Anti-aircraft systems are effective -- when in the hands of Ukraine.
--Bayraktar strikes have basically eliminated the Russian air-defenses that didn't end up in Ukrainian hands
--Ukrainian Strike aircraft can now attack convoys without worrying too much about ground fire.
--Russian bombers limited to night-time sorties.
--A Dam on the River Irpin has been destroyed intentionally - blocking a road and flooding the land.
--The director of Roscosmos proved he never watched Tom and Jerry. He compares Russia to Tom, and Jerry to Ukraine. (The Mouse always Wins)
--Another 'Big Hat' has gotten himself killed. This time it's the man in charge of the Rosgvardia - who are supposed to be the riot police pacifying the people after the sort victorious war.
--A Russian Airline Pilot is fired after telling passengers over the intercom that the war is a crime. People on the plane clapped.
--Instead of Russia cutting itself off from the Internet. The internet is slowly cutting itself off from Russia. LINX unlinked itself
--The Russia embassy in Portugal has been lit up in the colours of the Ukrainian flag by protestors in the surrounding buildings.
--On the other side of the world, Russia has sailed a naval group through the Tsugaru straights.
--No fishing boats were harmed in the course of this expedition. Japan annoyed though.
--Russia still trying to create the sort of narrative space that would allow it to explain the appearrance of chemical weapons
--Continued US Policy of saying 'Well Actually....' is basically denying them the space to paint it as anything other than an attoricty
--The only winning move is not to play
--There're noises coming out of Armenia about gaslines being cut to Nagorno-Karabakh (But this came from a suspected Putinbot so....)
--President Zelensky has called on Macron and Schulz to assist in securing release of mayor of Melitopol
--G7 countries to remove Most Favoured Nation status from Russia.
--Point of the day "It's worse than a crime, it's a mistake"


Maybe if we buy up these old Soviet Red Buttons they won't be able to find the actual Red Button

I kind of want to push one now.

I love the smell of rotaries in the morning. You know one time, I got to work early, before the rush hour. I walked through the empty carpark, I didn't see one bloody Prius or Golf. And that smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole carpark, smelled like.... ....speed.

One day they're going to ban them.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Russian lawmakers authorize Putin to use military force outside the country - by Dartz - 03-12-2022, 09:53 AM

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