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[OOC][PLOT] The Seventh Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals
RE: [OOC][PLOT] The Seventh Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals
As mentioned during the group chat: the trigger for Miyuki taking a trip to Ottawa.

The idea was that as part of Shinobu Nunatoba building the testaments for Nanoha and Fate, she has to do brain scans of everyone who's known them for long periods of time.  Takamachi Miyuki would be one such person.

Idea is thus: the brain scan has the side effect of reactivating dormant memories.  What if, when Kiyouya and Miyuki were very young, Kiyouya did something incredibly mean to Miyuki?  And being reminded of this?  Miyuki is pissed at Kiyouya.

Keep in mind, it will be something she'll get over quickly enough, because this was just one of those things that happens with kids being kids.  Sometimes, they do some pretty messed up things to each other, but then they realize what they did and... yeah.

But for Miyuki, it would feel like it just happened a few minutes ago, so she's naturally angry.  Angry enough that she takes a trip to Ottawa to cool off, and she did promise Mako-chan to show her how to use that sword.

Another idea that I brought up in the chat:

The Tsukimura family are assassins.

Supporting evidence: The names, "Suzuka" and "Shinobu" are commonly used names for female ninja in fiction.  Also, the Tsukimura family are vampires, so that would fit the mold so very well.

If Shinobu were to accompany Miyuki on her trip, she could also show Makoto some "dirty little ninja tricks" because what does honor count for when you're dead and so are the people you were trying to protect?

Messages In This Thread
RE: [OOC][PLOT] The Seventh Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals - by Black Aeronaut - 05-11-2022, 09:03 PM
RE: [IC][Story][Arc 1] Arrivals - by Norgarth - 02-13-2022, 05:08 PM

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