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Disturbing Implications of Land Rising into the Sky
Re: Disturbing Implications of Land Rising into the Sky
You would not believe the phone call I just got from Stellvia. Cynthia said, coming through the hatchway..
Oh yeah, what's that? I asked, only half paying attention. Jeremiah and I were playing catch in the now empty cargo hold while waiting for Toni to finish her math homework. Perry was sitting a few feet away, up to his elbows in the guts of some PC tower. He didn't even bother looking up.
She skirted the two of us and sat down on the hood of the L.R.D.Apparently, there's a new station in town. Just took off today. Land grab from what I've heard.
Ok, that was a little more interesting. Really? Where from? Not a lot of these had gone off. It took a lot of planning, resources, and secrecy since places like The Island and Hephaestus lifted.
Nears as they can figure, West Virginia. Big ass chunk just up and floated away, Cynthia replied, a touch of glee coming into her normal curt tone. Perry looked up from what he was doing and raised an eyebrow.
Wow, bet that made the guys in Cheyenne Mountain piss themselves a bit,
NORAD isn't technically based in Cheyenne Mountain anymore Jon. Jeremiah pipped in while catching my last throw.
I know. Broke Dad's heart when they moved it to Peterson. Anyway, how big a chunk we talking about?
Bout a half mile diameter sphere.
Cynthia's timing was exquisite. The baseball was just leaving Jeremiah's had when she finished, giving me just enough time for my jaw to drop and turn to stare at her, incredulous. Luckily the words 'half mile' spoiled his throw enough so it didn't brain me in the temple, causing hilarious amounts of cranial damage. But the side of your ribs isn't exactly a tender caress either.
While I danced about and swore, Jeremiah tossed his mitt into the L.R.D's open driver side window and began to leave the hold, blatantly neglecting his bodyguard duties to defend me even if the attacker was technically himself. Air Force Space Command would have lit up its defense grids immediately, and Europe and Russia probably weren't far behind. Even if things aren't as tense as they used to be, something like this would make the brass shit a brick.
The four of us made our way to the Wheelhouse, where we stared dumbfounded at grainy images of a significant chunk of Appalachia, floating in space. Well, three of us stared, Cynthia just looked bemused.
Perry was the one who broke the silence. Christ on a bike, do you know how much lift it would take to make a chunk of dirt that size break orbit?
Jeremiah simply nodded but I shook my head. Not a clue really, but even I know it'd be pain in the ass to even wave that much stuff. Remember how long it took to make the Truth space worthy?
We lapsed into silence again for a few minutes, before Jeremiah said. Well, guess it would be the neighborly thing to do to go say hi, his East Texas drawl exaggerated for comical effect.
I grinned. I reckon so. And I bet they've got some stories to tell. Thia, tell your dad I'm about to piss him off again.
Aw hell, a fifth voice said from the hatchway, I hate it when we speed. The rolling makes me sea sick.
More grinning all around. Now now Toni, the path of a Historian is fraught with peril.
She folded her arms and huffed, the epitome of teenage stoicism in the face of adult idiocy. You always say that.---------------
Being the Mariner hitting coach is like being the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.
-Poster on
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"

Messages In This Thread
Re: Disturbing Implications of Land Rising into the Sky - by CattyNebulart - 03-10-2007, 09:52 PM
Re: Disturbing Implications of Land Rising into the Sky - by CattyNebulart - 03-12-2007, 12:40 AM
Re: Disturbing Implications of Land Rising into the Sky - by Herr Bad Moon - 03-12-2007, 01:22 AM
Re: Disturbing Implications of Land Rising into the Sky - by CattyNebulart - 03-13-2007, 04:50 PM
Re: Disturbing Implications of Land Rising into the Sky - by Herr Bad Moon - 03-14-2007, 07:17 AM
Re: Disturbing Implications of Land Rising into the Sky - by Herr Bad Moon - 03-18-2007, 07:43 AM
Re: Disturbing Implications of Land Rising into the Sky - by Herr Bad Moon - 03-28-2007, 10:38 PM
Re: Disturbing Implications of Land Rising into the Sky - by Herr Bad Moon - 04-22-2007, 04:27 AM
Re: Disturbing Implications of Land Rising into the Sky - by Herr Bad Moon - 04-26-2007, 08:16 AM
[No subject] - by Proginoskes - 06-11-2010, 10:22 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 06-12-2010, 12:57 AM

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