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Build notepad - Fire/Kin troller
About this guide:

This guide has truly become a community guide. It is in no way my own creation, but a collaboration of many great minds. Thank you to all those who have contributed and even done spell checking for me since I /phail at spelling .

A very special thanks to (in no particular order):


Table of Contents:

1. Why a Fire/Kin?
2. Archetype specifics
3. The Powers
4. Slotting Recommendations
5. Strategery (You heard me!)
6. Where to hunt
7. UnicyclePeon's IO recommendations
8. Reinman's Quick and Easy way to 50.


1. Why a Fire/Kin?

This is a question that many have to ask themselves when they are rolling a character. Are you doing this because it fits a concept you have in mind for a character? Or are you doing this because it is a FoTM for the last few years (Since containment started IIRC) and you've heard or seen firsthand what they are truly capable of? They're fun to play and if you're only doing this to be a PL'r please don't. You're not helping anyone if you're PLing them. You're just going to make level 50 newbs, and we don't need them in COH.


2. Archetype Specifics

Containment- Containment is a Controller specific attribute that typically does double damage to foes who are held/immobilized or otherwise incapacitated. Why 'typically' double? Not every power gets the double damage boost(Spectral Wounds gets around 150% damage boost vs. 200%) or only hits double damage 75% of the time (Hot feet). The name of the game for controllers now is "Contain contain cont... They're dead Jim."

A controller's role has changed in the last few years from the "lock 'em down" archetype to a true damage contributor. Standing above the rest tends to be the Fire/ controllers. Why? Fire is one of the least resisted damage types, and though is typically damage over time, it just wears down the enemy's health bar in a way that makes you feel all warm and tingly inside.

What about Fire/?
Fire control isn't great at locking down foes but it is good at doing damage. You get a single target hold, a single target immob, a group immob, a long recharge group hold and a group disorient. The rest are tooled at dealing damage.

What about /Kinetics?
Kinetics always reminds me of a symbote or a vampire. You weaken others to strengthen yourself. You take their health and boost yours. You take thier damage and boost yours. With the Tier 9 power you'll wish the foes were harder to give you more of a challenge.


3. The Powers

Special thanks to FunkyWaltDogg for compiling all the great details below the power descriptions.
Another special "Thank you" to Mid for creating the Mid's Hero Designer.

Fire Control

1)Ring of Fire- Ranged, Moderate DoT(Fire), Foe Immobilize Immobilizes your target in a Ring of Fire, dealing Fire damage over time. More resilient foes may require multiple Fire Rings to Immobilize. Damage: Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Fast
Range: 80 ft
Cast time: 1.17 s
Recharge time: 4 s
Endurance cost: 7.8
Accuracy modifier: 1.2
Damage: 0.22 DS * 5 = 1.1 DS (Fire)
Mez: Mag 4 Immobilize
A great level 1 immobilize power. It's got a four second recharge, which is nice, but it's only an immobilize (though there is a -fly capability to it which is great for those pesky fliers in game as well as PVP). The baddies can still hit you, which I'm not fond of. It is lighter on the End usage than Char, but I still pick Char over this one at level one for the holding purposes. You may want to pick it up at some point though.

1)Char- Ranged, Moderate DoT(Fire), Foe Hold Incapacitates a distant foe by Charring him with smoldering soot and cinders. The target is left helpless, choking on the soot. Damage: Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Moderate
Range: 80 ft
Cast time: 1.07 s
Recharge time: 8 s
Endurance cost: 8.53
Accuracy modifier: 1.2
Damage: 0.22 DS * 5 = 1.1 DS (Fire)
Mez: Mag 3 Hold, with 20% chance of +1 mag
This is my pick for your first primary power. Its a Mag 3 hold, which is stackable, and usually after 2 hits, you can keep bosses held as well. Why a hold over an immobilize? A hold will keep the baddie from doing anything but choke. I personally hate being attacked from a foe, so a hold keeps them from doing anything.

2)Fire Cages- Ranged (Targeted AoE), Minor DoT(Fire), Foe Immobilize Immobilizes a group of foes in Fire Cages, dealing Fire damage over time. More resilient foes may require multiple Fire Cages to Immobilize. Fire Cages is slower and less damaging than Ring of Fire, but can capture multiple targets. Damage: Minor(DoT), Recharge: Moderate
Range: 80 ft
Cast time: 1.17 s
Recharge time: 4 s
Endurance cost: 7.8
Accuracy modifier: 1.2
Damage: 0.11 DS * 3 = .33 DS (Fire)
Mez: Mag 3 Immobilize, with 50% chance of +1 mag
This is your AOE Immobilize power. It sets up containment for you, and will hold almost anyone with one application. The Accuracy isn't great, so you should put at least 2 in there. I've been running with two and hit almost everyone each time. You get this power at level 2 or 4. No later.

6)Smoke- Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Perception, -ACC Covers all foes near your target in clouds of Smoke. The villains are so blinded that they can hardly see a thing. Most villains will not be able to see past normal melee range, although some may have better perception. If the villains are attacked, they will be alerted to your presence, but will suffer a penalty to Accuracy. Recharge: Slow
Range: 80 ft
Radius: 35 ft
Cast time: 1.17 s
Recharge time: 15 s
Endurance cost: 7.8
Debuff: -90% Perception, -5% ToHit for 60s
While mainly a PVP power, this one does have its uses in PVE game. It gives a simple -5% ToHit debuff for 60s, so it isn't super wonderful for defensive purposes unless used in combination with another power like invisibility. I don't knock the power, but I don't think it needs to be taken as early as level 6. Maybe after 30 or so.

8)Hot Feet- Toggle: PBAoE, Minor DoT(Fire), Foe -SPD While active, you heat the earth in a large area around yourself. Enemy movement is Slowed as they attempt to flee the immediate area. All foes in the affected area suffer some damage over time. You cannot fly and must be near the ground to use this power. Damage: Minor(DoT), Recharge: Slow
Radius: 20 ft
Cast time: 1.47 s
Recharge time: 20 s
Endurance cost: 1.04/s
Accuracy modifier: 1.0
Damage: 0.25 DS (Fire) every 2 seconds; Contained targets receive double damage only 75% of the time
Debuff: -87.5% Speed (Autohit)
Ah, containment's best friend. This power is a double edged sword for you. On the one hand, you are pumping out great damage that gets the containment bonus around 75% of the time. On the other hand, you're in melee range for it to work. So take it and be careful. Its an END hog, so put 2 or 3 End Reducers in it.

12)Flashfire- Ranged (Targeted AoE), Minor DMG(Fire), Foe Disorient You can bring forth a Flashfire to Disorient a group of foes and deal some damage over time. Target must be on the ground to activate Flashfire. Damage: Minor(DoT), Recharge: Slow
Range: 70 ft
Radius: 25 ft
Cast time: 2.37 s
Recharge time: 90 s
Endurance cost: 15.6
Accuracy modifier: 0.8
Damage: 0.06 DS * 4 = 0.24 DS (Fire)
Mez: Mag 3 Disorient, with 20% chance of +1 mag
This is another power that you should take when it's available. This will be your openning power for the rest of the game. For one, you throw it and disorient your foes, then firecage them to keep them in place and run into melee with hotfeet turned on. Great power ***** stars. Slotting: Put 2 accuracy, 3 recharge reducers and a disorient duration (IF you have a slot for it).

18)Cinders- PBAoE, Foe Hold Incapacitates foes around the caster by whirling Cinders around them. The targets are left helpless, choking on the soot. Recharge: Very Long
Radius: 30 ft
Cast time: 1.07 s
Recharge time: 240 s
Endurance cost: 15.6
Accuracy modifier: 0.8
Mez: Mag 3 Hold, with 20% chance of +1 mag
Now this is another good power that I recommend, but usually push back until mid 20s. It's not great, becuase of its long recharge time (4 minutes). Its a great HOLD, but is a Personal Based Area of Attack (PBAoE) power. Here's the situation: You've bitten off more than you can chew, and you're about to get smacked around. Throw it and run or use the time to burn the heck out of them before the hold wears off.

26)Bonfire- Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DMG(Fire), Foe Knockback You can create a Bonfire that knocks back and burns any foes who try to pass through it. Recharge: Long
Range: 70 ft
Radius: 30 ft
Cast time: 1.06 s
Recharge time: 60 s
Endurance cost: 13
Accuracy modifier: 0.9
Damage: 0.1 DS every 2 seconds (Fire); Use the Pet Damage Scale
I hate this power. It's a location based Knockback with microscopic damage. Skip it or get it only on the Test server to mess with people. In a really great damage powerset it just doesn't make sense.

32)Fire Imps- Summon Imps: Melee Minor DMG(Fire) You can craft 3 small Fire Imps out of pure flame in a targeted location. Fire Imps will viciously attack any nearby foes, but they only possess the most basic instincts. Fire Imps can be healed and buffed like any teammate. Type ''/release_pets'' in the chat window to release all your pets. Recharge: Very Long. Fire imps will be one level below that of the caster.
Range: 60 ft
Cast time: 2.03 s
Recharge time: 240 s
Endurance cost: 26
Let's face it. This is one of the reasons why you wanted to be a controller: Pets. Fire Imps are ok to start and great after slotting. They will aggro like crazy and behave like 3 year old kids with A.D.D. on a sugar high. It will take a whole level or two before you're really happy with them. They melee so they're great for Fulcrum shift and if you're in melee range too, Siphon Power.



1)Transfusion- Ranged, Foe -End, -Regen, Team Heal Transfusion drains an enemy of some Endurance and reduces the target's Regeneration rate, and transfers that energy, in the form of Hit Points, to all allies near the affected foe. You can use Transfusion to heal yourself as well as your allies. Recharge: Moderate
Range: 60 ft
Radius: 20 ft
Cast time: 1.17 s
Recharge time: 8 s
Endurance cost: 7.8
Accuracy modifier: 1.2
Heal: 209 HP at level 50 (AoE)
Debuff: -10% Endurance; -50% Regen for 20s
You don't get to chose your first secondary, but if you could, this would be my recomendation anyway. It's got good healing and a -Regen Quality which is a must for AV and GM fights. It is enemy based, so you'll need to be in melee range, or nearby and it has to hit. Put 2 Accuracies in it to be safe. You want it to hit every time.

2)Siphon Power- Ranged, Foe -DMG, Team +DMG You can Siphon the Power from a targeted foe, reducing his damage potential. The power is transferred back to you, increasing your own damage potential and that of all nearby allies. Recharge: Slow
Range: 80 ft
Radius: 20 ft
Cast time: 1.93 s
Recharge time: 20 s
Endurance cost: 10.4
Accuracy modifier: 1
Buff: +20% Damage (PBAoE) for 30s (changed AoE to PBAoE)
Debuff: -20% Damage for 30s
An overall nice power, the downside is its END cost. You get a 20% damage boost for 30 seconds. It can be layered 3 times for a few seconds which is nice.

4)Repel- Toggle: Self AoE Knockback Repel creates a zone of kinetic energy that violently repels nearby foes. Each villain that is repelled costs additional Endurance. Recharge: Slow
Radius: 7 ft
Cast time: 1.07 s
Recharge time: 20 s
Endurance cost: 0.78/s, 1 for each foe repelled
Repel is another power I say go without. Heavy END use, Knockback. When you need to be in AOE for most of your stuff, its not highly recommended to push everyone away from you.

6)Siphon Speed- Ranged, Foe -Speed, Self +Speed, +Recharge You can Siphon the speed from a targeted foe, Slowing his movement and attack rate while boosting your own. Recharge: Long
Range: 80 ft
Cast time: 1.93 s
Recharge time: 60 s
Endurance cost: 7.8
Accuracy modifier: 1
Buff: +297% Runspeed, +116% Flyspeed, +20% Recharge for 60s
Debuff: -62.5% Speed, -20% Recharge for 60s
This power does double duty for you. On the one hand you get a quasi-travel power early on, and it gives you a 20% recharge speed boost as well. It can be layered and is well worth it. Bear in mind, that it is not a personal Speed Boost, so there is no Endurance Recovery Component. You'll have to wait until 35 for that. I recommend 1 Accuracy, and 3 recharge reducers.

16)Increase Density- Ranged, Ally Special Increases an ally's mass, freeing him from any Disorient, Immobilization, or Hold effects and leaving him resistant to such effects for a while. Increase Density also protects the target from Knockback, Repel and enemy Teleportation, as well as Smashing and Energy damage. Because the target grows more dense, his movement speed is Slowed. Although the Damage Resistance and slowing effect will not stack with multiple applications, the rest of the effects of Increase Density will. You cannot use this power on yourself. Recharge: Fast
Range: 70 ft
Cast time: 2.07 s
Recharge time: 3 s
Endurance cost: 5.2
Mez Protection: Mag 10.38 Stun, Hold, Immobilize; Mag 8 Knockback, Repel for 60s
Buff: +18.75% Res(Smashing, Energy) (not stackable from same caster); 100% Res(Teleport) for 60s
Debuff: -12.5% Speed (not stackable from same caster) for 60s
Your friends will like this power for the protection, and the better control from your speed boosts. Also works on keeping those Fire Imps alive better and on the ground rather than getting knocked around.

20)Speed Boost- Ranged, Ally +SPD, +Recharge, +Recovery, Res Slow You can hasten a single targeted ally. The target's movement speed, attack rate, and Endurance recovery are all greatly increased.
Range: 50 ft
Cast time: 1 s
Recharge time: 2 s
Endurance cost: 7.8
Buff: +50% Recharge, Res(-Recharge); +50% Recovery; +175% Runspeed, Res(-Runspeed); +68.25% Flyspeed, Res(-Flyspeed) (no effects stack from same caster) for 120s
A truly mixed blessing. Great recharge and recovery and a big runspeed boost. Some people won't want you to SB them because they can't control themselves in near Super Speed running around. I say get it at either 20 or 22.

28)Inertial Reduction- PBAoE, Allies +Jump You can reduce your Inertia, along with that of all nearby allies. The affected heroes can then jump incredible distances for a while. Recharge: Long
Radius: 25 ft
Cast time: 2.03 s
Recharge time: 60 s
Endurance cost: 23.4
Buff: +2780% Jumpheight, +249% Jumpspeed, +4000% Movement for 60s
Now this is a true travel power. It is Super Jump that is on a 60 second timer. Many /Kins respec at level 28 just to avoid taking a travel power pool. I say its up to you. You'll hate it if it wears out in the wrong places enough.

35)Transference- Ranged (Targeted AoE), Target -End, Team +Recovery, Special Transference drains an enemy of some of his Endurance and transfers that Endurance to all allies near the affected foe. You can use Transference to recover Endurance for yourself as well as your allies. Recharge: Slow
Range: 60 ft
Radius: 20 ft
Cast time: 2.27 s
Recharge time: 30 s
Endurance cost: 2.6
Accuracy modifier: 1.1
Heal: 40 Endurance
Debuff: -40% Endurance
Free Endurance! Slot it with an accuracy and a recharge reducer or two. Never look for End rest again.

38)Fulcrum Shift- Ranged (Foe AoE), Foe -DMG, Team +DMG Fulcrum Shift drains the power of a targeted foe and all foes nearby, transferring it to all adjacent allies, the caster, and those near the caster. Affected foes will deal less damage, while your affected allies will deal more. The more foes that are affected, the more power your allies receive. Fulcrum Shift can dramatically turn the tide of a melee battle. Recharge: Long
Range: 70 ft
Radius: 20 ft PBAoE; Mobs hit in 30 ft radius generate 20 ft radius buffs
Cast time: 2.17 s
Recharge time: 60 s
Endurance cost: 15.6
Accuracy modifier: 1
Buff: +40% Damage (PBAoE); +20% Damage (Mob AoEs) for 45s
Debuff: -20% Damage for 30s
This is the creame de la creme of the /Kinetics powerset. Its an AOE enemy based damage boost that pulls power from up to ten (10) nearby foes. It drops thier damage by 20% each, and boosts those nearby (including you) for 20% for each foe hit. Run into a group of 10 foes and hit them, that is 200% damage boost! This is why FireKins fly from 38 to 50.


4. Slotting recommendations

Everyone has slotting preferences. I'll give you mine, as well as gmanskillaz's recommendations as well.

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Char

* (A) Accuracy
* (29) Recharge Reduction
* (34) Damage Increase
* (37) Damage Increase
* (43) Damage Increase

Level 1: Transfusion

* (A) Accuracy
* (5) Recharge Reduction
* (5) Healing
* (11) Healing
* (31) Healing

Level 2: Fire Cages

* (A) Accuracy
* (3) Accuracy
* (3) Recharge Reduction
* (31) Immobilisation Duration
* (45) Damage Increase

Level 4: Siphon Power

* (A) Accuracy
* (40) Endurance Reduction

Level 6: Hasten

* (A) Recharge Reduction
* (7) Recharge Reduction
* (7) Recharge Reduction

Level 8: Hot Feet

* (A) Endurance Reduction
* (9) Endurance Reduction
* (9) Accuracy
* (19) Damage Increase
* (23) Damage Increase
* (23) Damage Increase

Level 10: Siphon Speed

* (A) Accuracy
* (11) Accuracy
* (17) Recharge Reduction
* (17) Recharge Reduction

Level 12: Flashfire

* (A) Accuracy
* (13) Accuracy
* (13) Recharge Reduction
* (15) Recharge Reduction
* (15) Recharge Reduction
* (46) Disorient Duration

Level 14: Super Speed

* (A) Run Speed

Level 16: Hurdle

* (A) Jumping

Level 18: Health

* (A) Healing
* (19) Healing
* (31) Healing

Level 20: Stamina

* (A) Endurance Modification
* (21) Endurance Modification
* (21) Endurance Modification

Level 22: Speed Boost

* (A) Endurance Modification

Level 24: Cinders

* (A) Accuracy
* (25) Accuracy
* (25) Recharge Reduction
* (27) Recharge Reduction
* (27) Recharge Reduction
* (29) Hold Duration

Level 26: Increase Density

* (A) Resist Damage

Level 28: Inertial Reduction

* (A) Jumping

Level 30: Recall Friend

* (A) Endurance Reduction

Level 32: Fire Imps

* (A) Accuracy
* (33) Accuracy
* (33) Damage Increase
* (33) Damage Increase
* (34) Damage Increase
* (34) Recharge Reduction

Level 35: Transference

* (A) Accuracy
* (36) Accuracy
* (36) Endurance Modification
* (36) Endurance Modification
* (37) Recharge Reduction
* (37) Recharge Reduction

Level 38: Fulcrum Shift

* (A) Accuracy
* (39) Accuracy
* (39) Recharge Reduction
* (39) Recharge Reduction
* (40) Recharge Reduction
* (40) Endurance Reduction


| Copy & Paste this data chunk into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman

Messages In This Thread
Build notepad - Fire/Kin troller - by Kokuten - 03-31-2008, 08:27 PM
[No subject] - by Kokuten - 04-01-2008, 11:59 PM
[No subject] - by Kokuten - 04-03-2008, 12:21 AM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 04-10-2008, 08:38 PM
[No subject] - by Sofaspud - 04-10-2008, 10:20 PM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 04-10-2008, 10:31 PM
[No subject] - by Morganite - 04-11-2008, 05:13 AM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 04-11-2008, 05:59 AM
[No subject] - by Morganite - 04-11-2008, 06:26 AM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 04-11-2008, 06:01 PM
[No subject] - by Vyperpunk - 04-16-2008, 09:15 PM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 04-16-2008, 09:34 PM
[No subject] - by Vyperpunk - 04-17-2008, 01:32 AM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 04-17-2008, 02:16 AM
[No subject] - by Vyperpunk - 04-17-2008, 02:56 AM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 04-17-2008, 10:16 PM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 04-17-2008, 10:19 PM
[No subject] - by Morganite - 04-22-2008, 04:37 AM
[No subject] - by Vyperpunk - 04-22-2008, 04:40 PM
[No subject] - by Sofaspud - 04-22-2008, 08:29 PM
[No subject] - by Vyperpunk - 04-22-2008, 11:53 PM
[No subject] - by Sofaspud - 04-23-2008, 01:12 AM
[No subject] - by Morganite - 04-23-2008, 03:40 AM
[No subject] - by Vyperpunk - 04-24-2008, 03:48 PM

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