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Task Force Vortex takes down Clockwork King! (Updated Pics)
Re: Task Force Vortex takes down Clockwork King!
And finally, some mugging for the camera after it's all said and done! And some showing off of alternate costumes to boot. Bella is irrepressible as usual. [Image: smile.gif]
[Image: victory-001.jpg]
[Image: victory-002.jpg]
[Image: victory-003.jpg]
[Image: victory-004.jpg]
[Image: victory-005.jpg]
[Image: victory-006.jpg]

And that's it! Finito!
Again - all shots were originally at 1024x768, if you want any of these shots in the original size, just ask and I can email them to you.
"Wake up! Time for SCIENCE!"
-Adam Savage

Messages In This Thread
Re: Task Force Vortex takes down Clockwork King! - by Logan Darklighter - 04-13-2007, 07:32 PM

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