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Yes, I like the series and want to see more (have the blu-ray, doesn't have the OVAs).

However, I'm a bit annoyed with the fact that it's got me back into the habit of building plastic model kits. Yes, they re-purposed a bunch of kits by mainly dropping in a new decal sheet and paint scheme guide.

But I want a bit more then that, for I consider myself even with the years of off and on model making to be at the noob level. While I can assemble the kits to somewhat resemble the end result in the instructions, I'd like to do better. I've noticed that Model Graphix were apparently attempting to do that, with releasing a series of how-tos -japanese language, of cause- in their magazine and a book.

There's just one problem with that, the book covers the Pz.IV and Pz.38(t)/Hertzer, and I'm working on the Stug III, Maus and maybe a T-34/76 (I just decided as I've worked on a few 1-100/15mm, why not build one at 1/35) so would like to see their approach and recommendations for those kits. I know I've come across one for the Maus so far - the hull top is flimsy and some reinforcement would not go astray, the other is get appropriate Maus photoetched grill set, they certainly fill the large gaps the open vents leave in the deck.

Hmm, I suppose it boils down for TLBig GrinR's is what issues of Model Graphix or similar should I be looking for guidance on GIRLS und PANZERfing a 1/35 Stug.III, Maus and T-34/76?

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GIRLS und PANZER - by Rod.H - 04-08-2014, 09:27 AM

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