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Stormy seas ahead for Trump's Lawyer
RE: Stormy seas ahead for Trump's Lawyer
(04-16-2018, 11:14 PM)Rajvik Wrote: What facts Hazard, all i've seen is maybe's, conjecture and extremely thin accusations with no facts to back them up

And all we've seen from you is complaining about how they are just rumors and that we shouldn't read or listen to x or y media, and yet have not presented sources of your own and let us determine if we can trust them as well or not.

Now, I get it why you're unhappy. Your guy won, against all the odds and predictions by the experts and the media. And he's doing everything you want and everything you think is right and what the country really needs.

And you are unhappy about how unhappy so many other people are. I think they made it pretty clear that they absolutely hated everything Trump said he wanted to do. You should remember what lots and lots of people kept saying: That proposing a ban on Muslims coming to the country was a violation of everything they thought American. That they thought Trump going to Washington and firing everybody and "speaking his mind" to world leaders was a crazy way to run the government. And on and on. Pretty much everything you said you totally loved about Trump, they totally hated about Trump.

You don't have to agree with them. You don't have to like them. Feel free to keep saying all the awful things you've been saying about them. Feel free to keep applauding Trump and helping him do the job you want done. That's your right.

But you need to understand what you're buying.

No one on the other side is gonna just sit down and shut up because your guy won the election. Hell, did you sit down and shut up after 2012? Oh yeah, you "survived" Obama -- kicking and screaming and carrying on and feeling proud of yourself for kicking and screaming and carrying on. Did it matter that a huge number of folks didn't agree with you? Didn't they also say things like you were "misled" or "not giving Obama a fair chance?"

Did you expect them to just go quietly, self-deport, or whatever?

I have another news flash for you. It's not gonna stop. It's gonna keep getting worse.

Why? Well, how did you feel when your way of life was threatened? How did you feel when the people changing it told you to suck it up, cupcake -- and called you all kinds of nasty names in the bargain? You didn't roll over and suck it up. You got angry. You organized and fought back. You called them even nastier names and decided the President they supported was at best a horrible divisive man and at worst a threat to the very safety of America. That's what people do.

So now you're threatening their way of life. You're telling them to suck it up, cupcake -- and calling them all kinds of nasty names in the bargain. So what do you think their gonna do? Of course their gonna fight, just like you did. And of course they're gonna say the President you like because he's gonna undo everything they liked is at best a horrible divisive man and at worst a threat to the very safety of the Republic.

And if you tell me that's crazy talk and they must be either throwing a tantrum or just bad people, I'm gonna tell you what I told them when they said the same thing about you. "No, they're not just bad people. They're just people."

Now I know I'm going to get a passel of explanation -- some of it shouted pretty loud with lots of nasty names telling me what a moron I am or whatever -- of why it's the other side's fault and they started it.

So what?

Really, so what. the world don't care and you can't make it care just because you think it should. Oh, you can organize and win elections. After all, you all just did that. But you're not gonna change how other people feel. Heck, did they change you? Why do you think it'll work any better when you do it to them? Because that would be convenient? Because you deserve it? Because you're right and their wrong and they just ought to see that or they can bug off?

Aren't you the fragile, special little snowflake?

Again, I'm not telling you to change your mind. It's a free country. Just know what you're buying. Because you got two choices, and only two choices, and the world don't care.

1. Decide it's worth living in perpetual war with the other half of the country. We'll keep on going as we've been going, with the world going to Hell and half the country fighting the other half every step of the way. You can tell yourself whatever you want to keep the anger high and remind yourself that you're right and they're wrong. It doesn't matter.

2. Find someway to listen to "them" without getting all mad and stuff, and find some way to talk to "them" without calling names -- even if they call you names. Because you're supposed to be the grown up.

Now I know a lot of people would rather nurse their grudges than their children. That's a shame, because it means their grudges grow up nice and strong and get all the love and attention while the world we leave for our kids is just a hand-me-down from our grudges. That's a choice. If you don't like it, then you need to start listening to "them" and recognizing that "they" also want to live their life and figure out some way for everyone to live their lives. Hell, we've done it before in this country. It's not rocket science.

Or decide it's your way or the highway come Hell or high water.

Just recognize what you're buying and stop being so damned surprised about it.
“We can never undo what we have done. We can never go back in time. We write history with our decisions and our actions. But we also write history with our responses to those actions. We can leave the pain and the damage in our wake, unattended, or we can do the work of acknowledging and fixing, to whatever extent possible, the harm that we have caused.”

— On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Danya Ruttenberg

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RE: Stormy seas ahead for Trump's Lawyer - by SilverFang01 - 04-17-2018, 10:11 AM

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