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Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached
RE: Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached
(12-17-2018, 05:12 AM)Rajvik Wrote: How do you define decent human beings? Most liberals i talk to seem to think that the liberal ideals they espouse are the only things that make anyone decent.

And what ideals are those?  Actually doing right by others for a change?  Not acting like you're the only person that matters?

Look, I get that there's a lot of terrible people out there that like to act all self-righteous.  Word of advice: quit talking to people at political rallies.  You're only gonna find vitriol for the most part.

You want to know what real liberal ideals are?  Start by asking your neighbors.  Start by talking to the rando on the street.  You're gonna hear a little bit of everything, but by and large it's gonna be a lot different that whatever cesspits you're listening to.

(12-17-2018, 05:12 AM)Rajvik Wrote: The problem there is that your liberal-progressive-globalist ideals are bad for us both as a people and as a nation. The United States can not take in, nor care for the world, and if we tried to go with a UN run "Democracy"  democracy would fail within the first hour because there are more totalitarian regimes out there as well as the majority of the population not understanding what true democracy is.

You've got the wrong idea there.  We want the United States of America to remain The United States of America.  And to be quite frank with you, I have never once heard another liberal say that we should let the UN take over everything.  Trust me, a lot of us are as unhappy with the UN as you are.  If you have actually heard a liberal stating unironically that the UN should be in charge, then please, point them out to me.  I'd love to hear what they have to say.

The real purpose of the UN is to get everyone on the same page.  Not to act as a replacement for anyone's government.  For example, if we want to avert climate change, then that's going to require an effort on the part of all nations in the world, and not just the USA.  This is the purpose that the UN serves: to provide a venue in which international agreements like that can be hammered out.

You want the USA to just fuck off everyone else in the world and close its borders?  That will do two things.

1) There will be an economic depression that makes the Great Depression look like a kiddie fair in the park.
2) Russia and China start trying to work out how they're gonna divvy up the free world.

Prove me wrong.  I fucking dare you.

That's no bueno for us.  Best case scenario?  We only have to deal with them as trade partners because they're gonna be the only ones left to trade with.  And we WILL have to deal with them whether you like it or not.  China has the only source of Neodymium in the world, which is critical to things like modern weapon systems.  And Russia has the only source of Titanium in the world - I shouldn't have to state why that's important.  THESE ARE MATERIALS THAT HAVE NO SUBSTITUTE.

Worse case?  Once those two have the rest of the world in their grasp, the last one standing is gonna be us, and we WILL NOT be in any condition to fight that kind of war.

Our only hope would be the fucking EU, and trust me, they aren't gonna be interested once we've burned our bridges, no matter how much industrial capacity we can bring to the table.  They have all they need because they have wisely managed their own industries (with the exception of Greece, Turkey, and Italy, but that will be all the more reason for the EU to prioritize their issues once we fuck off.)

We need to be involved because if we aren't, then we get fucking left behind to rot and then the vultures to start picking over what's left.




(12-17-2018, 05:12 AM)Rajvik Wrote: Sorry, but sometimes you have to be the asshole in the room to get things done that need doing, whether people like it or not.

That's exactly the problem!  Me first! Me first! GIMME GIMME GIMME!  Acting like you're the fucking center of the universe is not gonna get you what you want.  Selfish, self-centered, egotistical.  Typical fucking sense of self-entitlement.  Like as if the whole world should just bow to you because you demand it - that it doesn't play by the rules you think it should play by.

And you act as if everything that's wrong is the other guy's fault.  It's not.  The blame lays with people that remain willfully ignorant to the root causes - just like I think other liberals are being willfully ignorant of the root causes of violence in this country!  (Hint hint: it's not just the damn guns.)

You act as if you stand for freedom, but the rhetoric that keeps coming out of the Republican Party keeps sounding like Adolf Hitler's Greatest Hits Collection.

That's not even acting like an asshole.  That's spiteful and unreasonable HATE.

Is that really the person you want to be?  Because that's how you're sounding right now.

I am not accusing you.  I am ASKING YOU.  DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE THAT WAY?

And don't act like I'm trying to color ALL conservatives with the same brush.  I know that there are the 'Hank Hill' types out there.  They make up the silent majority.  They're the damned decent folks who honestly don't give a shit about your isolationist rhetoric and think you're just being goddamned rude.  They're the ones who are legitimate Christians that actually think that the way Jesus did things is the way you should do things now.  You know, forgiveness and service.

I've already pointed out how we can help the refugees coming to our border, and in turn make it into a net benefit for our country.  And you threw your arms up and quit because you couldn't poke a single fucking hole in my argument.  Or at least, you didn't even try.

Why the xenophobia?  Why the hate?  What the hell are you actually afraid of?

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RE: Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached - by Black Aeronaut - 12-24-2018, 10:41 PM

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