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In a sane world, this would have been enough to disqualify him on the spot
RE: In a sane world, this would have been enough to disqualify him on the spot
(10-04-2018, 03:10 PM)robkelk Wrote: Why aren't we allowed to read it? It was submitted to Congress, was it not? Does that not put it into the public record?

Well, you're not allowed to read it 'cause you're a damn' furriner an' prob'ly voted for that there know-it-all Trudeau.*

We USAians aren't allowed to read it because, this being no longer a republic based on representative democracy** but an oligarchy based on plutocracy (and kleptocracy and kakistocracy), our masters in Congress have decreed that We the People aren't entitled to know anything they don't feel like telling us.

* It's no business of mine who you voted for; I'm just summarizing the Trumpite 'tude.

** I get so effin' sick of those people who think it counts as an unanswerable rebuttal to declare, "We're not a democracy, we're a republic!"  So I've counter-punched.  Hopefully in their 'nads.

Il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un roi pour décourager les autres.  (It is good to kill a king from time to time to discourage the others.)
— paraphrased from Voltaire.  Merci, M’sieur Arouet.

Messages In This Thread
RE: In a sane world, this would have been enough to disqualify him on the spot - by DHBirr - 10-04-2018, 04:02 PM

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