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So I'm working on a Bubblegum Crisis reboot screenplay...
RE: So I'm working on a Bubblegum Crisis reboot screenplay...
A couple thoughts from various fanfics and my own aborted BGC Reboot musings...

1. Sylia's father invented the basic technology behind the boomers, correct? While an employee of GENOM, hence why they control the patents now, rather than Sylia. But it can't be that simple, or there'd never have been any need to kill him; they'd've just frozen him out and laughed when he tried to go to court. So Dr. Stingray did have at least coequal rights to the technology. How large was GENOM at that point?

Presumably, Sylia inherited those rights... but as a minor child, could not exercise anything resembling control. What happened to them after she came to adulthood? What other rights did Dr. Stingray have?

Theorizing: GENOM, in those days, was a startup. Amazon, Facebook - or Boston Dynamics. Most of those types of companies, to my knowledge, give out a lot of stock options to their early employees, as incentives. Especially valuable, keystone ones, like Dr. Stingray.

Quincy knows damn well what Sylia is doing - because as CEO, keeping track of one of his company's largest shareholders is basic survival. He sees her diving off on a childish and quixotic quest, rather than reaching for the levers that he knows could actually threaten him, and he smiles.

The Knight Sabers cannot succeed in bringing down GENOM by force or propaganda, but as long as Sylia is trying to do so, she's neutralized in the great internal game of politics between GENOM's major shareholders.

And Sylia, not a damn fool, knows that. She's counting on it. Because while Quincy's patting himself on the back and covering for her 'sloppiness' and smirking at the entertainment value of her naivete, he's not tracking down the proxies she has buying public stocks, or the legal teams meticulously documenting proof of breaches of the contract GENOM had with her father for the boomer rights.

It's a long, slow process. It'll be years before it's done. She's hoping Quincy lives that long. Long enough to see the rug pulled straight out from under him.

2. Leon. Leon, Leon, Leon. You're a cool guy, but lord does your whole Flirty Dude schtick age badly. But you're a good window into the ADP or whatever acronym replaces them, and their role in illustrating the state of the world is valuable. "Tell me again how overarmed we are!"

So, my thought for my own rewrite, slightly adapted... Priss's motorcycle gang was into cybernetics, not just bikes. When Priss's lover went down, it was Mason's will and arrangement, and she knew it. But they were a cyborg - a 'cyberpsychotic', a 'rogue boomeroid', or whatever you want to call it. Augmented enough to cause a big mess if they'd gone crazy rather than being focused on something Inconvenient...

It was Mason's plan... And Leon's finger on the trigger. Ex-military, in the ADP to try and do something good with his power-armor training. And instead he's executing stupid kids in over their heads because some corporate scumbag bought himself a judge or three, and getting in trouble for not gunning down the friend right next to them who had a few less pounds of metal to be right under the arbitrary line.

And he knows it. It cost Priss... a lot. And he knows that, too.

He figures that means he owes her. She's practical enough to use that.

She knows he avoided killing her, after all.

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RE: So I'm working on a Bubblegum Crisis reboot screenplay... - by Valles - 03-21-2021, 11:01 PM

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