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AHCA does not have enough votes to pass the House
Well, they didn't even have to whip votes against this, because there was literally nothing in the shit sandwich of the ACHA that a Democrat would want to vote for.  What they are doing is encouraging grassroots movements to form in Republican districts, so that congress members can be appropriately educated about terrible bills.  Telling people when it would be a good time to have a rally.  Bernie Sanders has been leading that side of it, telling followers when and where to have rallies etc.-- but Schumer and Pelosi and Warren have all be quietly supporting those district actions as well.
There are other Democratic strategies, like when Trump says that Obama put a "tapp" on his phone, that we call for an independent investigation of it.  Because we all know that there's no evidence to be found against Obama, but if we investigate enough, they might find out something about Trump.  So yes, when your opponent hands you such an easy opening, you see how long you can keep the stupid train going.
But this does go back to the rope strategy, which is probably the biggest strategy.  Ryan's fiscal conservatism is not all that popular with the people.  Bannon would just assume backstab Ryan as work with him.  Trump has no idea what he's doing nor does he care, so long he receives adoration at his rallies.  McCain and Graham are old-school, patriotic, anti-commie conservatives, of the Reagan generation.  Newt Gingrich is still floating around with his Contract with America era ethos and evangelical Christian base.  And, there's Mitch McConnell, still hiding in his shell.  So what the hell is the conservative movement now?  These people don't agree on much and don't even like each other.  And they managed to get their party elected as a "majority", but so far as I can tell it's only a theoretical majority because they don't agree on all that much.  So congrats, have some rope, Republicans.
I keep thinking about when John Boehner resigned as Speaker, he walked in the room singing "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah".  He is a smart man to have left all this behind.
-- ∇×V

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[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 03-24-2017, 08:30 PM
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[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 03-24-2017, 11:01 PM
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[No subject] - by Labster - 03-26-2017, 11:45 PM
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