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Wild Plotbunny
Re: Wild Plotbunny
I missed this somehow earlier. I am under the impression -- though I don't remember where I got it -- that the bases themselves are extradimensional pockets, provided by Portal Corp under contract to the city.
I've heard that thrown about before - heck, I've made jokes about it myself. Superball's often claimed that what Gravity Controllers are REALLY doing when they use Propel... "Daaammn, somewhere out there, there's an SG wondering where all their furniture went."
but I don't know if that's a "fanon" explanation, or if there's something in canon about the subject. However, I will note...
...I recall reading an interview where Statesman talks about how he'd like to give... the option to put windows in bases, so you can see 'outside', but the Art department keeps saying 'OH HELL NO'. Which could mean that...the bases are supposed to be a variety of locations...or it could also mean the pocket dimension thing. Either way, I suppose.
Also...with all the recent stuff about Faultline being revamped, I of the things mentioned was that Arachnos will be in raid and stuff...old supergroup bases being uncovered in the rebuildin' works. 'course, those are old bases, and modern ones could still be in la-la land.
In the final analysis, though, it's fairly immaterial, since I can shoehorn the idea to fit, regardless of the nature of the base - but I was thinkin', it'd be a good idea to firmly establish it one way or another, in my head, before I start this.
-- Acyl

Messages In This Thread
Wild Plotbunny - by Acyl - 09-06-2006, 04:13 PM
QB - by Foxboy - 09-06-2006, 05:18 PM
Re: QB - by Bob Schroeck - 09-06-2006, 07:00 PM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by His Lovely Wife - 09-06-2006, 11:43 PM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Bob Schroeck - 09-07-2006, 12:59 AM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Acyl - 09-07-2006, 01:11 AM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Morganite - 09-07-2006, 02:15 AM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Bob Schroeck - 09-07-2006, 02:53 AM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Morganite - 09-07-2006, 03:09 AM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Evil Midnight Lurker - 09-07-2006, 03:15 AM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by sweno - 09-07-2006, 08:30 AM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Florin - 09-07-2006, 08:49 AM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Acyl - 09-07-2006, 11:33 AM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Logan Darklighter - 09-07-2006, 01:01 PM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Acyl - 09-07-2006, 03:07 PM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Ebony - 09-07-2006, 06:24 PM
Reactions - by Rev Dark - 09-07-2006, 09:28 PM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Acyl - 09-07-2006, 09:31 PM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Firvulag - 09-08-2006, 01:07 AM
Infamous side - by Foxboy - 09-08-2006, 06:57 AM
Re: Wild Plotbunny - by Ebony - 09-08-2006, 07:10 PM

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