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[TotL] Preconceived Notions
[TotL] Preconceived Notions
Dissonant Seer:
Preconceived Notions
[Warning: there are spoilers here for a fair amount of First Ward Content]

I was really starting to hate the wards. It wasn't because of the apparitions, thought I had my fair share of conflicted feeling about them when I found out what they truly were. It wasn't because of the gigantic flying seed spawn, regardless of how creepy it was to have part of Hamidon just floating around. It wasn't even that strange way space twisted in on itself to form the shadowed paths. No it was because everyone was a backstabbing degenerate.

And they were dragging us down to their level.

We originally sent one of us to First Ward when we heard about seers there forming their own collective outside of Mother Tilman's control. While there I met Amy, another seer who had gotten out of the network. She was operating as "Mind's I", and for the first time in a long time I felt hope. I was outside of Tilman's control, with another free sister who didn't hate the concept of a making a new network, and looking for more of us to join up.

I should have known better than to believe that Tilman would allow such organized rebellion to exist. She kept pushing them harder and harder until they self destructed in a bid for enough power to survive. It made me feel sick inside, but I had to help Amy put them down. They had lost all semblance of control; or maybe they had more control than they could take under Mother Tilman, and decided that it wasn't something they needed any more. Either way, The things I saw in those buildings will certainly be visiting my dreams for some time to come. But as frustrating and gut wrenching as it was to kill other seers who had made it out from under Tilman's thumb, that wasn't the worst we did.

At first I had thought that there was a small silver lining in having to kill our out of control sisters. We had managed to take down the local node of the seer network. But then Amy and I learned what was happening to the freed seers. Confused, angry, and hurt, they were perfect recruits for the Talons of Vengeance. And if that wasn't bad enough they had managed to entice Katie Douglas as well.

Left with nothing but bad choices we did something I never thought I could do. We restarted the seer network. Shoving them back under Tilman's thumb was only slightly preferable to killing them. And if they were still alive then someone else might be able to free them again. But I don't think that person could be me. I had gone to the First Ward with the hopes of making or joining a free network. And instead I had ended up killing them and having to put Katie Douglas back into Mother Tilman's grasp.

We had done it stop the Talons of Vengeance, and in doing so we had 'saved the day'. But if I knew then what I know now, I'm not sure if I could bring myself to make the same decisions.

"Great, now I feel dirty inside and out" I coughed, ineffectually trying to wipe the soot and grime off my costume. The talons accompanying Sister Serene had thrown around plenty of fire and ice, and the result had turned hard packed earth into a muddy morass. Which I had been knocked into more than once.

"The dirt will wash off." Amy said with a smirk. She hadn't come away from the fight spotless, but I had significantly more mud on my costume than she did. After a second her smirk died. "And we did what was necessary. It's better to be alive and in the network than dead on the ground like these things." She finished, nudging one of the half-animal things at our feet.

Amy hovered over to me and gave a token wipe at some of the mud on my shoulder. "Besides Katie got out of the network before, just like we did. She can pull it off a second time." She said giving me what I though to be a hopeful smile. "And if she doesn't we can break in again and bust her out once things calm down."

"Ok" I conceded, feeling a little better already. "But I don't think that Mother Tilman will let her go so easily a second time." And as bad as I felt about putting Katie back in, I wasn't about to commit suicide by trying to fight Mother.

"Hey, Tilman didn't let anyone go." Amy tried to reassure me. "We got out because we were strong enough, we wanted it bad enough, and we were ready to take hold of whatever opportunities came up. We'll just have to make sure that we give Katie the opportunities she needs."

I just fidgeted a bit and tried not to feel ashamed again. I could sense Amy's confusion at my reaction through our psudo-link, and made myself say it before she could ask. "I didn't get out… she th-through me out… said I was br-broken."

"What! You are not broken." Amy's said. Her shock and anger was easy to feel, even if I couldn't tell by her tone of voice. "I don't care who said so. Broken people wouldn't feel sorry for what we did. Broken people wouldn't have been able to show Serene who's boss." She put one hand back on my shoulder and used her other to tilt my chin up until I could look in her eyes. "And broken people certainly wouldn't come back to try and free their sisters from the same fate."

I could feel her conviction, and the old habits whispering at the back of my head to simply follow along with another seer. I didn't fight them, even if I didn't entirely believe what she said. People who weren't broken would have been able to save Katie as well.

But I didn't say anything, burying the doubt behind my physical weariness. I Just nodded instead and mumbled an "alright" as we flew back to the cave entrance. Formulating arguments without my other self to help work out points took too much effort.

Following Amy was the easier than trying to argue. Meeting her was the only positive thing to come out of this whole mess, and I was ready to salvage as much out of this horrible day as I could.

"All this magic craziness is giving me a headache." I complained as we exited another building I added to my 'places not safe for hideouts' list. We had just finished dealing with some of the magical fallout that the whole Carnival-Midnight-Serene backstab orgy had stirred up, and I was questioning the reasons I had for sticking around in this ward.

"I agree. We need a break" Amy agreed, sounding as tired as I felt.

It was strange having to infer how other seers felt from their actions, rather than just knowing through the network. But I was slowly getting used to it, building up best guesses from context and the few clues the light mental link we shared.

"Someplace quiet, where the dead stay in the ground and the books don't flap around the room." I said, specifying the two most recent issues we had dealt with in this crazy place.

"If only. Paragon seems to be almost as busy…" Amy griped.

That statement confused me for a second before the vague impressions I got from her triggered my own memories. Right, Paragon had that whole Dark Astoria dead god thing going on. I had managed to avoid dealing with that so far, and now I had even more motivation not to poke my nose into that mess.

"Well I've got a little place in St. Marial if you want to come over." I said, trying not to make it sound like a proposition part of me certainly wanted it to be. "The marcones have learned the value of cease fire… at least when it comes to shooting at me." My own little block of St. Martial was something I was actually able to feel proud about, in stark contrast to almost everything that had transpired today.

"The isles, hmm? From what I've heard, it's even worse over there. Least Paragon is somewhat orderly.." Amy said, sounding not entirely enthused about the idea.

"Oh there are certainly parts that are worse, and it may be more hectic on average. but you can carve out your own piece of the island without too much of a problem." I said quickly. I had to phrase things in a way that would be realistic, but attractive. "It just takes a bit of trial and error: knowing who to bribe, and who to blast into drooling vegtable-ness."

"That doesn't strike you as a bit... Wrong?" Amy questioned, a slight frown appearing on her face.

Uh oh. Moral questions were never my strong suit. I scrambled for the least ambiguous example I could remember. "You would punish the freakshow if they invaded your apartment building wouldn't you? The only difference is the isles doesn't have the zig." The mention of the prison seemed to sway her a bit. Prisons will always be touchy subjects for us it seems.

"So I occasionally have to make examples of the less-than-intelegent members of various gangs. Then word gets around again, and I have some peace and quiet. It's only like once or twice a month at most." I finished on a happy note, making my misstep seem small and easily handled.

Amy seemed to ponder my argument for a moment before replying. "Well, I don't have any other place to stay. Though I'd prefer just reminding them they have somewhere else to be."

I nodded, smiled eagerly, and took her hand. "Well come on then! I'm not going to make another seer carve out her own little corner of the isles when you can share mine." I squashed the impulse to hug her, physical contact always helped me deepen psychic links. And I wasn't sure I could restrain myself from coming on too strong if so tempted.

Amy nodded back and said "Of course…"

I didn't wait for her to finish her sentence, triggering the teleporter back to Villiany Inc. This was going to be great! I loved being able to surprise myself.

Amy seemed a little taken aback by the sudden change of location as she finished her sentence "… It's just I've seen what the IDF makes them do. I'd like to think I'm not the weapon they wanted." But she followed me anyway as I pulled her from the base's incoming 'port pad to the outgoing ones.

I tried to tone down my smile a bit. I wanted to make sure she understood how seriously I took her concerns. "We aren't going to be editing anyones memories, or scanning random pedestrians in the street. We can be more than what the IDF wanted us to be. We can be better, Together." I said as we arrived at the teleporter that would take us to St. Martial. Part of me wanted to wanted to get us back to the apartment as soon as possible, just to see my own expression. But a wiser part waited until Amy had responded.

"I hope so." Amy said cautiously "Most people wouldn't think twice about arresting you if you said you live in the Isles."

"Maybe." I conceded as I pushed the teleport button. The base was quickly replaced by a view from the side of the Giza. "But so far I've been on decent terms with Vanguard, and Dark Astroria will take all the help they can beg, borrow, or steal."

Still holding Amy's hand I flew us towards the apartment and said "As long as I don't piss in Ms Liberty's cherrios and you don't poke an arbiter in the eye, we should be fine." I could feel the inquisitive query from my apartment, but refrained from reestablishing our link. Instead I sent back feelings of acceptance, happiness, and a surprise. I'm pretty sure I wasn't able to totally block out the undercurrent of depression that was still simmering at the back of my mind. But I had something to be happy over, and I was going to focus on that.

Amy quirked an eyebrow at my turn of phrase, just saying "I'm glad to have a place to stay, that's quite wonderful of you.." Then she frowned a bit and continued "Though it may be best to look at getting a place in Paragon as well. We don't need to give people any more reasons to judge us. At the very least we can say we're citizens. I doubt the Isles would even care."

I gave Amy's hand a reassuring squeeze and said "If you think you can swing it, I'd love to have a place to crash in paragon as well." We were almost the apartment now, and I could feel the excitement building inside.

"Well, they had all sorts of questions when I first came through the Rift, though after they decided I wasn't actually part of the invasion they got a little warmer." Amy said as we arrived and flew in the window that had been opened in anticipation of our entrance. "The City's got relatively cheap apartments for people working with -"

Whatever she was going to say next I didn't hear, as it was drowned out by the happy shout of "You found someone!" as my other self abandoned the book she had been reading and launched herself across the room to hug me. The flood of emotions and questions saturated our mini-network and hit me almost as hard as her body did. Having too many questions and not enough time, queries saturated both the verbal and telepathic channels. "Who is she?" *What happened?* "Where did we find her?" *Is she ok?* "Does she like us?" *Have we kissed her yet?* All we could do in the face of such exuberance was just laugh and try to organize our responses as we twirled around.

Deciding that we were a poor source of information and not wanting to wait for the hour or two it would take for our memories to resynchronize, we left ourself to giggle in above the couch and flew back towards the new seer *Amy* in the apartment.

"Hi, sorry about that. But we can get a bit excitable around good surprises. And you definitely qualify! Do you want something to eat or drink? Or perhaps a nice long bath?" I said as shot a look over my shoulder at the me that had just arrived "I know we certainly could use one." *should we offer to wash her back? or both sides at once?* I mentally queried myself.

*No! We haven't even kissed her yet! Don't scare her off!* Well at least the giggling stopped and we started to get some basic information back along our link.

When I turned back to look at Amy she had a puzzled expression on her face as she glanced between the both of me. I got a few flickers of questions from the light mental contact she had allowed so far before her shields slammed into place and she shot a furious glare at the me above the couch. "I thought you said we were better than the IDF. What the hell is this!" She exclaimed as she gestured angrily at the half of me she was closer too.

Shock, hurt, and confusion flooded across my link followed quickly by the realization of exactly how this looked to Amy from the outside. "We forgot to tell you." I said throwing up my hands in frustration at myself "Of course we forgot to tell you. We forget to tell everyone." *every single time* I shot at myself across the link. I got back a sheepish smile as we tried to cram as many relevant memories across the link as fast as possible.

That didn't last more than half a second before Amy gave another shout "No! No more mental domination. I may not be able to tell what your cramming into that poor girls head but if you don't stop right now… I don't know what I'll do. But I'm certain you won't like it."

We dropped our link so fast it hurt. I winced at the sensation of only having half my normal mental bandwidth and tried to make sense of what I had gotten. The me that was now floating behind the couch started to say "Amy, it's -" But stopped at a glare from Amy.

"I don't know if I can trust you right now. I thought you understood why what we did to Katie was wrong, but then I come to your home and find this?" She looked at me with a mix of compassion and sympathy that hurt, if only because of how much she misunderstood the situation.

"Go see if the Sybils need more help or something." I said to myself, then turned to Amy "Unless you think we can still reach each other from Cimorea, and you have somewhere else you'd like to suggest."

"No, that's far enough." She responded, a little confused with how I was responding to this whole situation.

We waited a tense minute while my other self flew back to the Giza and the teleporters located there. Once I lost track of myself Amy seemed to relax a bit and then turned to me with a concerned expression. "Do you even remember what your name used to be?"

"Not any more than Dee does." Referring to myself in the third person sounded strange, but it would reduce the confusion until I got the whole story out. I saw Amy glance angrily out the window and asked her a question before she could draw any more erroneous conclusions. "Have you ever run across someone named Protean?"

So have I thoroughly confused everyone with how Dee operates?
If so I'll try and explain everything in part 2: the flashback-ening

edit: spelling mistakes, they hound me.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy

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[TotL] Preconceived Notions - by sweno - 07-12-2012, 03:14 AM
[No subject] - by dark seraph - 07-12-2012, 03:38 AM
[No subject] - by sweno - 07-12-2012, 03:44 AM

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