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[IC][Story][Arc 1]Greetings
[IC][Story][Arc 1]Greetings
We loose ourselves in the rythym of the crowd and the beat of the music, pitching, tuning, shifting ourselves to match, riding that exhilarating crest of electric energy. The crowd feeds on us feeding on then, building the music to an ecstatic climax.

A thrill rolls through my body. I glance at Sylvie.

Her white teeth shine. Her sweet-sheened skin shimmers under the spotlights. Her voice carries on from mine mid-sylabble while my fingers carry the melody on the guitar.

My body plays on.

My mind carries above the crowd, hundreds of eyes gaze enraptured. A thousand bodies, enthralled, existing only for us.

Anri giggles behind me.

Lou takes over from Sylvie.

My body shivers as I soak in the heat of the moment and the steamy atmosphere. Pressure in the room, building to burst. Bodies push against the stage, reaching up. Security pushes back. A riot threatens.

My turn in the round robin once again.

The passion is artificial. The thrill is real. I can't imagine doing anything else with any life I've ever had. To exist for nothing more than being the most important thing in the world to a thousand begging people.

The words are our own.

Yearning for freedom into the thrill of escape and the desperate struggle.

It's not a story that has a good end.

My mind wanders into the girl's memories, looking at myself or my sister as she cradled...

And then...

Here we are.


The air in the dressing room steams as we cool off. Wet sweat clings to our bodies. The atmosphere hangs around us, charged with pheromones.  We languish in our stage clothes, letting the last of the energy uncoil from our bodies.

“I didn't think it could be so much fun,” Nam breathes, her voice quivering.

“Better than sex?”

Lou takes the words from my mouth


Sylvie cocked an eyebrow. An invite to participate in an experiment. She glanced at the pair of us.

“No mess to clean out,” Lou smirks. “And I need a little variety.” She shoost me a glare as the one to blame.

“It's dangerous to attract attention,” says the rust-haired sexaroid who goes on stage in skin-tight leotard. Four pairs of unamused eyes stare, the air spicy with hostily. “The wrong kind of attention.”

Lou pursed her lips into a pout. “The one who says we need to stay under cover, is the one who seems to adore the attention.”

I placed my hands on my chest as the most visible difference from my previous humanity. “This is all new to me,”

Anri just smiled. “I cant even imagine what it was like for you to be an ordinary human. Your memories are so strange...”

My eyes glared.

“She couldn't help it, Anri,” Lou cut in. “That's such a nasty thing to say. Humans can't help what they are,”

I couldn't tell if she was doing it on purpose or not. My middle finger gave them both my answer.

Their grin rewards with a flash of simulated endorphins. Just teasing.

My body drops into a wicker chair, weight shifting across my chest. My mind drifts through the eidetic memories I'd been given, wandering through each moment of their lives., along with every millisecond of my own since waking up.

A knock on the door quitens us all. The air stains with tension.

“I'll get it,” says Sylvie. Lou's ready to guard. I'm on my feet. Anri and Nam slip to the back of the room. Again the air turns hostile, ready to meet whatever comes through the door.

The door opens.


I recognise the voice immediately. I recognise the pale skin, the golden uniform, and that always-curious look worn on his face as if the whole of existance served to just puzzle his cybernetic brain.

Lou gasps in shock, stepping back from him “I can't sense you?”

“I am a like you,” he assures.

The tension ripples through the room from the girls.

“A male sexaroid?” Anri asks, her voice barely above a whisper. The prospect thrills her.

Sylvie slips out of the fighting stance she'd adopted. I had to admit, even the idea of an android partner sets my mind tingling.

“An artificial lifeform,” For a moment, he even seems put out by the idea. “My name is Data,”

We stare.

The girls are faced, for the first time, with a humanoid they cannot read and a mind they cannot comprehend. Their unease weighs heavy on the air, pressing down on my body. I'm faced with my next tenant.

The door closes behind him as he surveys all five of us.  Myself, Lou and Sylvie standing between him and Nam and Anri.

“I take it, I am not the only anachronism here.”

“What gave us away?” I ask.

“Your playing. No human is capable of such precise and accurate fingering.”

He is patently unaware of his use of innuendo.

--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?

Messages In This Thread
[IC][Story][Arc 1]Greetings - by Dartz - 07-09-2017, 03:18 AM
RE: Greetings - by Dartz - 10-29-2017, 06:54 PM
RE: Greetings - by Mamorien - 10-29-2017, 07:47 PM
Re: Greetings - by Black Aeronaut - 07-09-2017, 10:51 AM
Re: Greetings - by robkelk - 07-09-2017, 01:41 PM

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