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ROTFL: Can has Cheeseburger?
How can something that is That Insane be pure EVIL? Its has to be at least half insanity.
half insanity, half cheezeburger.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Well you know, I was just implying a weird sense of humor and possibly rampancy on GLa- I mean, Raising Heart's part. But.... well... now that you mention

A ripple of confused murmuring ran through the dozen or so new recruits gathered at the training course. This confusion for the most part pertained to one
Nanoha Takamachi, their instructor, or rather the lack thereof. After all whatever other things rumors suggested of her, and there _were_ rumors, a lack of
punctuality has never been one of them. As minutes passed, the murmuring grew from rhetorical "I wonder where she is" type comments, to outright
conjecture on what had happened. These started out rather tamely, ranging from 'Plain forgot' to 'traffic', but swiftly ballooned into somewhat
less likely scenarios, swiftly climbing from 'Lesbian Tryst with that enforcer' to 'exploding a planet'.

"Ahem." a polite cough drew the classes' collective attention towards a recently generated hologram of one Shario Finieno, a familiar sight to
anyone who made regular use of this particular training facility. "I'm afraid to say that Takamachi-san won't be able to make today's class.
Her daughter has apparently run into some... trouble at school and her presence is required.". This caused another ripple of theory to quietly spread
through the class. "However, as today's exercise was to simply be a simulated obstacle course, class will continue.". Shari made a slight
guesture to her side where another, much simpler hologram of a floating read sphere appeared, "Takamachi-san's Device, Raising Heart will direct you
to your exercise and will be observing and recording you through a remote like for later review by Takamachi-san.".

This prompted some curious glances, followed by some shrugging and nodding. Shari smiled and nodded and smiled at the class, "Well, that's it, Raising
Heart will take it from here. Have fun!".

With that, the hologram of Shari disappeared leaving only the image of Raising Heart's link behind. After a few moments of silence, a female, but clearly
somehow mechanical voice came from the red orb. "Please follow the red line to reach the testing chamber for today's class.". With that, a
holographic line appeared, apparently heading into the depth of the training facility. Dutifully the class followed the line, eventually reaching a largish
metallic door that opened as they approached, revealing a largish room set up for a rather arduous looking obstacle course. As the last recruit stepped in, the
doors lowered and closed with a somehow.... ominous thud.

One of the students looked around curiously, "Hey, I've never seen this simulation room before. Where are we?".

Raising heart promptly responded, her voice, still mechanical, but somehow more... articulate sounding.

"Due to mandatory scheduled maintenance, the appropriate chamber for this training sequence is currently unavailable. It has been replaced with a live-
fire course designed for combat cyborgs. The Training Center apologizes for the inconvenience, and wishes you the best of luck."


A few minutes later, a small group of woman approached the doors from the outside, and then stopped in consternation at the 'in use' light blinking at
the top.

"Oi, Nove, I thought you said you signed out this room for us today.".

"Hmmm... I thought so as well. Maybe a scheduling error?".
Yikes. Odds that there's survivors?
Come come now BA, its still the Nanoha verse, of course everyone survives. Smile Unless Raising Heart starts gassing the Enrichment Center with nerve agents. Smile
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Wherever GLaDOS is involved, the rulebook goes flying out the window. Probably in a fiery mess... Trailing tendrils of electricity.
Yes, but this is a happier, fluffier, friendlier, kinder, gentler GLADOS. When it's all over, the survivors actually *do* get cake.
But, it's also Raising Heart
hence, there will *be* no survivors.
no they are *friends* so they will just be beaten into unconsciousness.

It's just going to hurt, a lot.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Quote: sweno wrote:

It's just going to hurt, a lot.
Hrmmm.... *Mental imagery of a crazed nurse enters his head*

"DoN't WoRrY! ThIs WoN't HuRt A bIt!!!11!!11!"
Quote: "...move to Censure the Council Member from the Free Worlds League, is there a second?" Barbara Liao asked.

Kenyon raised his hand, "Seconded."

A hush banged down over the chamber.

"Were you even paying attention to that?" Richard Cameron asked in his whiny, stunned-cow voice.

"Yes, I was. I showed up drunk last night, and proceeded to get plastered during council. I'm doing it again, because this is a Farce. Go ahead,
Censure me, I need the time the way, Dick, the better part of your father's genetic material must've leaked onto the bedsheet. Note my vote
in favour of censure, I'm going on vacation, maybe when I'm allowed back in, you'll have grown the spine Alex didn't see fit to cultivate
when he was ostensibly raising you."

A short, thus far very amusing, Battletech fiction set at the end of the Star League.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Quote: Hrmmm.... *Mental imagery of a crazed nurse enters his head*

"DoN't WoRrY! ThIs WoN't HuRt A bIt!!!11!!11!"
That brought to my mind the memory of James Blish's short-story version of the Star Trek TOS
episode "The Deadly Years." Nurse Chapel, instructed to run some more tests on Chekov, said, "Come along, Ensign. This won't hurt.

Chekov: "That's what you said the last time. And the time before that."

Chapel: "Did it hurt?"

Chekov: "Yes."
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Sigged elsewhere:

Anyone who clicks on this link deserves to be Rickrolled.
ETA: Fixed link
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
MAlformed link but YEAH.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Quote: ECSNorway wrote:

Anyone who clicks on this link deserves to be Rickrolled.

Is it bad that I clicked on the link, knowing exactly what was on the other side?

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
"In 1992, a bunch of junior high students were sent to their rooms for a crime they didn't commit. These young women promptly escaped to the Tokyo
underground. Today, still wanted by their parents, they survive as pretty soldiers. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them,
maybe you can hire… the Senshi."

(from In Which I Watch Sailor Moon)


"Do you have pants?"
Oh wow... EML, you just gave me Zeke's revenge for the Dark Knight thing. Of course, it will take some setting up as the girls don't know what the
A-Team is...

ETA: Bookmarked that link. Just chock full of fun ideas.
Quote: blackaeronaut wrote:

Oh wow... EML, you just gave me Zeke's revenge for the Dark Knight thing. Of course, it will take some setting up as the girls don't know what the
A-Team is...

ETA: Bookmarked that link. Just chock full of fun ideas.

"I ain't flyin' on no plane, Usagi! Ain't happenin'!"
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Ebony Wrote:
blackaeronaut Wrote:Oh wow... EML, you just gave me Zeke's revenge for the Dark Knight thing. Of course, it will take some setting up as the girls don't know what the
A-Team is...

ETA: Bookmarked that link. Just chock full of fun ideas.

"I ain't flyin' on no plane, Usagi! Ain't happenin'!"
At which point Rei slaps a charm on... Makoto's?... forehead, and they cary her onto the plane.

(Minako is The Face, of course. Who's the crazy one?)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Minako is the craziest one, in a zany kind of way. She might have to take both roles Smile


"Oh, there's crime here. I can smell it."
Sailor Moon L:

Quote:Usagi stared up at her (quite literally) brand new school. Seele-Gehirn-Nerv (SGN) High School had been built over the summer on massive grants from a very rich German expatriate who seemed to care very much for the education of his new homeland’s youth. He had also provided for the acquisition of the very best teachers in the nation. Usagi’s parents had been ecstatic that their daughter had gotten into such a good high school. Usagi herself wasn’t quite sure how it had happened.


Ami smiled radiantly. She was clearly excited. “That’s fantastic. Some of the best teachers in Japan are going to be teaching us!”

“Huh,” Minako grunted as her attention was caught by one of the many groups of boys walking by.

“Yeah! There are all sorts of wonderful people.” Ami started listing them enthusiastically, ticking them off on her fingers. “There is Professor Habuki Washu, the world famous physics and chemistry Nobel prize winner, Doctor Akagi Ritsuko, an award winning lecturer and writer on biochemistry, medicine, and computer science, Makibi Kiyone, a forensic scientist who has worked with dozens of investigative organizations around the world...”

Makoto and Rei had now joined Minako in drooling over all the hot boys entering the school. Usagi wasn’t worrying about the boys, having her relationship with Mamoru, but she was gazing with awe at some of the older girls heading towards the school. “They’re so gorgeous...” she whispered enviously.

Ami blinked and looked at her friends, none of whom were paying attention to her. Loudly, she said, “There’s always Jurai Tsunami Sasami, the Emperor’s personal chief, teaching Home-Ec...”

That got Mako’s attention. “Omigod, are you serious. Jurai Tsunami? The Jurai Tsunami? She’s the best cook ever! I’ve got to go sign up for Home-Ec!” she cried, and ran towards the councilor’s office.

Ami smiled, and said, “There is also the art teacher, one Takeuchi Naoko, the main artist for the Sailor V manga...”

Minako didn’t even stay long enough to say anything. She was quickly gaining on Makoto.

Ami definitely had Rei and Usagi’s attention. She was grinning now, and said, “There is even Katsuragi Misato, the best-selling historian of religion and war.”

Rei blinked. “YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS AND DIDN’T TELL ME? YOU KNOW I’VE READ ALL HER BOOKS!” With that, she was off after the other two.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
The HELL? *Runs off to read more*
Negi Springfield's new assignment; Tesla High.

Quote:That day had only been of only middling weirdness for Carter. Besides the girls rocket-rollerblading down the streets, there’d been an explosion at Henry’s garage (he was still working on antigravity, though it had been a while since he’d had one of those…), and somebody called to complain that there had been loud noises around the Kobe household again. For a family of geeky computer programmers, they sure had a lot of those.

Still, any day with only one of Nathan Stark running around and no need to evacuate the town– again– was always pleasant.

Again, Jack gave thanks to whatever deity was responsible for making sure there was only one of Stark running around.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
A short but hilarious video
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin

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