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COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Still alive, well, and of slightly-larger-than-normal size.

Still annoyed that I can't even book an appointment for a booster jab.
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Got it today. The whole process was on the one hand remarkably efficient when actually on the site, and utterly idiotic in the lead up. Rather then re-use the existing login and account system - they created a whole new one that needed even more information. This was of course, non-obvious - and I spent far too long just logging into the old page to see if it mentioned anything about booster.

Also, don't ask the vaccinator if it's the Supersoldier one, or the Sheeple one. They'll pretend not to understand and be incredibly suspicious of you.

I love the smell of rotaries in the morning. You know one time, I got to work early, before the rush hour. I walked through the empty carpark, I didn't see one bloody Prius or Golf. And that smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole carpark, smelled like.... ....speed.

One day they're going to ban them.
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Eh, it only matters if you've got a Vita-Ray projector anyway, and they were forced to stop selling those out  of the comic book ads in, like, the early 80's. Mumble mumble "safety" and "protect the children" bullshit again Dodgy

‎noli esse culus
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Still here. Have a case of sniffles but I don't think it's Covid. Unfortunately, I have to make a Home Depot run for plumbing supplies.
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Just as a note, my internet service has been very patchy for the past few days - as in about four hours uptime in as many days - so if I'm not around much it's more likely that than anything medical.
‎noli esse culus
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Today in "is giving up a pandemic response?":

Quote:Some with recent Covid diagnoses are finding that contracting the illness they worked so hard to dodge for so long has brought them an unexpected reprieve from anxiety — instead of compounding it further.
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
It's pretty clear we've given up on containment, or even slowing the disease.  I read that 7 million Californians have tested positive this month... which is one-sixth of everyone.  My dog's best friend's family all got Covid, which makes her very sad.  That's not a roundabout way of saying my family caught it -- my dog has a dog friend she really likes to play with, and I won't let her play because that dog's humans all got really sick.  And they're not the only family on the block to all get sick right now.

I'm still of the opinion it will all be over except the variants by April, just because of the rapid spread rate will pretty soon cause significant herd immunity.  That said, would still not like to get sick, so I'm avoiding people for the time being.  Less going out, less take-out.  I had to go out a couple times this week to get new eyeglasses, because the last ones snapped in half, Harry Potter style.  But otherwise, gonna stay home and chill for a month or two more.  Oh, and upgraded my masks to KN95.  They fog up my glasses more, but seriously: one out of six people have la corona.  Apparently they do not make fog-free glasses.  I asked.
"Kitto daijoubu da yo." - Sakura Kinomoto
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
In the "well, that's annoying" department, it looks like last week's update (which I swear I wrote) didn't post. Oh well, I'm still here.
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Hurrah for pop-up clinics! I just got my booster shot today.
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Got my test results back from the doctor, as I went in to get tested "in case" because I'd been exposed to it at work. Negative, thank Gru that miserable bastard.
"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Not sure when I last checked in, but still alive. Had a bit of a worry in December when my sister and I discovered we'd spent some time sitting right next to someone who started showing symptoms and then tested positive the next day. But either we were very lucky or our vaccinations held strong because we managed to dodge getting infected ourselves and we've both had boosters since then.

Work is thankfully encouraging working remotely as much as is practical, which in the section I'm in amounts to only having two people scheduled to be on-site each day unless something comes up which needs more hands-on assistance (in IS so while we can do a lot remotely some things like percussive maintenance turning on computer people working remotely told to turn off or the like does require being there.) Technically our governor has forbidden any requirements for masks, distancing, etc. but we're kind of low key giving him the middle finger and going right up to the edge of what's forbidden and highly encouraging everyone to do the right thing.
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Some relatives and a friend of mine who managed to dodge all the other strains of COVID got Omnicron, but after a day or two they were basically back to normal.

That said, while I still urge caution and prudence, I believe we are reaching the burnout phases if COVID is getting to the point where it can be shaken off that easily. At the same time, I'm not in the medical profession, so that is merely my opinion, not actual advice.
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Still here. Not much else to say.
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Didn't catch anything, but I managed to fall down the stairs. Put my foot and lower leg through-and-through the sides of a plastic bucket somehow by the time I was horizontal and got two tiny little scrapes on one knee... and bruises all along my right side that left me too stiff to shimmy into my computer station for the last twelve-ish hours, and made getting up off my futon in between sleeping twice take three or four tries. At least we finally got a guy with a snow plow to come clear the driveway this morning, but you could say it' been a bit of an adventure lately Tongue
‎noli esse culus
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Yeesh. Here's hoping for a fast recover, Drogn.
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Oh, hey.  Haven't done this for a while.  Nothings changed since before the New Year, but we might be getting back to having everybody in the office quite soon (even if it's only one day a week).
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
We've a positive test in the office. After 2 years. And I've been in close proximity with them

Oh well.

Currently drinking hard spirits. Alcohol will sterilise it. And if not, hard spirits.

It's got me through the whole show.

I'm the last person I know who hasn't gotten the damned thing. Everyone in the house and shit has had it.

I love the smell of rotaries in the morning. You know one time, I got to work early, before the rush hour. I walked through the empty carpark, I didn't see one bloody Prius or Golf. And that smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole carpark, smelled like.... ....speed.

One day they're going to ban them.
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Not much to say beyond "I'm alive."
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
I live. "essential worker" and all that implies.
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Have an outpatient medical procedure tomorrow, so used a home Covid test today. It was negative, fortunately.
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Wasn't around for a week because my internet was out. Meatspace health status is still nominal.
‎noli esse culus
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Still here. Been spending an inordinate amount of time being pinned by a cat.
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
So it's been a few months now.  No change except everyone's in the office 1 day a week now.  Just means hating Mondays worse now.
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
Still ticking here. Starting to do the return to public living review thing - there is no way we're (personally) going back to anything like Old Normal, it's more finding the New Normal, because we do have to do added risk assessment when going out. Which includes things like wearing masks for certain outings. And some outings will be off the table, or will require us to consider them when we don't need "logistics", which for us is basically "do we have to make reservations with money for things like hotel rooms or plane tickets or rented vehicles." The criteria is the idea that, if we get a variant of concern and a need to back off things again, we need to be able to cancel an event, potentially the DAY OF the event, and not be out any money like we had to write off at the beginning of the pandemic. We lost $150 in a reservation in March of 2019 because they would only allow a reschedule and would only grant a year total to do that in, and we never felt comfortable making the attempt.

As an example, one of the things perpetually (probably permanently) being pushed off the list of things we can go back to considering because of "logistics" is "taking the pinball machines to the Pinball Showdown", because we would need to A) reserve a room at the hotel so we have at least a staging area for spare parts and are available if needed at any time, B) rent a truck to haul two or more machines, as our largest vehicle won't hold but one and C) get help moving those machines out of our basement arcade because my husband's back won't even handle one.
"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor
RE: COVID-19 Check-In Thread Part IV
For us, the Pandemic is over. 99% of restrictions are ended. It's basically back to normal at this point.

Pandemic restrictions over. Fallout restrictions coming soon.

2 years ago I was sitting in a restaraunt after feeding some contractors brought in from one of our suppliers to fix some shit after completeing a hard week's work, and I remember him talking about it and I just said 'They're really taking it seriously'.

Within 2 weeks the state would be on hard lockdown.

I dove hard into burnout around this time last year and am only slowly coming out of it.

I love the smell of rotaries in the morning. You know one time, I got to work early, before the rush hour. I walked through the empty carpark, I didn't see one bloody Prius or Golf. And that smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole carpark, smelled like.... ....speed.

One day they're going to ban them.

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