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Crossovers that should not be V: Welcome to the Damnation...
Crossovers that should not be V: Welcome to the Damnation...
Golden Boy, La Blue Girl, and Sexy Losers. Water, Water Everywhere,...
You want damnation? You've got damnation...
Crossovers That Should Not Be: The Usenet Collection

From Ryk E. Spoor:

I don't think we need to describe this one. The title should more than suffice.


A beautiful, skilled supernatural investigator (with a bit too much fondness for Karaoke and sake) finds herself becoming more and more involved with a handsome, widowed scientist when his children keep becoming involved in her cases.

Phantom Jonny Quest Corp.

From "Warewolf":

After several 'near-captures' by scientist Dr. Erick Hunter, a group of mouse-tailed humanoids develop their own super-weapons (that combine into a gigantic robot) to thwart his plans. Can they deter Hunter and his partner or will a 'mole' in the organization ensure their destruction/capture?

Getter Robocop

A group of adventurers (two mages, a dwarf, a female barbarian) is on a quest to save Garweese Wurld from the evil sorceror, Baffelton, but when they (eventually) discover the 'truth' about Garweeze, will its liberation require a trip to the legendary (and brutal) 'Ree-uhl Wurld'?


In this musical fantasy, an 'amnesiac' robot and his bandmates ('Soul' Roll, Z3-R0; a 'cybermutant' named Li-Z) are on their way to the big time via an upcoming 'Battle of the Bands' but their rival, Mok the (self-proclaimed) Robot King has other plans...the aquisition of ultimate power at the cost of the world. Will the band discover their original purpose and abilties in time?

Rockman Rule

A cosmic glitch causes the citizens of Lawndale to develop bizarre limb replacements. Can they adapt or is there promise of a cure?

Midori Daria

Thanks to the 'Avatar' and his forces, Japan has been conquered and renamed 'Area 11' of Lord British's empire but, in small parts of the area once known as Southtown, a small group of popular 'street fighters' seeks to liberate Japan...right after one of them gains information from a certain traitorous police commissioner...

Mr. Howard: I am not the Duck King.

Code Geese

Lab mouse: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight.

Antibody: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Stop Orphan from destroying the world!! (To the fourth wall) Oh, come on, I want to conquer it myself. Is that so bad?

Pinky and the Brain Powerd

In feudal Japan, a ninja vagabond defeats several demon warriors only to discover that he is a (disguised) soldier of alien origin. Will he follow his original orders or follow his 'human' heart?

Ninja Skrull

From Bill Martin:

The newest member of the Bebop crew, displaced from his own time like Faye, Dog teams up with Jet to hunt down bad guys for woolongs.

Dog, the Space Cowboy

After crossing the 8th dimension, and battling the World Crime League, Buckaroo Banzai adds one more credit to his impressive resume, teaching in Japan, where he meets the S.O.S. club...

The Melancholy of Buckaroo Banzai

Vinny Barbarino and the Sweathogs get a new teacher, who just rode into town on a motorcycle after leaving his last teaching position in Japan.

Welcome Back, Onizuka

Airi, Junpei, and Ritsuko are stuck in Middle Earth, and finding spell fragments to reform the One Ring is their only hope of getting home.

Those Who Hunt Rings

Shinichi "Jimmy" Kudo finds himself transformed into the infamous Cimmerian, and if he wants to live a normal life, he must track down the criminal organization that is responsible for his new body...

Detective Conan the Barbarian

Buzz and Woody both fall for little sister's new toy from Japan, a doll that seems to move on it's own in front of humans.

Angelic Toy Story

From David Johnston:

Sailor Moon is a Harsh Mistress

From "sanjian":

Bubblegum Panic!
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:Sailor Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Now there's a title for a lemon story if I've ever seen one.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: Buzz and Woody both fall for little sister's new toy from Japan, a doll that seems to move on it's own in front of humans.

Angelic Toy Story
I'm sorry, but that one -should- be. It just sounds like too much fun.
Quote: Bob Schroeck wrote:

Quote: Sailor Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Now there's a title for a lemon story if I've ever seen one.

Zoinks!!! Though I could swear that back in my lemon hunting days I did read something kind of suggestive of this...
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Welcome Back, Onizuka
I can totally see Horseshack getting drilled with a piece of chaulk for his method of answering questions in class:

DEATH is Certain. The hour, Uncertain...
On one of his bratty son Eric's annual visits, the plutocrat U.S. Bates takes him to his department store and offers him anything in it as a gift. Eric
chooses a black janitor who has made him laugh with his antics. It only gets worse for his ego (and sanity) when he meets his coworkers.

The Toy Story

Oh, that brings back memories.... "Master Bates?"
DEATH is Certain. The hour, Uncertain...
One of his better movies, I think. ^_^
I Just had this wierd thought.

John Constantine get hired as a "Consultant" by Sir Integra Windgates Hellsing....

Titled "... And Everybody Agreed, We Were Already Damned.
Quote: Manytales00 wrote:

I Just had this wierd thought.

John Constantine get hired as a "Consultant" by Sir Integra Windgates Hellsing....

Titled "... And Everybody Agreed, We Were Already Damned.

Wow. Constantine vs. Alucard. Talk about a Battle of the Bastards.
My money's still on John. Alucard's tough, but not even he could hustle
Lucifer, Baalzebulb, and Azaroth into keeping him alive the way Constantine did.
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
I was rather bored at work today, and having been reading various articles by Leigh Alexander...

I was reminded of the h-game "Critical Point". This game is rather unique among visual novels in that the choices you make during the game alter
events that take place *before the game starts*. Which makes no sense.

Or at least, it made no sense until I realized that hey, the main character must actually be Haruhi Suzumiya.

Now it makes sense.

Morganni's observation is an excellent jumping-off point for one of two utterly terrifying crossovers, as follows:
 [Image: th_60055_Melancholy_of_Ayumu_Kasuga_122_736lo.jpg]

[Image: th_60043_Be_Very_Afraid_122_637lo.jpg]
Are you afraid yet?
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
You can be scared if you want.

I'll be the one who's turned on. ^_~

Quote: I'll be the one who's turned on.
OK, now I'm scared of you.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
#16 ... ernmz2.jpg

Someones signature pic from TFF.

I felt it deserved a post here.
Paladin Anderson has been having a bad month, which explains why he'd been doing raids on the English factories that made the Mr. Cookieface confection
rather than rather than destroying heathens, Hellsings, the undead, Hellsings new vampire pet, Hellsing troops, or Hellsing's elder vampire. In fact the
Pope himself prohibited him from touching the new spawn and wouldn't tell him why until he'd completed the investigation. Well he'd found an old
vampire trying to eat one of the security guard, the month's highlight, but nothing unholy happening in the factory itself. Now it was time for him to
learn one of the most secret Truths of the world. Though why he was meeting the Pope in the middle of the street of some Roman slum was beyond him.

When the pope explained he show him what was going on he'd still been confused. When the Pope took him to some place that wasn't there he'd been a
bit shocked. When the Pope showed him the powers God had granted him he was awed. When they'd got back to the Vatican and the Pope showed him a power
point presentation explaining what that hidden TRUTH was and how it related to the new Hellsing vampire he'd had a major brain aneuysm.

After he'd recovered he'd managed to he'd tried drink himself under a table. When he learned just how hard being a regenerator made that he'd
gone on a week long, literally, culling of the undead in France's underworld. After that he'd sat down he went over the information of the
presentation four times and it still didn't change anything. the New Hellsing vampire had apparently managed to become the roommate of the second coming.
the female second coming and her chosen was the new vampire's closely related cousin. Now the Vampire apparently could also feed on junk food and eat
their souls. Which meant junk food had souls and healthy foods didn't... which meant that mankind had managed to make unnatural souls in mass quantities
and it was God approved.

Worse apparent the second coming wasn't told about being such and had taken a liking to some American animated show called 'The Critic'. Well at
least Alucard had developed a twitch in his left eye over this.

==> Haruhi Suzumiya's English Vacation
Sadly, this is a visual idea, but I am not talented enough in any visual art to do it justice, so I must resort to words alone:

The Powerpuff Girls, featuring Bubbles, Blossom... and Buttercup from The Princess Bride.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote:The Powerpuff Girls, featuring Bubbles, Blossom... and Buttercup from The Princess Bride.
Would that be a Very Special Blossom?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: robkelk wrote:

Quote: The Powerpuff Girls, featuring Bubbles, Blossom... and Buttercup from The Princess Bride.
Would that be a Very Special Blossom?

So we've got Blossom & Buttercup , but who's going to play Bubbles?

"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Well, in addition to all these, there's Bubbles the fish
from Finding Nemo.

Pronounced "shy guy."
Gotta go with Michael Jackson's chimpanzee.

...and (mojo) Jojo's bizarre adventure.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
One-liners that should not be
Dialogue, rather than titles....

"Strip them NOW, Hentai Robo!"

"Grant me the power... to bring the world... DEATH REBORN REVOLUTION!"

Or, worse:

"Grant me the power... to bring the world... DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION!"

"Otaku. *Why* did it have to be *Otaku*?"

"NERV, we have a problem." (although technically the Eyrie team already did this as part of NXE...)

"I thought that the 'Fist of the North Star' was a *martial* arts technique, not a *marital* one!"

"Get thee behind me, Mr. Satan."

"I choose you: GOKU-CHUU!" (followed by: "Goku-chuu: KAMEHAMEHA ATTACK!"

"MIHOSHI!!! *How many* of my Jusenkyo samples did you drink?"

"Why so serious... Dr Banner?"
"Your fugitive's name is Doctor Bruce Banner."


"Well, let's go beat up that hedge then."

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