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Crossovers that should not be V: Welcome to the Damnation...
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Cardcaptor Sakura and Smurfs. The story should use a
seemingly routine day
as a plot device!

"It's the most terrifying card Clow created... The Smurfy."


"Smurf's up, space smurfs -- I'M SMURFIN' GRAVY WITHOUT THE SMURFS!!!!!"
Quote: Naw, the legalizing gay marriage part makes that one easy. See it turns out that all those fundy's were right, and letting gay people get married really
does cause God to unleash Hell upon the earth. Then you just have to decide if the family circus guy's are secretly an American version of Hellsing or
closer to the crazy Vatican guy.
I've got a revision of that thought line that I think better fits the Mood of Family Circus. The Grandfather was one of the surviors of the
Allied Group that Alucard and Walter were part of in WW2. Not quite as epic a fighter, but compitant enough to actually kill the supernatural in a war zone
and get out alive, with all his body parts and sane. He lived throught the war, married his sweetheart, had kids, live a long life, and died. However,
actually reading into the background of FC, the grandfather is not only allow frequent access to viewing Earth from Heaven, but seems to control the window
(there are other people with him, but as far as I can remember hits always watching his family) not only does he have apparent priority access to the the
Earth Veiwing places, but he can just declare he is visiting Earth anytime he wants and can make his presence known. He can travel between Earth and Heaven
apparently at will. He has to have done something to earn this kind of treatment and privellige... WW2 holy warrior would work.

In addition, all the kids seem to be able to see 'Notme' and 'Ida'... and PJ seems to be able to see the grandfather when he is on Earth. So
taking into account a bloodline trait that skipped a generation (or at least the parent, siblings could have seen Ida and Notme and the parent couldn't so
is humoring the kids thinking its amusing that their kids are blaiming the exact same two invisible troublemakers). Anyway age them up a few years and make it
after one of the times Hellsing manor gets trashed. During the reconstruction they dig up some boxes of old stuff, much of it from WW2 and stuff that is
better off with the guy's family. Send either Walter and Seras (orignal anime) or just Seras (manga/Ultimate timeline) to the FC's house to deliver
the stuff. This leads to war stories/memories of the two old dead guys between Seras(Seras/Walter) and the grandmother... during which the FC younger
generations come back and are berating PJ for prophcising that legalizing Gay Marraige will cause Heaven to go medevil on the capital (Boston for sake of
arguement)... Apparently, a civil union is fine (that is a government thing), but legalizing as marriage and holding the ceriomony in Churches means that the
Overgod Oked it... which he is on record as having nuked cities for doing exactly the same thing... this being what destroyed Sodom and Gamora. As PJ's
dad was in the middle of a live interview (being a long running sydicated cartoonist) this caused issues... it didn't help PJ gave them a time and date.
That Grandfather told PJ his old command codes and PJ had literally no chance to actuall talk with his grandfather and they weren't written down this is a
concern... that Seras can see the Grandfather more so. Whether Seras phones in the message and codes or Walter recognizes them is timeline dependant.

Fastforward to the deadline and Boston legalising GM by divine judical fiat and willing legislative accomplices... ignoring mthe way the laws are written as to
who makes the laws and what the branch of the government does what. Anyway, Seras (being on loan to the US as supernatural had run out a fodder for major
incidents, and no one wanted to have Alucard on US soil) ends up in Boston ready to help take down thee angel army... with US troops that are volentarily
willing to fight the forces of Heaven to defend US citizens.

In the end you get to mock Fundies for being have right... for the wrong reasons (this being about putting words in God's mouth counter to his stated,
longtime on the record opinion on the topic... rather than some random verbatum quote). Mock the government offical for not being able to figure out their own
jobs (judges can't legislate from the bench, only vote up or down the laws, Legislaters who can't figure out that they make the laws on the will of the
people, not because the Judiciary made an executive order to pass a law which they can't even due... apparently the governemnt can't read their own job
descriptions given a manuel... the laws they are trying to enforce.) At some point the warriors of Heaven should also do somthing stupid... like obey the
traddic paterns in Boston and try to get somewhere... entire units running is ever change circles becuase they read something in their orders entirely wrong.
Basically lots of stuff along the theme of idiots that can't seem to read clearly written instructions or that follow them entirely wrongly. Some units
should go after the Boston archdiasees (that whole sheltering pedophiles preists and sending them places to find new victiums in the name of God thing)... just
so Iscaroit 13 can get involved.

At some point someone (likely an US groundtrooper with Seras) should get baffled as to the situation realizing that they are defending heathens from God's
Wrath... against the literally Hosts of Heaven under the command of a a Vampire Lord's spawn... who despite being an unholy abomination is a better person
(and even more bizzarre far less bloodthirsty) than the heavenly host (goodness incarnate) who is fighting the Holy Catholic Church' Paladins led by a Holy
Bishop... at somepoint the corrupted blood of angels (the US having Satanic priest so they have cursed ammo. Go freedom of religion!) floods a part of the
Giant Hole Under Boston We Through Money Into (AKA.The Big Dig) and open a portal to Hell causing some of its legions to pour forth... which ignores the humans
and goes directly after the angels... causing a mess that has all the angel and demon blood keeps the portal open... until Seras (will troopers providing fire
support) gets involved and eats the remaining participants in a bloodrage (ending that front)... before freaking out about it and getting hosed down in the

Of course, Seras will end up with here own religion (only sane Supernatural force we know of and all)... new copters and embedded reporters recording
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Azumanga Daioh and Law & Order. The story should use
tentacle rape as a plot device!

Umm... didn't this already air on national television?
DEATH is Certain. The hour, Uncertain...
GWAH! Lost an entire post on the possibility of fitting Aim for the Top! and Gurren Lagann into a common setting/timeline because I wasn't logged in and I forgot to c/p! Goddammiiiiiiiit...on another system I could've gone back and copied from the textarea, but noooo, Yuku has to re-render the page because it doesn't like using the same number of posts/page as when I'm logged out...*figurative headdesk*

Pronounced "shy guy."
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining The Magic School Bus and CSI: Miami. The story should use a
plane crash
as a plot device! the CSI gang are trying to figure out how a 747 could have crashed into a school bus at 20,000 feet...? n.n;

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Dead Rising and Gargoyles. The story should use an ancient
as a plot device!

I totally want to read that.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Space Ghost and Gilligan's Island. The story should use
getting sucked into the "real world" as a plot device!

Can't help but think that one would work better with SGC2C.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Sailor Moon and NYPD Blue. The story should use going away
to college
as a plot device!

Now that one's probably been done...

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Gundam Wing and Sealab 2021. The story should use martial
as a plot device!

...there are no words. Except possibly a "Shining Finger!" from Duo.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Step by Step and Bioshock. The story should use a
as a plot device!

...they're getting worse...

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Hamtaro and the Lion King. The story should use the first
day of high school
as a plot device!

The Ham-ham King, coming never to a theater near you!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Mythbusters and South Park. The story should use mystical
as a plot device!

If Parker and Stone haven't done this yet, they will soon.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Dragonball Z and Indiana Jones. The story should use Arbor
as a plot device!

That's no pine sapling, it's the Tree of Might! Only Super Archaeolo-jin Indy can save us now!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Neon Genesis Evangelion and Carmen Sandiego. The story should use
martial arts as a plot device!

"Explain to me how this woman was able to bypass enough security to walk out of here with the Spear of Longinus. Quickly."

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and Les Miserables. The story should
use robbery as a plot device!

Inspector Javert: Human Hive? Lord's Believers?

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Captain America and NASCAR. The story should use possession
by Satan
as a plot device!

Throw Johnny Blaze in there and we're done.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Stargate SG1 and Heroes. The story should use time
as a plot device!

There is no way in hell that this hasn't already been done. Probably multiple times.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining the Muppet Show and They Might Be Giants. The story should use
suicide as a plot device!

Crazy Larry blows himself up to the tune of Birdhouse in your Soul...

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Cardcaptor Sakura and the Princess Bride. The story should use
going away to college as a plot device!

"Cardcaptor Buttercup" has a certain ring to it, although most casual title-browsers would mistake it for another crossover entirely.

And that's all for tonight...


"You will not hurt the funny bunny man!"
Quote:"Explain to me how this woman was able to bypass enough security to walk out of here with the Spear of Longinus. Quickly."
Okay, that wins. Majorly.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Nah, she'd probably make off with Lilith. Or maybe she'd just steal NERV itself.

Pronounced "shy guy."
'What do you mean, 'the geofront has been stolen'?'
The NERV of that woman!
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
man, I thought they had that place SEELEd...
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Robotech/Babylon 5 - caused by an offhand mention of Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles in TVTropes..
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman


"Water. People swim... in water!"
haha, I loled
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
On the radio this morning, I heard someone describe "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" as Forrest Gump/Highlander...

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Neon Genesis Evangelion and Harvest Moon. The story should use unplanned pregnancy as a plot device!

Misato. Kaji. The melon patch. QED.


"Well that guy's nekkid."
... was watching a certain classic of the wuxia genre recently, and also rereading a certain fantasy novel, and the result, given who and what I am,
was perhaps sadly inevitable. I set it in a fantasy-derivative of Green Ronin Games' Freedom City, for reasons that I'll go into if
anyone's curious. Until then, enjoy "The Princess Bride with White Hair":

Once Upon A Time ...

... in a town not far from bright-spired Freedom's Reach, there lived a boy who was, by his eighteenth year, the most beautiful boy in the world. His name
was Leslie. A certain ineffable aspect of his appeal might well have been that he was utterly unaware of it, and of its effect on the girls of the town. Even
had he known of it, perhaps he would not have cared, for it would have had no pertinence to his greatest joy in life -- tormenting the orphan girl his parents
had taken in as a maid, who had to do whatever he said without complaint. And did so, every time, only replying to his demands with the words, "As my lord

And then, one day, he chanced to look into her clear blue eyes as she spoke those words, and what he saw there would have told the slowest of men -- which he
was not, though he was in the running -- what the maid was really saying when she said them. And was shaken. And knew
that he loved her too.

It was impossible, of course. He was not some poor farm boy, after all, but the heir to a large estate, who must marry the heir to another large estate to seal
an alliance between their families. He could not marry an orphan girl who had not even a proper name of her own. But she knew that as well, and so she had
decided on what she would do. She would leave, and seek her fortune in the wild world beyond -- and when she found it, she would return in triumph as one who
could marry the heir to a large estate.

Before she left, she asked him to promise one simple thing -- no matter what should happen, no matter the vagaries of fate that should confront them both, he
would never, ever come to distrust her. Leslie swore a mighty oath, before the winds and the gods, that never would he do so. And then he gave her a name --

A letter came that spoke of her joining a caravan. Some weeks after, the news came back that spoke of that caravan being ambushed by the Infamous Brigand King
Bayles, who -- of course -- never left any survivors. Heartbroken, he agreed to marry the girl of his parents' choosing when they finally chose one a few
years later, and prepared for a life without joy.

But before the wedding could take place, his fiancee was kidnapped by a group of mercenaries. Leslie set out in pursuit with some of his family's
retainers, but, just as they caught up to the mercenaries, their quarry was set upon by a group of brigands led by a mysterious woman in black. The mercenaries
were overcome, and the brigands took their captive for their own. A strange turn of events, to be sure, but he continued to pursue his fiancee's new
captors with every bit as much vigor as he had the first group.

When they caught up to the brigands, however, their leader flew a flag of truce, and offered a strange deal. She would allow him to exchange himself for her
captive, and then the brigands would wait for a suitable ransom to be delivered. He agreed, and sent his fiancee home to their anxious parents with the demand
for the ransom. Having delivered himself into the woman in black's hands, he asked only that he be treated with some dignity.

"As my lord pleases," she said, pulling back her mask with a smile.

Yes, I know. You saw that coming a mile away, didn't you? Perhaps you've heard a story like this somewhere else? But
the strange and wonderful and tragic thing about stories is this -- they are alive. And like all living things, they
combine with each other, and create offspring that resemble their parents in some ways, and are very different in others. And this tale is not yet done.

For Joy had survived the attack on the caravan, and so impressed the Infamous Brigand King Bayles with her courage that he invited her to join his band of
thugs and killers. And, having no other survivable options, she had accepted the invitation, and quickly risen to command that band. She was prepared to
abandon it all for him, and, though he knew it would mean he must also abandon everything, he was prepared to do the same for her.

But his sense of propriety would not permit him to do so without a word of farewell to his parents and fiancee. So they separated once again for what they
hoped would be a brief time as he rode away to do just that. She reminded him of his vow, and he assured her that he had kept it, and always would.

When Leslie reached the valley where his parent's farm stood, he stared in shock and horror and the burning remains. He rode down to find his family's
steward on the verge of death from his wounds. The man lived just long enough to relate that the farm had been assailed by men led by a woman in black,
who'd killed his parents most cruelly ...

He stumbled out of the wreckage of his family's farm just as his fiancee and a large group of her family's retainers arrived. It turned out that there
had been an attack on her family's farm as well, led by a woman in black, and it had been repelled only with heavy
losses. In despair, he agreed to lead them to where the brigands were encamped.

But only Joy was there, waiting. And he looked at her, looked deep into her clear blue eyes, and asked her, "Why did you do this?"

And everyone there heard something snap. "One thing I ever asked of you!" she screamed, as her hair came
alive and bleached itself white. "One thing!"

And then she was suddenly gone, and Leslie fell to his knees in shock ... that turned to horror as he heard his fiancee begin to laugh, echoed by her men, and
he turned to look at them and realized that in the right light, her armor would seem black ...

But by then, it was too late.

Since then, the White Lady -- so-called, because her hair is white, her skin is a milky shade of pale, and she always wears a white dress that never seems to
stay muddy or bloody for long -- has wandered far and wide over the world, never staying in one place for long. Her sword is for hire, though she rarely stays
in anyone's service for too long, and has even been known to act as a protector of the innocent from time to time. She has fought against Raven Darkcloak,
and fought at her side.

She never speaks of her past -- seldom speaks at all, in fact. She does not answer to the name "Joy", except to say, whenever someone calls her that,
that "Joy is dead." What she is seeking, if anything, is known only to her.

And what of Leslie, you ask? Some say that he survived the onslaught of his fiancee's retainers, though only narrowly, and having lost most of his famous
beauty. These same tales claim that he has wandered in the White Lady's wake ever since, trying to find a way to earn her forgiveness. This is an
absurdity, of course. One man, not known for his skill at arms, against a dozen? And yet ... the story is told. And someone must have survived to tell the
tale. And it is not the White Lady who tells it, nor does it seem likely that the fiancee would do so, nor any of her men. So that leaves but one other
candidate ... or perhaps there's another explanation ...

In The World of Freedom: The White Lady can end up in the modern day world through any of the usual cross-dimensional
malarkey. The fact that she has a sword-and-sorcery character's attitude towards life and death is likely to brand her a villain (or at best a vigilante)
very quickly, though if someone bothers to explain to her that people don't go armed with swords in this place and time, she'll start to behave more
appropriately. (In other words, she'll get a gun.)

Given her intelligence, she is likely to quickly realize that various famous individuals in this new world are reasonably close facsimiles of people she's
familiar with from back in the real world. This, in turn, will probably make her somewhat curious about where her
counterpart can be found. It may be that she simply doesn't have one, but that's a very boring answer, don't you think?

A more interesting one is that she doesn't have a counterpart yet ... that the series of events that leads to her
becoming who and what she is haven't begun, or haven't reached their finale. In this case, it seems very likely that she would take a considerable
interest in seeing that they happen differently, and better. (For a grimmer alternative, she could take an interest in seeing that they happen just like they did to her, on the basis that misery loves company.)

If Leslie is following her around, and has followed her to the modern world, and realized what she has about their
counterparts -- a fool can learn wisdom, after all -- then he will definitely take such an interest. And seeing him trying to put it right could be what it
will take to get these people to the right end of any story that begins "Once Upon A Time". On the other hand, given the air of disaster that attends
them, it could just make the whole thing that much worse ...
[Image: frontierballz.jpg]
Last panel: "...The Superdimensional Cinderella RANKA-CHAN!"
"Nyan-nyan nyan-nan HAME HAAAAAAA!"
If I Have To Be Aware of This, So Do You
You know what really should not be?

A crossover between Barack Obama and a popular shounen fighting series noteable for its cheesecake factor in which Barack Obama's mind is trasnfered into
that of a scantily clad sixteen year old (and he prompty feels himself up).

That should not exist.

But it does.


Quote:(and he prompty feels himself up).

That should not exist.
Rule 34?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: robkelk wrote:

Quote: (and he prompty feels himself up).

That should not exist.
Rule 34?
This wasn't the internet. This is a major and popular manga. Like Bleach or One Piece.


RLY. Though I think Oh! Great counts as Rule 34.
Anyway, we've seen Hideaki Anno's Evangelion. We've seen Yoshiyuki Sadamoto's Evangelion. What would Terry Pratchett's Evangelion have been like?

Pronounced "shy guy."
Shay Guy Wrote:What would Terry Pratchett's Evangelion have been like?]Already done.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
"Hey, Shinji-kun. Sorry I'm late!"

Shinji Ikari was not happy. There were many reasons for this, starting with a poorly made

and quickly eaten breakfast followed by a very lonely train ride in from the countryside, the

huge monster attacking the city he'd just arrived in, and then being met by a beautiful woman

in a fast car. Normally, a teenage boy would not find either the beautiful woman or the fast

car to be reasons for distress, but then again, most teen age boys were not Shinji Ikari. To

Shinji, the beautiful woman with the fast car just screamed 'trouble'.

Well, Shinji knew how to deal with trouble. The voice that was quickly receding behind him

yelled "Shinji-Kun, where are you going? Get back here!"


Strapped quite tightly into his seat next to one Misato Katsuragi, Shinji Ikari decided that

it had been a bad idea to try to run away from the beautiful woman with the fast car while

she was still sitting in the drivers seat. She hadn't said anything since yelling at him for

ignoring her, and seemed intent on merely driving ridiculously fast. While normally Shinji

would be absolutely appalled by the speed they were travelling, considdering that they were

travelling away from the giant monster behind them, and away from the direction of the recent

N2 explosion (it was really quite fortunate that there was a large building between them and

the explosion, considdering how close they were to the blast), the incredible speed was

actually serving to calm him down somewhat. Perhaps she would do the sensible thing and

drive right out of the city - hopefully onto a boat going to the other side of the planet.

This hope was shattered when they entered a downward sloping entry tunnel to something called

"NERV Base Auxiliary Entrance 004". His curiosity and his survival sense piqued, Shinji

hazarded a question. "Where are we going?"

"Finally going to talk to me, huh, Shinji-Kun?" Misato gave him a pointed glance. Seeing

that her rhetorical question was not going to get an answer, she decided to enlighten her

passenger instead. She handed him his orientation kit and stated, "Welcome to NERV.

Humanity's last line of defense against the angels. Everything you need to know is in there.

Do you know why your father sent for you, Shinji-Kun?"

Shinji Ikari gave this question as much thought as it deserved - none whatsoever. "Of course

not. I haven't seen him since I was four - haven't so much as gotten a letter or a phone

call. I wouldn't even be here if my aunt and uncle hadn't forced me to get onto the train."

Misato gave him an almost pitying look, but then her expression changed and hardened. "Your

father is a very important man."

There was silence between them until they got on the elevator. They rode down for a long

time. Then Misato looked confused and they rode up for a long time. Then Misato looked

chagrined and they rode down for a long time again. Finally, they doors opened and a blond

woman got into the elevator with them. "Lost again, Misato-chan? Is this the boy?"

Blocking out their conversation, Shinji focused on the ominous shadow in the giant

semi-opaque windows on the far side of the expansive chamber. It looked vaguely

person-shaped, but huge. He somehow doubted that it was a statue. The rumbe of explosions

from up above further increased his worry.

Eventually, the elevator reached a walkway that lead - by Shinji's estimate - straight

towards the giant shadow's shoulder. The two older women got out of the elevator, expecting

him to follow. So of course he hit the button for the lowest level of the compound -

according to what he'd read in that information packet, the lowest level of the NERV complex

was the most heavily fortified location on the planet. He had skimmed it for items of

interest - to him anyway - and this had intrigued him greatly.

He was quite disappointed when Misato managed to get a hand in the closing doors in time to

stop him. Dragging his feet, he followed the women into a large chamber and onto a catwalk

over pink goo. To one side was a giant man-shaped machine. Above the machine was an

observation window, and on the other side of the window was his father.

"This is man's ultimate fighting machine" declared the blond doctor. "The Synthetic life form known as Evangelion. Unit One. Built here in
secret, it is mankind's last hope."

Shinji, feeling the need to respond in some way to this dramatic statement, backed up several steps and said, "It's not on, right?"

"Shinji. It's been a while." The familiar voice over the room's loudspeakers caused Shinji to look up, and meet his father's gaze. Gendou
Ikari stared down at him like a melavolent spirit wearing pretentious little glasses.

"Why have you called me here, father?" Shinji's voice sounded almost defiant - if you didn't know him. In reality, he was provoking his
father to monologue so that he could escape while the women's focus was away from him. This plan was foiled by another explosion above.

Instead of answering him, Gendou stated, "We're moving out."

"Moving out?!" Misato sounded quite shocked. "But Unit Zero is still in Cryo-stasis...Wait a minute; you're going to use UNIT ONE?!"

"There's no other way. All he has to do is sit in the seat." Ritsuko stated flatly.

All eyes turned to Shinji, who had just started to sneak off. "Don't look at me. I have nothing to do with this."

Nodding as if he knew this would happen, Gendou said, "Bring out the spare."

Sighing in relief, Shinji watched as a hospital gurney was weeled out onto the catwalk, a heavily bandaged girl lying on it. Tapping his feet, the only thought
that went through his head was, 'better her than me. She's probably at least trained for this.' Whistling a jaunty tune, he headed for the doors
the gurney came in from - that way had to be towards the hospital, and what safer place to hide in during a fight than that.

Then, a particularly violent explosion from above knocked a large I beam loose from the ceiling. It also knocked Shinji from his feet. In a move so fast that
no one could respond to it, Unit One's hand came up, deflected the falling beam away, grabbed Shinji around the waist, and stuffed him into the hatch of
the entry plug. Then, the entry plugged snugged back into place.

Stunned silence was followed by Misato's quiet comment. "Well, I guess that means he's piloting unit one."


Scenes from later episodes:

Sachiel's fist pounds against Unit One's head again and again, until finally something snaps and Unit One's head intersect's Sachiel's.
Sachiel is thrown back, and the face plate of unit one cracks open. It's mouth opens wide for a yell, and out comes, "Crivens! Hey you scunner, I gie
you such a kickin!"


The burly kid advanced on Shinji. "You're the Pilot of the Evangelion aren't you?"

"No, I'm not."

His refusal was met by a growl. "Then why do you wear that silly helmet?"

Shinji considdered the helmet, onto which he had carefully stencilled the word 'Pyllot'.

"It's to protect my head. You'd be amazed at the number of things and people in this town that try to hit me."

The burly kid considdered this for a momment, and then punched Shinji in the stomach. "That's for my sister."


The Cast:

Shinji Ikari - Played by Rhincewind

Rei Ayanami - Played by Susan Sto Helit

Asuka Soryu-Langely - Played by Tiffany Aching

Units 0-3 - Played by the Nac Mac Feegle (in various armor color schemes)

The Magi computer - Played by Death
"Not this again!" Minerva said. "Albus, it was You-Know-Who, not you, who marked Harry as his equal. There is no possible way that the prophecy could be talking about you!" - Harry Potter and the Method of Rationality, Chapter 84
SG-1/Getter Robo crossover.

The Ancients/Ori abandonded getter technology in their antiquity because it was 'too dangerous'. Now Professor Saotome had discovered getter rays and...
I dunno. You could go a few directions with this. You could have the standard Getter Robo plot, with monsters being sent to Earth to 'dissuade' further research in the getter rays (usually resulting in Getter Robo killing a lot of monsters, then the masterminds eventually).
You could probably get away with saying that getter tech is dangerous to ascended types. Getter tech (certain getter tech, anyway) can, apparently, do anything. Demons, gods, alien civilizations, universes--you name it, some Getter Robo has killed it. Maybe they're not afraid of 'what is' in getter tech, but what could/will happen?
Problem is, I could see the Ori (in particular) participating in it, they have/could probably field things that Getter Robo could fight, but I don't really see the SG-1 types fitting in much of anywhere Getter Robo could be.
Meh, shouldn't be, anyway. Two great tastes that go great together!
Quote:The Ancients/Ori abandonded getter technology in their antiquity because it was 'too dangerous'. Now Professor Saotome had discovered getter rays and...
Want to make this a three-way Crossover That Should Not Be?

"Now Professor Ranma Saotome has..."
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

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