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[beta] DSKSWDYHMS? - Chapter 1
Musical tastes are personal opinions, not objective fact. If the guy likes Coldplay, and is an iconoclast, he likes them completely independently of their popularity or influence on a social circle.

Being outside a circle isn't being against it, it is not caring.

We've seen no evidence that Zeke fails to qualify.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
*Shruggs* I like bands like Coldplay and Keane because they make effective use of piano on a regular basis (which sets them pretty far apart from most other
main-stream groups out there). And when I say effective, I mean that piano line is gonna be stuck in your head for a bit, and not in a bad way. That and I
like their sound in general. But really, I didn't think that it would be such a turn-off for some people, so I'll chop the specifics out of there and
leave the musical tastes ambiguous.
I think I should expand on my previous comments. Again, listing off specific bands like that (with no reasons as to why they are mentioned by name) means
that liking that band is a key component to his sense of Self. Look at the section again:

Quote: "I see." I
couldn't understand it. Why was he so interesting? "What are your hobbies?"

He smiled. "I love riding bicycles. The wind on my face is wonderful. I like music. I like Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Coldplay, Keane,
Beatles... A little bit of everything. I also like to play flute. My favorite is to study engineering."

The lead in to this is an explaination of his spirituality and explaination of his faith, his family, and his character is all around these lines. When he
names people they are very, very important to him... maybe minus the random cousin and future shaman... but he'll likely show up in the 'guy's
vacation' section. Just beforehand, he talks about like bicycles, then explains that he really likes the freedom of it. The feeling of flight (which also
ties into Rave being a major deity to him), that great American drive of personal freedom. Immediately afterwards he speaks of his own instrument of choice
(which now I'm sure will be mentioned at random times in the story)... the segways into his main hobby... one he has literally books full of designs...
mecha designs that are on an indivisual system level (probably with lots of 'black box' components) This and the bicycle are both lead ins to
Zeke's public claim to fame, he already has a media presents for saying Grampa Hino and not joining the cast of Gantz in the process.

However by being so specific with bands Your pullings a quartet of Chekov's guns on the reader... and while the Beatles are the Beatles (they had more fans
that Jesus did at once point, reportedly) and the Chili Peppers are easily written off as a band, one containing half naked hotties siging about lust that last
at least a decade as major players in the industry, that girl's at an all girl's school would have heard of and seen plastered on other girl's
walls. We are left with a minor band that is only two or three years old in modern times, Coldplay, and fourth band that I can't say I've heard of and
can cover the same issues by going after Coldplay. By naming only four bands... instead of say 20-50 we get the idea that these bands are important. By
naming 4 bands that are basically rock bands you make Zeke sound hollow and gain poser points on his annoying SI rating, for staying "A little bit of
everything" as his next line.

What this means is that the reader is now expecting these bands to play an important part in the story. Common effects of this are: A) As Zeke
sounds so shallow there my instinct is that the reader with be introduced to a running in story list of the writer's current playlist. Which means the
main character is dubbed Author's Avatar/Writer's Ranting Mouthpiece, at least for musical venures. B) The Character will break into
singing the songs at people in lew of actually writing dialouge. C) At some point the character will magically end up rocking out on stage
with said bands, with his above stated flute. D) Every character will instantly know every song by said bands or be 'treated' to a
'Why you love this band' speaches, then be converted... basically the story has a subplot of said band forcing the cast to love it and buy their
album(s). Turning a disjoined subplot into a background (hopefully), major subplot and making the story of heavy handed shipping plot for the band. That
I've literally heard DJs reading monotone speeches about the 'Awesome' that is Coldplay, complete with the band's history, on the air is going
to make this annoyance far more likely for me to expect. E) Filk chapters... if we are lucky the chapters will actually make some sense with the plot... if we
are rolling triple 20s on the luck checks, we will get a chapter that doesn't mangle the rest of the fic for that Filk to work as it makes some sense with
the plot.

Concidering, I've seen this crop up in many bad fics makes it a real concern to avoid. That I'm assossiated with this fic in the planning stage makes
this something I need to bring up. Now you don't have to strike that list entirely (though you can make it a point that he likes music and makes the
specifics vague) or you can vastly expand the list for bands and composers all over the map, including completely made up ones, possiblely with armslave themed
names.... but adding it in the middle of a small armory of Chekov's guns is asking for follow up.

Personally, the vocals in Coldplay and its other related bands killed it for me. Its painfully bad. The only song I haven't managed to block is
"Like a Stone" and that one could bore me to sleep mid sentence... literally.
Like I said, I'll be dropping the musical references to simplify things. I'll just have him rattle off some genres instead...

"For music, I like a variety of things, but I mostly stay away from Rap, Hip-Hop and R&B - that stuff is just too played out. Country too, but there
isn't much of that here in Japan, fortunately. But if I had to say I had a favorite, then I'd say it's Independent Electronica. There's
something about fast paced and trippy soundscapes that I like for some reason."

More fitting of a quirky nature and a tech-head/spiritualist, yes/no?
I was more responding to Valles there than you, blackaeronaut... that is more my reason for reresponding. I'd rather someone didn't get the idea I was
nixing a plot point in order to control the personal preferences of Zeke... irrationally.

Anyway, I've yet to find a single hiphop song I've liked... not that I've done that extensive a research study. Okay some rare songs I'm not
sure of the classifications of in AMVs, in context maybe. Which is my issue with a lot of modern Black Music. Its all BASS, BASS, BASS, is it damaging the
foundation of your house as we drive by yet? BASS, BASS, BASS, then we aren't loud enough to share properly yet... lets by a new more powerful sound
system for our car! Way too much BASS trying to cover that if they can sing a literal single note, they are quality vocalists. It isn't music so much a
extreme LARPing future hearing aid ad. I'm not even sure what qualifies as R&B so I'll ignore it. Though comedy exception sometimes apply... the
'I'm on a boat!' parody song for instance.

Rap is an actual musical art form... that attracts talentless posers like flies to the quality of there 'music'. Seriously, 1 rank in performance
(rap) does not an Epic level bard make. For instance, the end song to the strangely counter culture (to Hollywood) 'Deep Blue Sea' and Enimes
'Real Slim Shady'... because he not only managed to terrorise stars, George Cloony's reaction in particular was just an awesome case of brown
trouser's time, but he did it by channeling Naruto. He gets a pass for inflicting 50 cents on us for that Crowning Moment of Awesome, at an award show no

Is electronica anything like the Inital D soundtrack? I'm drawing a blank on the classification. Then again I consider the early Megaman stage themes as
some of the best examples of intrumental techno so I'm odd on some of these things.

Anyway, you might want to consider having him use various instrumentals (or vocal blend in songs) for meditation purposes... more so as he tries to make
technomage parts... as a non chemical method of changing his perspective. Plus if you don't abuse the volume controls, its got to have less side effects.
Likely less smoke damage to your lungs as well.
Electronica can cover everything from house to techno to rave music to synth-heavy "easy listening."
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Quote: Necratoid wrote:

I was more responding to Valles there than you, blackaeronaut... that is more my reason for reresponding. I'd rather someone didn't get the idea I
was nixing a plot point in order to control the personal preferences of Zeke... irrationally.
Eh, no worries. I had no planned plot points like that. The most we're going to see are scenes with Zeke just having a bit of fun or killing
time by playing a recorder, and that isn't really dependant on specific bands or anything. And that's not even going to be a plotpoint either - just a
bit of the character's make up. Though I suppose he could use it to cheer someone up when they're in a deep blue funk.

Quote: Necratoid wrote:

Rap is an actual musical art form... that attracts talentless posers like flies to the quality of there 'music'. Seriously, 1 rank in performance
(rap) does not an Epic level bard make.
Pretty much my feelings about those genres as well, though some of Eminem's songs do get a pass simply because he does tend to shake up the
established status quo.

Quote: Necratoid wrote:

Is electronica anything like the Inital D soundtrack? I'm drawing a blank on the classification. Then again I consider the early Megaman stage themes as
some of the best examples of intrumental techno so I'm odd on some of these things.

Quote: Foxboy wrote:

Electronica can cover everything from house to techno to rave music to synth-heavy "easy listening."
As for Electronica, Foxboy's got it right - it pretty much is a blanket term for a musical style that plays with all forms of techno, house,
and trance. Moby's work is the quintessential example of Electronica. However, I don't really know if Initial D's sound track qualifies
as I haven't really seen the anime. As for the Megaman stuff... If you liked that music, then I must recomend you check out OverClocked ReMix. Their Megaman track remixes are nothing short of awesome.
Quote:Electronica can cover everything from house to techno to rave music to synth-heavy "easy listening." ... key=246872]And classical. Honestly, anything musical (excepting a capella) can be "electronica"; it's a medium, not a genre.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: robkelk wrote:

And classical. Honestly, anything musical (excepting
a capella) can be "electronica"; it's a medium, not a genre.
Ah, I stand corrected. Thanks, Rob. (^_^)

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