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[preview, wip] DSKSWDYHMS? - Chapter 3
[preview, wip] DSKSWDYHMS? - Chapter 3
Initially told from 3rd person perspective, it shifts to Rei's perspective, where I plan on leaving it for the rest of this chapter. My local sounding
boards proclaim it full of win and love. Looking more at plot issues here rather than spelling and grammar.

Zeke stretched out, sighing as muscles that hadn't moved in a while protested the movement, and looked at his graph book. After a few days of tinkering
around with ideas, he finally had the basic structure for the Wind Barrier. Now he just had to start experimenting with wind charms and talismans to figure
out how to gain the best effect. It was one of several projects that he had in the works, and it would hopefully give him some viable protection in case a
situation got too hairy.

Across the room, Rei turned the page in book she was reading with great interest. This was not an ordinary book. It was Zeke's Book of Shadows, a journal
of all things metaphysical that Zeke learned and put to practice.

When Rei had heard about it, she had been expecting a ratty looking of hardbound journal. What she got instead was a professional looking project portfolio
accompanied by a spiral note book that was just starting to fill up with Zeke's scrawling and sketches. The portfolio was the results of Zeke's
cumulative experience and the notebook was the more recent happenings. Zeke would recompile the portfolio book every six months, adding in material from the
notebook he was using at the time. Said notebook would then be put in storage and the portfolio became the reference book he used, as the material had been
cleaned up by Zeke and made presentable.

By now, that portfolio was just beginning to approach tome-like dimensions. It's contents had been arranged in a logical manner, divided by subjects such
as meditation, spirit walking, divination, lei lines and focal points, spirits and other entities, and Raven.

Rei had never seen its like and flipped through the pages slowly, fascinated by the things she saw and wondering if she should incorporate some of Zeke's
techniques into her own practices.

Thinking of the strange gaijin that had come crashing into her life, Rei turned to look at him and watched in mild fascination as he puzzled over the rough
designs for whatever device he was working on. It was strange to think that the fuuins that she took for granted could be turned into something far different
and far more potent. Zeke had studied all manner of charms, spells, wards, protections, and anything else Rei could think of. He then took what he learned,
then applied his amazing technical engineering skill to it, molding simple charms into effective tools.

She was ambivalent about it.

Part of her was mortally embarrassed at having inspired such a radical perversion of her knowledge of Shinto. Yet, as she watched Zeke begin to discover his
own Mastery of whatever magical power he had, a strange sense of pride swelled up in her heart - she had been the catalyst to this new revolution, this new set
of techniques that may allow a new society surpass the greatness of the Moon Kingdom That Was.

Where Zeke was concerned, it was always like this for the Miko. While part of her lauded him and craved any of his attention, another part wished to tear him
down and put up barriers.

She watched him fuss over another notebook - this one he had been using for notes on Shinto charms and such. Zeke seemed to be trying to decide on something.
Curiosity got the better of Rei and she went to him to see if she could help.

"Is everything okay?" asked Rei as Zeke flipped through the pages of the notebook.

"Heki heki," Zeke replied casually without even looking up. "I have several ideas. I'm just trying to find the best solution among

"Heeeeeeh?" said Rei, rearing back. Zeke smiled slightly. For some reason he loved hearing that sound that Japanese people made. "Are you

"Of course," said Zeke, his smile growing slightly. "It's part of what being an engineer is about. It is not simply enough to accomplish
the goal. You must do so in the most simple, elegant, and efficient manner possible. Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when
there is nothing left to take away."

"You engineers are so weird."

At this, Zeke did look up at Rei, grinning. He didn't wonder why he felt attracted to her. In some respects, Rei was an ideal Japanese woman just
starting to come into her prime: as beautiful as a princess, quick-witted like a kitsune, and well educated. He just loved the way she stared him with those
dark, elegant eyes of hers with her face framed by her long, luxuriant black hair.

"Yes, I am weird," he stated proudly. "Of course, you wouldn't have me any other way because then I'd just be another boring egghead
like your friend, Ami-chan. Not that she isn't cute, either." Zeke's smile was now what Rei had taken to calling his Kitsune Smile and he
punctuated his remark by waggling his eyebrows at her.

"I told you before to stop doing that!" she cried out.

"And for that reason I'll keep on doing it." And with that Zeke's hand darted forward and tweaked her nose. Rei yelped, then snarled and
lunged after him. Zeke somehow managed to roll away and come up on his feet. "Come here you bastard!"

"Hey, I know my father!" Zeke cried out, tossing the remark over his shoulder gleefully as he cheesed it around the corner with Rei in hot pursuit.

"Demon-worshiping fiend!"

"Oi! Tengu's just a wannabe!"

Rei's Grandfather watched from his chair. He was still convalescing from his heart attack, but he was fit to remain outside of the hospital as long as he
took it easy and got plenty of rest. He watched his granddaughter chase the wily American around the shrine with a smile on his face. He knew exactly what was
going on, whether either of the two knew it or not. He only hoped that the realization came sooner than later - that girl needed to get herself settled down
and the American fellow, even if he hadn't been there to pull him away from the railroad tracks, was more than good enough for his granddaughter. Now if
only the girl's father would show up now and then and behave as a father should!

Oh, what's this now? he thought as he saw Zeke come to a stop and turn to face down Rei. Rei stopped as well, her elegant hair a mess and her robes
disheveled - what a sight! The old man hadn't seen anything like that since he courted his wife after the war! Zeke then goaded Rei by tweaking her nose
again. Enraged, the miko swung at him only to have the blow neatly - gently even! - paried with his open hands. Rei swung wildly several more times and Zeke
parried some and let the ones that would hurt the least through - the the Grandfather knew those would still leave bruises.

Finally, Rei had the last straw and tackled him to the ground and Zeke unleashed his secret weapon, for few Japanese girls were not ticklish! Rei was no
exception as Zeke's fingers easilly found her ribs. However, Rei discovered that zeke was ticklish as well, and soon enough the two were a giggling mess as
they tickled each other into exhaustion.

The old man just chuckled softly and wondered when the wedding would be and how soon great-grandchildren would come afterward. He hoped it would be soon
enough. He was curious to see what kind of children these two made and he wasn't going to be around forever.


We both collapsed to the ground, exhausted and gasping for breath. I barely knew what to make of what
had just happened. Some part of me was revolted by the sickening display, but what had it been a display of? Childishness? No, it was something more than
just that.

It had been affection. Simple, and perhaps a bit childish, but affection all the same. And it was all the more surprising for me in that I had actually liked

As I layed there in the sweet smelling grass, I felt two parts of me warring with each other - one part longing for the simple closeness that Zeke seemed to
offer, and the other part declaring it all an unsightly display and demanding that I discontinue my relationship with Zeke.

"Hino-san?" said Zeke, not moving from where he lay. Even after knowing him for nearly a week he still called me by my last name. I suppose that I
only have myself to blame, since I never really gave him permission to use my given name.

"Yes, Zeke?"

"Would you like to go out for coffee some time?"

It was strange. What he had asked me then didn't really provoke any repsonse in me, save for a vague sense of confusion. There was no sense of panic or
frustration. Just ambivilance as my two sides were once more conflicted.

I had an epithany then. What I felt was not simply confusion or ambivilance. There was pain as well, deep and hollow in my heart. Was I honestly this
conflicted? Was Zeke really right about my spirit being in turmoil?

"Zeke... I don't know if I can," I finally said.

There was a rustling as he sat up on his side and he looked into my eyes with that deep and penetrating gaze of his.

"Do you want to talk?" he asked.

I blinked in surprise. "About what?"

He half-shrugged. "About whatever is troubling you."

I was stunned. Never before had any man wanted to know about my troubles. Not my father. Not any other boy that had tried to ask me out. Not even Kaidou,
for all his kindness towards me, had ever asked of my troubles. And now, here was a gaijin who both accepted and refuted our ways, offering to open himself up
to me like that.

"But... why?" I asked, astonished at the offer.

He sighed and look down. "Because. I like you, Rei. And where I come from, people who like each other confide in each other." He then looked at
me once more. His eyes held an expression of deep sadness. "When my mother died, I didn't really understand. All I wanted was for her to come back
and tell me that everything was okay. Fortunately, I had a very good friend who stayed with me when I felt so sad and lonely. She taught me what it meant to
have someone to talk to. Now I want to do the same for you. I want to be the person you can talk to when you're sad and lonely. So, do you want to talk
about it?"

I looked at him, not sure what to say or think.

"Well, I guess it's not something easy for you," said Zeke. "I'll go make some tea." And just like that, he was up and gone,
leaving me there to think about what had just happened.

Zeke was strange like that. He had a habit of saying something that makes a person think, and then leaving them with those thoughts. There was a shuffling
sound and I found my Grandfather peering down at me.

"I know what you think of me, my Granddaughter. I admit, it is deserved at times. But I would like you to know that my... interests aside, I have always
cared for you, if for no other reason than that you remind me so much of your mother and your grandmother. Trust that boy, Rei-chan. He is a good person,
just like his Grandfather, and he will be good for you."

A flare of indignation rose up in me at that. "Do you expect me to be his wife?"

He did not flinch or waver. Instead, he only smiled and said, "That would be nice, really. I think he would make a fine husband for you." I stared
at him in shock. He then went on, "His kind are the sort that treat women with the utmost respect. I honestly think he would make you happy. However, I
really cannot set such expectations upon you. It may have been considered proper a long time ago, and while some still practice arranged marriages, that is
not the way of the modern age. Rei-chan, I want you to be happy. If that means you never take a husband, then that is well with me. But at the very least, I
do expect you to be a good friend to Ezekiel-kun. Is that fine with you?"

This day was simply full of surprises. First Zeke with all the antics that was simply Zeke, despite what had happened in the past. Then Grandfather came to
me with this...

Slowly, I felt a smile blossoming on my face. "Hai, Ji-san."

"Good then. I'll go and leave the two of you to your own devices. No need for an old man like me to meddle any further." Grandfather then
shuffled off somewhere to rest. I sat up and watched him go. It was then that I realized that he was not long for this world. For certain, he had one more
decade in him before his health started to decline, maybe more. But as I saw him tiredly making his way back to his place of rest, his mortality suddenly
struck me in the face.

He probably knew it as well and he simply went about what remained of his life, smiling that smile of his. To him, his dying didn't really matter. In
fact, not even the Shrine really mattered to him anymore - it was simply an occupation. What mattered to him was me and whether or not I was happy.

Is this what love is? People that care about your happiness and wellbeing? If that was true, then did that mean that Zeke loved me? The answer, of course,
was yes. Only his wasn't the sort of love that frightened me. It was the platonic love of a close friend and confidant. But I knew that it could become
more than that.

I got to my feet and began to compose myself, brushing off loose blades of grass and bits of dry leaves and moss, then straightened out my robes. Once I felt
I was presentable again, I went to the outbuilding where Zeke would be.

I found him waiting with a tea set and a kettle of steaming water. He smiled and gestured for me to have a seat, and so I did. With deliberate care, he
brewed the tea. It was not the traditional green tea - heaven forbid that Zeke be absolutely traditional. Instead, it was a blend of several varieties of
mint that he brought to the Shrine whenever he came. He claimed that it soothed him and eased his meditation. Smelling the aromatic tea as it brewed, I
suspected he was right.

Normally, Zeke was a bit of a clutz. It honestly amazed me that the same boy that had put me in a painful and dangerous pin was enough of a clutz to have
random trips often enough that he knew how to recover from stumbling - or at least take the fall in a way that got him the least damage. I once saw him
stumble on the steps to the Shrine and it was a deft shift in his weight that kept him from taking a terrible spill down the stone steps.

But here and now, he was able to push that nature of his aside through a sort of dedicated focus. This was not a tea ceremony, however, Zeke was able to
convey a sense of ceremony through well practiced motions. The brewing was brief and Zeke removed the leaves - another departure from tradition, as I found
out later that leaving the leaves in would make the tea bitter. Going even further, Zeke sweetened the brew with a touch of wildflower honey.

He served me first, then himself. Only once he had served his and taken his first sip did I take mine. The cool touch of the mint blend was refreshing,
despite the heat of the liquid, and the touch of honey allowed it to slide past my gullet with pleasant ease.

"Oishi," I found myself saying.

Zeke smiled. "I'm glad you like it. The main ingredient is from a mint plant that grew in a shady corner outside my grandfather's house. Even
though that corner was always shaded, the plant thrived, producing big, hearty leaves that always brewed a sweet, soothing flavor. My Mother was fond of using
it to sooth my stomach aches when I was young and we always kept a cutting of the original plant with us, even after she died."

"I see," I said, this time smiling. I looked at him again and he had the look of someone who was waiting, politely and patiently. I sighed softly
and said, "I think I am ready to talk now."

Zeke nodded. "Tell me what troubles you, Hino-san."

That again, I thought to myself. If I was about to bear myself to him, then the least I could do was to was to free him of that bit of formality.

"Ezekiel-kun, You can call me Rei from now on."

Zeke smiled gently at me. "Hai. Arigatou, Rei."

I smiled back, then dredged up memories of my past. It wasn't a painless experience for me. I told him of my dim recolections of my Mother and how she
passed away due to a wasting disease. Sensing the hurt, Zeke came closer and took my hands in his.

Some girls in Japan would take it as a breach of personal space. Others would fawn over how romantic it was. I simply took it for what it was; a gesture of
comfort. The harder side of me cried out against the contact with him. For once, I squashed that part of me with a fierce vengence. I wanted this comfort.
It could be considered a selfish act, but I didn't care. I could tell that it was freely given by Zeke.

I went on to tell him how my Father, a politician in the fullest sense, grew more and more distant, focusing on his career and nothing else. Eventually, he
had no time for me and I was left with my Grandfather here at the Shrine.

I told him of how my father would come on my birthdays - the only day he'd even pay any attention to me - and take me to lunch. As I got older and began
to turn into a woman, he would always gift me with a white dress and Casablanca lilies. Though the lilies were my favorite, the gift had no real feeling
behind them. The only meaning behind it all was to present the false front of a caring father whose political career took precedence for the good of Japan - a
noble sacrifice for both Father and Daughter; a sickening farce that I had to suffer through each year.

The only thing that I looked forward to was seeing Kaidou, my
Father's assistant. He would actually pay attention to me and talk to me.

Kaidou was eighteen, just graduated from High School and studying politics. Of course, that didn't matter to me then. I was twlelve, caught up in the
hormonal rush in becoming a woman, and Kaidou being one of the few men that seemed to actually care about me, I had latched onto him as my first crush.

Of course, it wasn't to be. Later, Kaidou became engaged to the daughter of another politician, all to further his own political career. Foolishly, I
demanded that he marry me instead, reasoning that if he wanted to gain political power then I was just as good a choice. Instead, Kaidou kissed me goodbye.
It was that kiss that sealed it for me, for there was no passion in that kiss.

Now in retrospect I see just how silly I had been and I even pitied whoever the girl was that he was supposed to marry. But that didn't mean that those
memories hurt any less for that knowledge.

As I finished recounting my tale to Zeke, he gently placed a tissue in my hands. It was only then that I noticed the tears streaming down my face.

"This is embarassing," I murmured as dried my eyes, sniffing away the excess moisture that was creeping down from my sinuses.

"It's only natural," said Zeke. "Memories like that are painful, whether your actions were foolish or not. That sort of thing hurts no
matter what."

I laughed, somewhat bitterly, at that kernel of truth. Zeke understood pain. It was what made it so easy to talk to him about this.

The tea in my cup was cold. I sipped at it anyways. If anything, it was all the sweeter for the cold, and all the more refreshing. It was Zeke's simple
magic at work once more.

"Arigatou, Zee-kun," I said, adopting the nickname the others used for him. "It is strange. It hurt to bring all that out, but I feel much
better now."

Zeke smiled gently at me. "To quote Pink Floyd, translated of course, 'Shared joy is increased, shared pain is lessened.'"

I gave a small bark of laughter. "Inspiration from rock and roll, Zeke? Somehow that seems very like you."

Zeke shrugged and grinned ruefully. "I have a weakness for the classics. My Mother and Father both loved that band, though they didn't play it often
while driving."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Pink Floyd has a tendency to inspire driving at unsafe speeds. Sometimes without you even noticing it."

I paused to look at him. He wore a strange expression, as though he wanted to say that what he had said was strange, but true nonetheless.

"You are so weird sometimes," I said to him, for once without any malice behind the words.

Zeke simple smiled and shrugged. "Shikata nai." It cannot be helped. Truer words could not be found, and I somehow didn't care. For once, I
was comfortable with Zeke. In fact, I was as comfortable with him as I was with the other Senshi. I then remembered what my Grandfather had said

I think he would make a fine husband for you. His kind are the sort that treat women with the utmost respect. I honestly
think he would make you happy.

Ezekiel Darkwood? My husband?

Not likely. But Zee-kun the good friend was very much possible.

From here, it will be the monster-du-jur. I plan on breaking with the story in that the Cardian comes specifically for Zeke. Then afterwards, Lum Invader
makes her big appearance.
Well, nothing here really jumps out at me as being spectacularly wrong, BA.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Watch out for a "the the" somewhere where you're talking about Grandfather Hino
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
I'm sure that one of those is supposed to be a there, but BA did specify he was looking for plot development commentary at this point over
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Well, at first I was a bit worried by how Zeke was slipping into a well socialized stance and how he didn't seem have the awkwardness his background should
account for in such a situation. He seemed oddly well practiced in something this intimate rather than awkward and stumbling... then I realized, and this was
a round-about social spackle trick from his background... the history behind the tea was a good, subtle tip off. In other words he has slipped into shaman
mode... and as the point of a shaman is to first attend to the mental needs of the his people. Everything just expands from there. The physical healing, the
magic and communing with advise give spirits, etc.. The drop a parable and give them time to chew on it trick, making tea was a nice way of accomplishing
that, was a good transition. I still get the feeling that he'll get rapidly lost if it goes from the emotional intimacy into a more physical type, which
is exactly what he should be like. Though I expect that to come up clearly by chapter 3's end.

Did a nice job of making Rei's exposition there flow nicely as contemplation and the setting is nicely appropriate setting for such thoughts. Though you
have doomed yourself to having Zeke have to do something like this in future so that people with less of a background in critical plot thinking can catch on
to this... or you're going to constantly get bombarded with comments and reviews insisting your well though out character quirks are nonsense BS plot
holes. To them, Zeke with keep going through what they will insist are rapid inexplicable character shifts. To that end, at least one of these
'counseling session' are going to have to be with a guy... and with the cast that shouldn't be an issue, provided that you actually remember this
particular setting is not everyone's comfort zone... also be careful not to make it seem like the end point of this feature is to rambling on about a
character's motives just to change them to your own ends. As a side note, at least one of the shows involved does this with what ends up being a rather
frustrated whore.

Quote: Part of her was mortally embarrassed at having inspired such a radical perversion of her knowledge of Shinto.

Love this line... that and all the little bits of insight in their personal view points are fun.
Quote: To that end, at least one of these 'counseling session' are going to have to be with a guy... and with the cast that shouldn't be an issue
Well, Sousuke is the obvious choice to me. One of the themes of Full Metal Panic is the grating
between civilian and military life (exaggerated comically, but there nonetheless). It'd also give you some opportunity to go into Sousuke's past,
should you desire.
Necratoid: Thank you very much! Once more, it's great to know that I'm on the right track with this. As for Zeke slipping into 'Shaman Mode'
and others not catching onto it... Maybe I can have one of the other characters hang a lampshade on it.

I have definitely been spending a lot of time dwelling on Rei's character (Zeke is easy because Zeke is essentially me with a different past) so it's a
great relief to see that the time I spent hasn't been wasted. Soon, though, I'll need to move on to another character, Lum Invader. Fortunately,
she's not quite as complex a character as Rei, but that will be it's own challenge as I attempt to provide a little more depth to her character.

paladindythe: Nice catch! Other male characters I plan on having Zeke do sessions with will be Ranma, Ikuto, and maybe even Mamorou (though he's already
pretty well balanced by the end of the first season, it will probably have more to do with dealing with Usagi and Chibi-Usa).

It may happen with others who would be relegated as side-characters, but I don't think I'll go into so much detail with them - they'll simply be
there to provide the 'extras' a story needs to be a little more lively.
Just make sure that he does it a few times in known sessions before you start hanging things... to that end, if its not directly plot relevant to the story,
make a side stories posting as a way to keep things moving, but its best to have it alluded to in the main story. That way you can have Zeke and X wander off
while others do something and make references to it. Though it should also occur to Rei that a large part of her job at the temple, one handled by her
grandfather as his primary duty for now is doing exactly this kind of thing. Granted she knows she likely has a decade to perfect the skill, but he also
almost heart attacked into train chow, so it should actually manage to become something she will need to look into at least the basics of this training. If
nothing else for her own piece of mind. Granted this could be something she ends up pursuing, with her grandfather, as way of dealing with the utter madness
to come. After all she did have the best starting position to be a demon hunter... but the many 'demons are actually aliens hanging out on that fun
planet, Earth.' then things get weird.

Though now I'm wondering which explanation your using for Mr. Invader trying to take over the Earth in the first place... he need/want a vacation planet?
Are you using the normal whispered appear... sparks everywhere... on a regular pattern method... which something (maybe the Tunguska incident screwed the cycle
up and set off the 20th century's tech boom. Thus making global awareness of news common and making disappearing Sparks into your tech corps far more
diplomacy based) fouled up or maybe it is just on the edge of his territory and therefore expected he try to take it. The Earth is a long visited planet.
Then again that is something that can be vague for 20 chapters and then come about. It just seems to be the time to mention this.

Oh and your again welcome... its nice todo something of this nature. Helps me deal with my brains extremely annoying 'Can not spit it out' syndrome
versus my own writing.
I like the idea that the Oni weren't really planning to invade at all... just their idea of a first contact that would really get the world's
attention, whether their champion won or lost, maybe end a few wars in the process. Of course, they don't exactly think along the same lines as humans...


"Don't you understand yet that I never consider the consequences of my actions?!"
Such dealings with the side characters would occur off-screen indeed. They would be sidestories at the very most, like the shorts that Gryphon likes to put between the Movements in Symphony of the Sword, only dealing with the 'side characters' instead of the mains. This would help quell any readers that are wondering what the hell became of Character X from Y Manga.
Rei is definitely going to be doing a lot of growing up. I've alluded to this in how it finally hits her that her Grandfather is not going to be around forever. Soon she's going to decide to step up her own training towards her goal of becoming a preistess. Traditionally, this means she has to get herself hitched with someone. I think you know what that means for her. Wink
Something else I've decided to go with is from the manga version where Rei remembers that in her past life she swore a vow a celebacy (sp?) to Queen Serenity. When she wigs out and throws this in Zeke's face, he'll have to take some time out to set her straight. Something along the lines that just because she took a vow in one life doesn't mean she has to follow through in the next - death usually relieves you of such things even if you find yourself in the same role as before.
As for the Oni invasion... I'm going to go with that it was all just for show. They were really just going to open up a chain of resorts for wealthy denizens of other worlds (the Royal Family of Jyurai, for one). Of course, you have to make it look like you've staked your claim. The assurance of Earth's sovreignity is going to be one of the plots in this story.
I'm guess Zeke and I would end up asking about the same questions of Rei at that point. Why did she take that vow in the first place? What did it
accomplish? Is it applicable in the here and now? Which she'll probably have to dig up for another time... it likely won't be as important enough to
be in her mind at least when she is first flipping out enough to bring it up. So if its unknown I can go into the reasons for such an oath.... if its known I
need more details to help there.

So the "tag war" is basically a PR stunt for the media, gotcha. Makes sense... a common theme to space operas is planets end up a one trick pony.
That is the jungle planet... the Giant space tree planet... the desert planet... the one island on the entire watery rock planet etc... etc... the variety of
habitats and cultures is relatively mind blowing. A real gas saver and the culture is documented back thousands of years.... over which time is actually
manages to change... a lot. That will be new. Of course the real fun will be once they discover the glory that is Las Vegas. In the Lum manga the aliens
congregated in Japan, they like that area to death.. Zeke is dragging them off to Texas. Which is going to look far different from Japan. Which is going to
be something that is noticeable on the news.

Okay, maybe I'm just curios what kind of slot electronic machines the Jurians would make... I mean Vegas is meant for everyone to get away and have fun...
their pride would make it so they'd have to eventually make a casino... but their culture is about the awesomeness of exclusivity... but he point is share
with the masses at least part of the place. Okay, now I thinking a multiplayer slot machine battle in which you start off rolling up the parentage of your
heir to the throne... only players with valid heirs according to Jurian law would get to continue... Then the slot pulls decide who gets eliminated and
continues... till the winner's heir gets crowned and gets the biggest prize. Though each game would only get that far if you kept winning rolls... a loss
and no one gets the throne/mega jackpot. Okay now I'm rambling.
Jeeze, I really need to pay more attention. Just goes to show you how bad work has been affecting me lately.

IIRC, Rei doesn't rediscover the knowledge of her vow of selebacy until sometime after Sailor Moon R. This allows us to wait until the two of them settle
into a stable relationship (at least as stable as one in a harem of A-type personalities gets), and then completely wig out as she's given more fuel for
her emotional conflict.

Zeke won't know anything about it at first and this will be the source of a good deal of conflict between them. Of course, Zeke, being a natural at the
ways of a shaman (even though it is not his 'destined path'), is going to do his damndest to figure out what the hell is wrong with Rei, by either hook
or crook.

I can easily see the Invaders setting up several resorts that exclusively cater to wealthy off-worlders - no locals allowed, as the Invaders do not wish to be
held accountable for providing havens for who-knows-who to attempt to make backroom deals. Bad political ju-ju. That said, I think that providing the
tourists with Earth-centric cultural activities is going to be the biggest hit, as this planet is home to a rich and diverse stew of cultures. In short, I
don't think we'll see Jyuraian slot machines very much, as the wealthy tourists will be too busy playing Blackjack, Majong, Poker, Roulet...

Although I do believe that Jyuraians might find it lucrative to build themselves a casino in Vegas... Who was that Pink Haired Guy from the Tenchi-verse? The
one who always kept losing (fantastically) to Tenchi? He'd be a perfect casino owner. Wink
Rather obsessive Tenchi fan here. Prepare for pendantic tendencies on what is most likely a very minor plot point for this story.

Seiryo Tennan only faced Tenchi once, and got taken out by Mihoshi splashing down in the lake.

In GXP we see that his family owns one of the larger conglomerates out in the galaxy. At the end of the series he is in charge of what apears to be a
mobile wedding facility owned by his family, and is running it with some measure of flair and competance. Putting him in charge of a casino seems resonable,
provided he's gotten over the "earthlings are scum" attitude he picked up after losing to Tenchi/Mihoshi.

A posible complication on the casino: Seiryo seems to be particularly vulnerable to people with luck-based abilities, such as Mihoshi and Seina. One would
think that a significant number of such people would be attracted to or at least pass through Las Vegas.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
Thanks, Deadpan. Something about the guy twigged 'Casino' to me, and now that you have mentioned it, I do recall seeing an episode of GXP where such
details are covered.
I think your missing the point of slot machines in the first place. While, yes, the big boys play off in the high stakes, exclusive poker rooms, however
those are a minority in Vegas. And while random third world countries will allow alien exclusive casino, that will not fly in Las Vegas. The point of Vegas
is a showcase. Its a spectacle. It is the land of Awesomeness and Epicness. It also has enough room to build a major spaceport without issue. Once the
Alien governments and other groups catch on that the point of the place is to out do each other (within some loose boundaries)... they will start trying to out
do each other.

This will end up a oddly nonviolent war. You get people to bother to come inside in the first place... this is the external show case of architecture and
occasional bits of theater, like the fountain/light shows or ship battles. You can also have actual stage productions. Its what makes your group/theme
Awesome enough to make a hotel/casino out of in the first place. That and you have to do it in a manner that takes up only a block or two of space. Maximum.
Meaning people are free to leave at anytime.... and its a short walk or tram ride to another competing place. If your boring people will not come, which is
going to make you lose the culture war games.

Its a challenge and an ego sink. Its also on a neutral planet that has a diversity of cultures... in addition to the ones in the galactic known. Which means
your getting largely untainted opinions on who has the most Awesomeness inherent in their group/culture. This is high stakes ego gambling among literally
kings and Emperors. Some will win big, others will fail. With so many multiworld Empires and such floating around I can't see this not happening.

Of course if your group only attracts people already of your culture to the place... you fail. I can see the Jurian Emporer sending an extremely stuck in
his ways stuffy, but highly ranked guy, in at first and boring the general populous away... then sending in Seiryo Tennan and having him revamp the place to be
more Vegaslike... the idea of the above slot machine and of course the hoorifing to the snobs, but highly approved of by Tsunami, weirdness of a formal Jurian
wedding that has a Elvis impersonater preist, in white rhinestoned formal Jurian robed glory, presiding. Bonus points if he manages to stop an attempt to take
a wedding party of high ranking nobels, with a combination of Karate and Jurian swordsmanship.

Anyway, the point of a slot machine is to take in the average Joe with something they can gamble a few bucks on and leave happy with the event. They are like
a good buffet with gaming instead of food. The higher stakes tables are there for the serious gamblers and the high rollers are off in the exclusive rooms.
However, the hotel rooms and low level stuff pay for most of it. In the case of these interplanetary hotels, regionally local gambling games are going to take
the place of the poker tables and such. Low level betting areas will let the frugal or skittish people participate without being intimidated. Making them
bright and oh-so-shiny keeps them there.

There will also be room for politics... after all, which casino is trammed to which other casino is a major indicator for alliances... a social butterfly group
is going to be a warren of tram stations. These will be near the space port and popular for people people doing a crawling tour of the strips. An isolated
government or group with be on the edge and will involve walking or a tram from the warrens.

The way the odds are in the flashy, attention getting slot machines (which will divert most of the heavy luck assault people) take in at least twice what they
put out. If they get planned for, you can use there random attendance winning streak as proof these are winnable machines. Get two at once and people will be
convinced machine type X is hot tonight. Their frantic spending to keep up and the occasional win will keep the cash flow in the houses favor. No matter how
much one person wins if you take in half again as much from people who didn't win your still ahead. At least with noncrooked casinos... its the crooked
ones that end up screwing themselves over and going bankrupt from HLA people anyway.
Okay, I gotcha. It won't be something I'll spend too much time on though - Zeke's not big on gambling. However, Vegas will feature prominently. Probably as the first place to have an interstellar space port, which will make some people somewhat unhappy. ("You mean that they decided to build there instead of Cape Canaveral!?")
That said, it will be a point of contact for many off-worlders not in the Tokyo/Kanagawa region of Japan and the new up-and-coming political hub of the Planet; possibly even the whole damn galaxy. Which makes a lot of politicians on Capital Hill pleased as punch, as this hub falls under the domain of the United States
And, oh yeah... that bit about a Jyuraian Elvis Presely impersonator? That line by Tommy Lee Jones in Men In Black comes to mind: "Elvis is NOT dead, he just went home."
I never said it was going to be a major, opn screen plot zone, Las Vegas that is, but it is a likely layover spot for the harem dodging trip and good for the
'Meanwhile' scenes where characters that will be annoying Zeke and friends are congregating.. The idea of Ranma and Sosuke in such a culturally
diverse place as tourists is kind of amusing. That can't end without something random and inexplicable happening... Ranma will have to end up with an ID
has one of those holographic fronts so it applies to both of Ranma... he'll be known by to many random people in charge of various things not to.

Never big on the 'alien Elvis theory', for one thing all the cool things that exist are just alien tech/ aliens in MIB... and only Harry Potter manages
to take 'Mind Rape makes everything better!' as such a casual part of everyday life,. Liked those movies and the cartoon... but that is a nasty
undercurrent. Personally, I'd take the 'Bubba Hotep' theory of what actually happened to Elvis over that one. It greatly amuses me that people
I've lent that movie to keep describing it as 'disturbingly plausible' and 'I can see that happening'. Just don't break his hip and
you can have the same effect.

Anyway, I remember this scene from Tenchi, probably a fanfic, but I vaguely remember the blob people soaps, that had the house females sitting around watching
an interplanetary TV channel with a soap opera staring blob people. When asked what they were watching, Washu goes on to explain that everyone loves this kind
of show... but no one wants to publicly admit it... so the blobs are the only ones that have the 'insert innards representing courage here' to actually
make them. Thus having the highest ratings for shows and no offical audience. Imagine such a scenario... and then image the black market when its discovered
that Earth has not only thousands of these shows filmed... but some literally have been running continuously for 40-50 years at this point. Some are in
'audio only' format... which means you can listen to them to keep yourself awake in boring meetings. I'm guessing radio has been a long, long dead
formatt in the greater galaxy.

I use that as an example of cultural bleed over. I'm guessing that half the galaxy will be stealing, or even outright franchising, Mystery Science Theater
3000. Even ignoring other groups' cinema... I can see it becoming a popular format for addressing other people's political speeches. Or in a
different format... History Channel style documentaries that will explain what is going on the heads of society X. Or how X got that way.

I'm not telling you to spend much time on this kind of thing... but its inevitable at some point Zeke and Co will end up off world. And he is know to be
attached to Lum. So even if its seeing some aliens with imported from Earth denim pants, there will be bleed over.

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