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Update Thread 13: The Inferno
Enforced Evolution: Hot Seat? Try Electric Chair!
(Ranma/Aliens/Predator/others Anime Addventure Thread)
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
--Dr. Seuss
Nobody Dies has updated.
Chapter 48: Adventures in Shinji-sitting
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
Jorlem Wrote:
Nobody Dies has updated.
Chapter 48: Adventures in Shinji-sitting
Oh... My... God...
Cross Over That Should Be?  Or Should Not Be?
Either way, the Universe needs more Tali.
Dungeon Keeper Ami
Jinx999 Wrote:Dungeon Keeper Ami
Scooped. ;p

Nobody Dies: Rei Ayanami Does The Multiverse has updated.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
Time Braid
Time Braid Chapter 9.  (Naruto, multiple interweaving time loops)

Aaron Nowack ... 8&start=25
Chapters 4 and 5 of Fragments (Naruto)

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
Gaijin (Sailor Moon/Marvel)

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
Gaijin (Sailor Moon/Marvel)
It looks to me that the Marvel stuff is starting to wrap up, or at least he remembered that it's an anime fic. All the Marvel stuff in that fic has been a bit grating for me. It just hasn't felt like it fits that well, at least in my opinion.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
Got 2 new chapters:
The Key to a Successful Interview
(Ranma 1/2)
Code Geass: Lelouch of Brittania
(Code Geass)
Potential has finished. With some snark about season 8.
Chunin Exam Day (Naruto) ... evelopment
Expectations and Development (Naruto)

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
The Missing Hokage (Naruto) ... meron_Baum
The Secret Diary of Cameron Baum (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles)

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
Forward (firefly continuation) has updated.
Mai-Hime Future (It's by Jhon Biles, you want to read it) has updated.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell.""Dark.htm
The In-Dark (BtVS/Daria) ... +Doyle.htm
Professor Doyle (Potter/Angel)
Magical Relations (Potter)

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV ... _the_Girls
Sleeping with the Girls (Multi, SI)
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
The Salvation War: Pantheocide #68"Dark.htm
The In-Dark (BtVS/Daria)

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV

DK ami

buffy. yahf. xander dresses as the mayor.
That Look (Naruto)

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
Blood of the Phoenix (Potter)

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV


carrie/Battle Royale (class of carrie on an island, kill or be killed)

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