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Hello, I am an avid bookworm, crazed cinephile and casual RPGer. It isn't unusual for me to have three or four books on the go at any one time. My current reading list is : A Study in Scarlet ; A.N. Wilsons, The Victorians ; The Odyssey. I drift between the books in a nonlinear fashion that has been known to irritate linear, one-book-at-a-time readers. My car is a rolling, if chaotic, library. On rare occasion--rare as in Nessie sightings--I might be seen without a book in hand. A partial list of books that rock my literary world : Heart of Darkness, The Forever War, I am Legend, The Haunting of Hill House, The War of the Worlds, Brave New World.
The movies I'm fondest of are distinctly bipolar. It's either masterpieces & muddlepieces : Apocalypse Now & Starcrash (The Italian Star Wars!) Many of my favourite movies are micro-budget beasts : Dawn of the Dead, Dark Star, Return of the Living Dead, Six-String Samurai. I'm not anti-blockbuster : Close Encounters, Jaws, Raiders are all fantastic. Recent films that I really dig : Kill Bill, Inglorius Basterds, Iron Man, Lost in Translation, The Crazies, Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Life Aquatic. 
Role Playing games would be awesome if it weren't for their often super-convoluted rule-sets. My preference runs towards simple systems like Fudge. AD&D is too much like a PHD course in minutiae. Besides, I'd rather form a rock and roll band or build a relationship arc than swing magic swords and loot dungeons. Perhaps I'm a pacifistic gamer.  
welcome to the mad house Smile

If you can tolerate reading on a screen, you'll find things to occupy your time in the fanfic recommendation threads.

There are only two rules

1: play nice

2: have fun

(and you may want to look at DnD 5th edition, they have greatly simplified the rules)
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy

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