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Fanboy Presumptions
Fanboy Presumptions
Okay, I'm going out on a limb and guessing that "Angel Baby" is probably going to take place between the seventh and twelfth Angels. (Asuka's debut and the Sea of Dirac, respectively)
Obviously, Doug isn't going to fix up Asuka and Shinji. That would be typical SI behavior in EVA fics, unless the author goes after one of them him/herself. Trust me on this, I should know. [Image: wink.gif]
However, I do see Doug giving advice freely if asked. I think the Loon would make a better paternal figure than Kaji...
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Father figures
Hey, just about *anyone* would be a better father figure than Kaji. Especially since Asuka's got that crush on him. (ewww!)
And remember, they're supposed to be 14! That may be legal in some parts of the world, but it still ain't right! That's why the suggestion that the first Rei might have been sleeping with Gendo Ikari (which is why Ritsuko's mother went postal on her) was just so creepy.
As for who Shinji would wind up with, given that an unreleased segment had the angel that killed Rei 2 showing Shinji how much Rei really had started to love him... if Doug managed to teach them to be a functional team before that event happened, and they survived the event, it's possible Shinji and Rei would go on in some kind of relationship.
As for Rei's genetic similarity to Shinji, the amount of DNA used from Yui Ikari was (depending on where you look) either extremely minimal to no more than 50%. Either Rei was half angel, or mostly angel. The degree of similarity would be no more than a cousin, which although creepy, is usually legal.
Anyway, it's all moot. Shinji is such an emotional basket case that no matter *who* he wound up with, he'd be functionally incapable of a normal relationship. That's why I would assume it would be Rei, actually. Asuka's just an extrovert. Give her a normal guy and she'd settle down. Rei needs constant care and attention, and Shinji has so little self-esteem that he'll take whatever she feels ready to give him.
It would be really interesting to see what kind of effect Doug would have on them. Magic would really change the equation, since it might let him help them deal with their emotional problems in a way their society simply couldn't provide. If they came together into a strong and dominant group partnership, NERV might wind up wondering exactly *what* they'd unleashed on the world...
Re: Father figures
All I can say about this is: read the various teasers and previews I've already posted here. You will find definitive information as to where in the series Doug first meets up with the cast, and some hints as to various relationships.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Father figures
That is all I have to say.
Offsides (who's had _many_ discussions with Bob on DW-EVA...)Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At LargeDrunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
Re: Father figures
And remember, they're supposed to be 14! That may be legal in some parts of the world, but it still ain't right!
Somehow, I rather doubt that any fourteen year old you chose to ask for -their- opinion would agree in any way, shape, or form. Which, given that they're the ones driving tremendous, Gojira-clobbering robots, would seem to be the more relevant argument.
Anyway, it's all moot. Shinji is such an emotional basket case that no matter *who* he wound up with, he'd be functionally incapable of a normal relationship. That's why I would assume it would be Rei, actually. Asuka's just an extrovert. Give her a normal guy and she'd settle down. Rei needs constant care and attention, and Shinji has so little self-esteem that he'll take whatever she feels ready to give him.
Err, Asuka huhWHAT?! Some fundamental aspect of either Evangelion operation (I doubt it) or Gendo's management style (-much- more likely) seems to require that the pilots be emotionally or mentally broken. 'Cause, y'know, all of them save arguably angel-boy -are-. And, as I belive I've said before, it's the same thing for all three of them - brutally low self-esteem.
The only thing Asuka really has going for her compared to the others is that her coping mechanism -looks- like something vaguely resembling a healthy persona. That doesn't mean that it -is-. IMHO, a big part of the reason she spends so much time trumpeting her own superiority isn't that she really wants anybody else to belive it, but that she's working desperately to convince -herself-.
I mean, as disgusting as the mindf$@# angel was, I have a hard time believing that someone who wasn't at least a few screws loose wouldn't be able to at least -feed- herself.
And, finally, as to romantic relationships... Well, ignoring the fact that my knee-jerk reaction to questions like that is, "Whee! Poly!", I'd say it's almost certain to be Asuka.
See, the way I read Asuka's view of things, her problems with his confidence issues (namely, that they hit close enough to home that she'd really rather avoid having to think about them much) are the sole and single reason she hasn't actually jumped his bones by the time things start to go really sour. I won't say that there -couldn't- be something there with Rei, but I do think that it could just as easily be entirely platonic - and that, barring orders from Rokubungi or a flippin' -miracle-, Asuka will've already moved in by the time she's come out of her box enough to figure out what's what.
Blessed be.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Father figures
Err, Asuka huhWHAT?! Some fundamental aspect of either Evangelion operation (I doubt it) or Gendo's management style (-much- more likely) seems to require that the pilots be emotionally or mentally broken. 'Cause, y'know, all of them save arguably angel-boy -are-. And, as I belive I've said before, it's the same thing for all three of them - brutally low self-esteem.
I believe it has been well established that the only healthy, well adjusted character in the NGE universe is Pen-Pen. And unless you've got a hankerin' for some of that extra-species lovin', that one just ain't gonna fly.

"Oh, Pen-Pen, let me slake my immoral self-loathing upon your lucious body!"
"Wark!" (WTF? Get away from me! Hey, put that away! Please, God, just turn me into Tang right here and now...)

Re: Father figures
I believe it has been well established that the only healthy, well adjusted character in the NGE universe is Pen-Pen. And unless you've got a hankerin' for some of that extra-species lovin', that one just ain't gonna fly.
Oh, I dunno 'bout -that-.
I think you could make a pretty good case for the Bridge Bunnies qualifying.
Blessed be.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Father figures
He's a penguin. Of course he's not gonna fly.
Re: Father figures

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Father figures
It is the Evangelion operation.
The AT field is (in EVA canon) based on the theories of Freud and... damn, can't remember who it was before him who first defined Absolute Terror.
It's a projection into physical reality of the Pilots' inability to relate to others, of their desperate need to push other people away.
In short: Heal the Childrens' fractured minds and the Eva units will become utterly useless. The more fucked up the pilots, the better they are at fighting Angels. Rather a problem, innit?
And on the interpilot relationship front:
As for Rei's genetic similarity to Shinji, the amount of DNA used from Yui Ikari was (depending on where you look) either extremely minimal to no more than 50%. Either Rei was half angel, or mostly angel. The degree of similarity would be no more than a cousin, which although creepy, is usually legal.
Anyway, it's all moot. Shinji is such an emotional basket case that no matter *who* he wound up with, he'd be functionally incapable of a normal relationship. That's why I would assume it would be Rei, actually. Asuka's just an extrovert. Give her a normal guy and she'd settle down. Rei needs constant care and attention, and Shinji has so little self-esteem that he'll take whatever she feels ready to give him.

I agree with Dragonflight on nearly all counts here, except for the details on Asuka. I just carry it a little bit further, and only partly because I'm a great big hentai.
Shinji+Rei, even assuming the cousin tweak, doesn't work. No passion.
Shinji+Asuka also doesn't work. She'd eat him alive.
Even Askua+Rei can't work out.
Look at it this way: Each of the Children is so deeply wounded and traumatized that no well-adjusted person would be able to deal with them... and each of them lacks certain qualities that only one of the other two possesses. (Asuka's passion and drive, Rei's calmness and discipline, Shinji's deep-down heroism and willingness to question authority, as just a sampling.)
The only possible stable relationship here is a threesome. All three Children of Eva, leaning on one another, helping one another through the pain and angst. It's not just ecchi, it makes sense... at least to me.
"And where were we, chum? In the belly of love!"
You ever read Trinity by Random 1377?
He is considered the "Lemon Lord" of EVA fics, and he wrote it in response to a request for a threesome lemon.
Surprisingly, it scans fairly well, although he has stated that a proper version of it would require a few hundred pages of character development to make it truly IC...
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Re: relationship...
Google's only hit on the story is now a missing page, as of last night; the cached copy appears to be truncated.
On the subject of pilot threesomes, Andrew Aelfwine has one called "Three Pilots on a Summer Afternoon". (At least I think that's the one; I'm at work and I'm not going to hit the link to be sure.) He also has another short story called "The More The Merrier" which, well, I'll let you read it.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: relationship...
I like it.. gotta respect a guy with enough brass buttons to come out and call his work a "plot-what-plot" lemon, and _still_ pull it off.
Good stuffWire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: relationship...
Random1377's "Trinity" can be found at the new home of Lemontastica -- .
Re: relationship...
Something for me to check out tonight. Thanks, X.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: relationship...
You know that I just realized that we here are all sick and perverted people.
*goes off too read more of the fics on* [Image: happy.gif]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
"I did NOT escape! They gave me a day pass."
Re: relationship...
I resent that.
I am not sick.
* mephron takes his Rei Ayanami RealDoll and goes home.
[Image: wink.gif]Brazil has decided you're cute.
Re: relationship...
THAT is an expensive cupcake.[Image: kokbanner.jpg]
--- Kokuten Daysleeper, Retired Epicced Officered DorfWire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: relationship...
/me takes his Rei Ayanami RealDoll and goes home.
It's no good unless you get the other four and complete the set, you know...

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: relationship...
Misato sat back in her chair and scowled. What in the hell
would anybody want with a short dozen copies of Rei?
Misato Katsuragi, 8:17AM, NXE3-4 (The Trigger Effect)[Image: kokbanner.jpg]
--- Kokuten Daysleeper, Retired Epicced Officered DorfWire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
gallic shrug
>You know that I just realized that we here are all sick and
>perverted people.
True. Your point being?
my perversions are many and varied.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: gallic shrug
No point. Just an observation. [Image: smile.gif]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
I did NOT escape! They gave me a day pass.
Reminds me of a fic where Shinji created a blow-up model of Rei and Asuka found out. Her response was why wasn't SHE good enough for Shinji to act his perversions on her.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Re: Hmmm
Google is a wonderful thing(for now):
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Re: re: Hmmm
Thanks!..proceeds to bookmark site.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell

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