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Tiny Utena Teaser
Tiny Utena Teaser
"The Revolution is coming, Miss Arisugawa, and the True Prince
wants to know -- will you stand with her, or with the Usurper?"

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
Re: Tiny Utena Teaser
Bob, it occurs to me that Doug should, for this Step of the Walk, bend his ear toward a band called Queensryche, in particular their late-80s release known as Operation: Mindcrime, and most especially to the track named "Revolution Calling."
I think it'd be appropriate.Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Re: Tiny Utena Teaser
Heh. Heh. heh.
Actually, might I point out that said refference might be overkill???"I was an Otaku before those kids came along and changed the meaning of the word."
-- HM "Howling Mad" Wilson to more than one team-mate.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Re: Tiny Utena Teaser
Bob, it occurs to me that Doug should, for this Step of the Walk, bend his ear toward a band called Queensryche, in particular their late-80s release known as Operation: Mindcrime, and most especially to the track named "Revolution Calling."
I will look into them forthwith; I cannot recall ever hearing much Queensryche (tho' of course I have heard of them), so it should be an interesting exploration of new territory.

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
Re: Tiny Utena Teaser
"The Revolution is coming, Miss Arisugawa, and the True Prince wants to know -- will you stand with her, or with the Usurper?"
Oh, my... I foresee a knock-down, drag-out fight at the end of this Step...
-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Re: Tiny Utena Teaser
Much like the end of Step 2?-NeoRaven
"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity." -Edgar Allen Poe
Sponsored by Black Aeronaut Technologies -
Aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer.-NeoRaven

"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity." -Edgar Allen Poe

Sponsored by Black Aeronaut Technologies -

Aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer.
Re: Tiny Utena Teaser
Queensrche's Operation: Mindcrime is an absolutely phenomenal album. And it's story fits Revolutionary Girl Utena surprisingly well. Just look at how the characters fit together: Dr. X is Akio, Nikki is Utena and Sister Mary is Anthy. The only niggle I can think of is the ending: Dr. X, IIRC, dies, Nikki is incarcerated and Mary is dead, her killer a mystery.
However, nothing really says song power to me. The only ones that come close are the aforementioned "Revolution Calling" and "Speak", but they're a little too specific, I think.
For reference, lyrics can be found over at Dark Lyrics.
Edit: The song "Eyes of a Stranger" could very well describe Utena post-series, since her fate is unknown.
Also, here's a link to a fantastic AMV of the Samurai X/Rurouni Kenshin OVAs using Queensche's "Silent Lucidity". It's not from Operation: Mindcrime, but IMHO it's they're best song.*********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
Re: Tiny Utena Teaser
It's now on my list of stuff to get, have no worries.

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
Re: Tiny Utena Teaser
Queensrche recently announce a new album: Operation Mindcrime II. And Geoff Tate is being joined by Rob Halford for some of the vocals.
Big Grin
Somebody pinch me...*********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
Re: Tiny Utena Teaser
Oh, my... I foresee a knock-down, drag-out fight at the end of this Step...
Much like the end of Step 2?
Nope. That was a fight between mere mortals.

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
Mere Mortals.... hah!
A good friend once opined that the real difference between such characters as Ranma Saotome, Sailor Moon, and the Dragonball Z types was not in the actual power level of the fighters... but in the fragility of the scenery.
Somehow I get the feeling that this is clearly NOT the case here. Wink
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: Mere Mortals.... hah!
Any answer I can make to that would be either pointlessly vague, or more of a spoiler than I want to release at this time.

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
I just started to watch SKU for the first time (leaving the movie for an End of Eva/Serial Experiments Lain/Adolescence marathon), and I just had to say this:
Doug's supposed to be in the background, right? What role is more 'background' than the Shadow Theater? It'd be funny to see his take on the 1-3 girls who make cryptic statements while posing strangely, especially since he'd probably want to ham it up somehow...
The nobility/aristocracy idiom of SKU means that anybody outside the school leadership (Duelists, trustees, Chairmen, etc.) is unimportant, faceless, and (practically) unnoticed, right? I could very well see Doug gathering intelligence by taking on a bunch of background roles, many of which would be symbolic...
Looney as an elevator repairman, car mechanic, assistant rose-dyer, or something similar?Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines...

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Re: I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
(A man dressed in a worn jumpsuit and cap, carrying a toolbox appears at the door of $SECRETHIDEOUT. His eyes are squintied-up and he speaks in an exaggerated Brooklyn accent.) "Eeh, someone called to say you had a backed up terlet?"
"Oh yes, come right in. It's on the third sublevel secor G, third door to the left past the data center. Thank god, I thought we couldn't get anyone for another week!"
- CDSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
A kung-fu nun in a leather thong was no less extreme than anything else he had seen that day. - Rev. Dark's IST: Holy Sea World
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
"I'm sorry, but the Road to the End of the World is closed for repairs. It should be done, well... it'd take a *revolution* for it to be fixed any earlier than.. next Tuesday."Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines...

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Re: I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
I just started to watch SKU for the first time (leaving the movie for an End of Eva/Serial Experiments Lain/Adolescence marathon)
Good. You should definitely leave the movie until after you've watched the entire TV series. That way, you'll only be partially confused by it.
What role is more 'background' than the Shadow Theater? It'd be funny to see his take on the 1-3 girls who make cryptic statements while posing strangely, especially since he'd probably want to ham it up somehow...
Somehow, I think Doug would only make the "Black Rose Arc" shadow plays less confusing.

(Oh, it's fun dropping cryptic hints like these... and completely in character for the series. )

-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Re: I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
I think everyone is forgetting that these kids are _young_. There, IMO, is a fairly good chance that Doug's paternal instinct would a) kick in, and b) surprise the hell out of him y existing.
And it would allow him a _wonderful_ opportunity to perform the intricate and highly pleasurable manuever known as "Punch Akio Ohtori in his friggin FACE"Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
highly pleasurable manuever known as "Punch Akio Ohtori in his friggin FACE"
_That_, ladies and gentlemen, is the unvarnished Truth, with a capital T. The only maneuver which could be better would be the UF-style "level the belltower with a photon torpedo" maneuver; sadly, Doug's going to be, as best I know, staying in the background (aka 'letting Utena punch Akio for him').
The sound of well-oiled machinery broke Akio Ohtori from his contemplative reverie, as the gate of the belltower elevator slid smoothly open. He straightened in his comfortable chair, turning to face whoever disturbed his rest.
Unusually, the Deputy Chairman had never seen the man before- a gaijin, of roughly average height, with uncommonly short blond hair- not a single lock long enough to fall from his face. He relaxed, as he noticed that the stranger was dressed in a short-sleeved brown shirt, with shorts in the same shade of brown, brown shoes, and a cap, in the same color. All bore the same, familiar, logo: the same logo prominently displayed on the clipboard in the man's right hand. In the same hand, he was also carrying a rectangular box, of the same approximate dimensions as the clipboard.
The deliveryman walked forward, stopping at a respectful distance from the Deputy Chairman's seat. He bowed politely, and then, in a light, unthreatening tone, said, "Excuse me, sir? I have a delivery for one-" quickly looking at the paper on his clipboard "-Ohtori Akio? Sign here, please."
The aforementioned party stood, and reached for the clipboard. He glanced at the clipboard and, taking a pen from his desk, signed the sheet of paper with a flourish. After handing the clipboard back, he was mildly perturbed to notice that the deliveryman made no move to give him the package that he held. He asked "Now, could you please give me my package?" in a smooth, cultured voice.
The deliveryman, now moving with uncommon grace and confidence, cockily replied "Certainly, guvnor!" Instead of handing Akio the package in his hand, he casually threw it and his clipboard out the nearest window, then, while the other man was still frozen in shock, delivered a picture-perfect right uppercut into Akio's jaw, spinning in a half-turn, to land facing away from the downed Deputy Chairman. He immediately launched himself into a series of manic jumps and cartwheels that took him to the elevator, hooting like a lunatic the entire time, and then instantly seemed to sober up, lightly tapped the 'down' button, and disappeared behind the gate as the elevator descended to the Academy grounds.
When my Muse of Words, the Soryu Asuka Langley of the Musing world talks, I, servant to the Most Holy Domineering One, must obey, lest the words which she shoves at me in her rare moments of non-PMSing claw their way forcibly from my brain, like a xenomorph from the chest of an unwitting colonist, causing me much pain and agony 'til, by their departure from the realm of Memory, they bring me peace once again.
Luckily, she gifts me with the Word but a few times a year: we rarely speak, most unlike the relationship with my Muse of ideas, who, like the Goddess Belldandy, is always willing and happy to help.
You don't want to know who the rest of my Muses are. Really.
This what you wanted, Kokuten?Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines...

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Re: I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
Mmm, yar, that'll do, bluemage.Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
I am severely tempted to alter my existing plot just so I can fit that in.

-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
Re: I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
What part- the UPS delivery, or the whole "skulking about in unremarkable roles" shtick?Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines...

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Re: I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
The whole UPS delivery/Daffy Duck bouncing thing.
However, as my current outline stands, the one time Doug faces Ohtori alone, he gets his butt so thoroughly kicked it's a wonder it's still attached to him.
-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
Re: I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
However, as my current outline stands, the one time Doug faces Ohtori alone, he gets his butt so thoroughly kicked it's a wonder it's still attached to him.
Given Doug's modus operandi, it sounds like a perfect opening move, whether or not Ohtori then proceeds to hand Our Man Sangnoir his own tuchus. As I have noted before, Doug has something of an arrogance about him, especially around people who don't openly ping as metahumans. Duelling floor aside, the surreality of Revolutionary Princess Utena does a pretty good job of being out of sight until later in the series. Why not say that Doug doesn't simply assume that Ohtori is a manipulative "crunchy" and decide to take him out nice and fast, subsequently getting swatted because of the assumption?
Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Re: I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
It may well be a perfect opening move, but sadly it does not fit in with what I have planned.

-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
Re: I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
I bow to your superior (read: actually *existing*) knowledge of the plotline. If it's not meant to be there, it's not meant to be there.
That disclaimed, you had stated earlier that Doug was going to be in contact with Dios, who would forbid him from doing anything to alter The Plan, and that Doug would, therefore, be effectively standing on the sidelines.
I had originally conceived of this in the spirit of my first post on this board (and the sort of things the SI in Bubblegum Avatar does to Mason): a bit of comic relief/anonymous justice. Think of it as an isolated event- the Loon goes to ground (and stays there) before anybody sees who the UPS guy was, Akio isn't actually injured (one mother of a bruise, which he'd probably cover with makeup and let heal, but wouldn't change his combat ability one whit), Akio now has a reason to beat Doug into the ground so far that "Bat out of Hell" would, metaphorically speaking, be a literally proper way of getting out, and Doug's relieved some of the frustration that, If I read the character properly, he'll definitely build up if he learns *anything* about the Almighty Dios, comma, Plot Of. Heck, even if he *doesn't* learn anything, wouldn't he be wanting to do something, just because he was stuck on the sidelines?
I never thought of this snippet as leading anywhere: at best, if it ever made it into DW, it'd be as a transition between two scenes of plot importance, reliever of Doug's tension, and reason to have Akio angry.
This is the last thing I'll say about this issue, unless specifically asked a question: I know there is a Plan, I have Faith in the Plan, and so, I do not need to try to change (or, even worse, look like I'm trying to change) the Plan. All I wanted to do was give the Boss a way that this could potentially be used without disturbing the Plan, and explain how I think it's supposed to work.
Heck, it just bubbled out, first-draft-ish, when Kokuten mentioned the "highly pleasurable maneuver" that I quoted with it; all I expected was for it to get a few token comments, and be largely ignored.
If all else failed, with a bit of revision, it would be a decent omake, though...Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines...

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.

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