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[Story] News Flash for October 10
To: "SMOF Net" (Recipients redacted)

From: "Regina Langley" (redrider@roughriders.fen)

Subj: Re: Did anyone see that coming?

Date: 2014.10.10-2119UTC
First of all, my congratulations to you and Leda - I gotta say, I'm envious of you two!
Second, we'll be there at your party and with gifts in hand for everyone.  In fact, Mrs. Jones just put the finishing touches on something special for Helen - you guys will love it!
Next, the Midnight has shown an unusual interest in the birth announcement and has made noises indicating that she wants to see!  No worries, you don't have to bring Helen to a hangar or anything like that.  Midnight will be happy enough with a live feed off my optics if that's fine by you.
Finally, recent events on our end.  Looks like there is no emergency here on our end, so anyone who was holding their breath expecting an inundation of squirrels can relax now.  Instead, we have four new additions.  I won't take up space here - this belongs to Noah, Leda, and little Helen.  [Image: banana-dance.gif]  If anyone is curious, they need only email myself, Ben or Jess.
That's all for now.  Can't wait to see everyone!  (^_^)
- Regina Langley
The Lady of 36 Atalante
"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons..."
To: "SMOF Net" (Recipients redacted)

From: "Sailor Stellvia" (mamabear@stellvia.fen)

Subj: Re: Did anyone see that coming?

Date: 2014.10.10-2122UTC

Noah's busy - Rashid's faxed him some paperwork that has to do with an emergency motion in a Washington court (something about not letting some bureaucrats put Stellvia on the CIA's Watch List), so he's busy reading and signing that and I'm still answering the inbox. He isn't ignoring anyone. In fact, I heard him say an hour ago that he wishes he had the time to ignore anyone; that would mean he has time for something other than the fallout of the declaration.

I'm just glad we let Consul Walker know about this a day ahead of time, so we aren't butting heads with the Oz government as well.

Gina, we have no problem with Midnight wanting to see. That's one reason why we're having the party in Meg's - the room with the really big window. As for the live feed, they're your optics; we have no business telling you what to do or not do with your own body as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, and this doesn't hurt anyone.

What were you doing with squirrels, anyway? (Jake tells me they aren't any good as food, and Kagome tells me they don't make for good pets.)

Yayoi, (still) speaking for StellviaCorp
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
To: "Sailor Stellvia" (mamabear@stellvia.fen)

From: "Regina Langley" (redrider@roughriders.fen)

Subj: Re: Did anyone see that coming?

Date: 2014.10.10-2123UTC
...  Stupid 'Dane bureaucrats...  Say the word, Yayoi, and it will be untraceable, yet ostentatious as hell.  (Even though I know you won't, I just feel better saying it.)
As for the squirrels... it's kinda silly.  Ben insisted on importing some native fauna to make the network of biodomes here more authentic... and I gotta admit, having some woodland creatures here does the trick.  And Oliver loves it because he likes chasing the squirrels.  Normally, the airlocks don't open for them, except Oliver hacked them so he could herd a squirrel through the passage ways and keep the chase going.  Only he got too excited and opened the door going right into Jess's workshop.  Ollie's been scolded and grounded from using the networks for a week.  Hopefully that will teach him from abusing the privilege.
Now I got to look forward to teach the new girls why it's not a good idea to run around naked.  Nothing against Heinleinians, but we got work to do here and there's already too many distractions!
- Regina Langley
The Lady of 36 Atalante
"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons..."
Meta: Four squirrel girls... running around naked... Let me guess: Scarlet, Violet, Amber, and Jade?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
In one.  Or, rather I guess I should say four.  Wink 
blackaeronaut Wrote:In one.  Or, rather I guess I should say four.  Wink 
Given that they essentially handwaved Art's Weta Workshops ray gun and his lawnmower, I shouldn't be surprised....
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Ebony Wrote:
blackaeronaut Wrote:In one.  Or, rather I guess I should say four.  Wink 
Given that they essentially handwaved Art's Weta Workshops ray gun and his lawnmower, I shouldn't be surprised....
They handwaved a Slinky... er, a "Slankee"..., too. If they get writeups, don't forget to add the "Mads" tag.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
To: Noah.Scott@Stellvia.fen


Subject: Secure Document Transmission

Date: 2014.10.12-1642UTC

Mr. Scott, Ms. Swansen, I have been contracted by a client who wishes to
remain anonymous to convey to you the following documents. These
contracts establish a trust fund in the name of Helen Yoriko Scott, to
be administered by yourselves under the First Bank of Fenspace, in the
initial amount of one hundred thousand Australian dollars, to be
utilized for her care and education. Any unused balance will revert to
Helen Yoriko Scott's control upon her eighteenth birthday, or a legal
declaration of her status as an Emancipated Minor if that should occur
sooner. Please review the attached documents and, if you consent to
assume control of the fund, transmit your digital signature via secure
transmission or in person at any First Bank of Fenspace office.

I remain yr obd't svt;

Joshua Perlmutter, Junior Partner, Sage Rutty Investments Ltd.


Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
To: Noah.Scott@Stellvia.fen

Subject: Prezzies

Date: 2014.10.11-1316UTC

Howdy. I'm a little pressed for time with the new season of Naze Nani Fenspace and a couple of commissions, but that still doesn't prevent me from sending this along:

*Shipping tracking tag 2397AST345 -- Planet Express*

For the parents:

Scrapbook material, including a pristine hardcopy of the Kandor Planet-Bugle for October 11, 2014

Gift Certificate to the Cafe Lankhmar and Reservations for Room 451 at the Hotel Bradbury

To Helen: a handbasket Wink

Contains hardtech and guaranteed wave-free baby toys, including a couple licensed NNF Plushies

For the station: a coupon for a security telepresence rig.

Good luck and congratulations!


= Manually edited signature block? =

- Whoa. -

''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
robkelk Wrote:
Ebony Wrote:
Quote:blackaeronaut wrote:

In one.  Or, rather I guess I should say four.  Wink 
Given that they essentially handwaved Art's Weta Workshops ray gun and his lawnmower, I shouldn't be surprised.... 
They handwaved a Slinky... er, a "Slankee"..., too. If they get writeups, don't forget to add the "Mads" tag.
Indeed...  Getting quite a collection of Mads yonder 36 Atalante... small wonder Ben claims 37 Fides and establishes the HERL (High Energy Research Laboratories - Pronounced 'hurl') - the headquarters for the HARDES.  Start worrying if the HURL's minions turn out to be the Denizens.  Then again, I may just import Grue and his kinders and minions instead. Wink
Back on topic, yet still meta, The gift Mrs. Jones cooked up?  Well, Momma Jones is big on organic stuff, even if it gets a bit of an assist from the 'Wave.  So, it would come as no surprise that she's been experimenting with cotton plants for better yields and improved qualities.  The result: Star Cotton, which breaths like Egyptian cotton, warms like wool, and is damn near impervious to anything short of Oliver or a large caliber AP round.  It'll even resist fire and corrosive chemicals effectively enough to be used as hazard blankets.  Oh, and machine washable, too.
So, Momma Jones's gift is three 100% organic star cotton baby blankets, suitable for swaddling, peekabo, impromptu bed-tents, and even clean up.  Yes, that includes the nasty kind, because Momma Jones knows, after dealing with so many children, shit happens.  Wink
Meta: everything story-related up to here is now in the FenWiki
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
blackaeronaut Wrote:Getting quite a collection of Mads yonder 36 Atalante... small wonder Ben claims 37 Fides and establishes the HERL (High Energy Research Laboratories - Pronounced 'hurl') - the headquarters for the HARDES.
Not the "Highly Unusual Research Laboratories"?

blackaeronaut Wrote:Yes, that includes the nasty kind, because Momma Jones knows, after dealing with so many children, shit happens.  Wink
In Technicolor, no less! (At least for the first few days.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Eh. The technicolor stuff happens on the southern business end. Up north, it's white and reeking of sour milk until they start on babyfood. That's when you start to hear lines like, "Oh, looks like she had carrots today." Believe me, I know from personal experience, starting from when I was seven to this day (my 3 months old niece is incredibly adorable).
Oh, and 'HURL' can be the more fun nickname.  Wink

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