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[meta] Gaming in Fenspace - time to give it a try
[meta] Gaming in Fenspace - time to give it a try
" ... _Resources]For the brave, the bold, the RPer who wants to use this thing as part of a campaign."

Looks like I'm going to take this step... Probably Season 2 (if earlier, the Boskone War will be a background element), almost-definitely on the lighter end of the gravity/levity spectrum.

One player so far, so if anybody in the Ottawa area wants to join in on the weekends, now's the time to ask.

Once we get started, this thread will be the session-log... but we won't start until after Thanksgiving. (Canadian Thanksgiving, the one in October.) NPCs with full character sheets will end up on the FenWiki.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Sounds interesting... unfortunately wrong continent. Good luck with it! Smile
Season 1 then if Boskone War is an active background event as Season 2 starts after the fall of Boskone Prime.
Maybe the time period leading up to SerenityCon. 
Sabre Fang
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel

If it makes a difference, I've no objection to any of my additions to Fenspace being used as NPC's or background flavour. Not that any of them have GURPS stats because I took one look at what would be involved and decided against it... Come to think of it, I wonder if Jovian Chronicles would suit Fenspace? I always liked the Silhouette system in Heavy Gear.

Anyway. Good luck.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
This would happen a couple of years after I move away from Ottawa...  Time to start sending out resumes again I guess :p.
Good luck, and I will watching for session logs with anticipation.

Existential question for the day:  Why is it when I find someone else who's interested in Jovian Chronicles or Heavy Gear they're in another country?
Annnnd Happy Thanksgiving?
I may work up my crews for you, even if most of Joe's points are tied up in the Pinafore. Depends on what I can do with GCA not being updated in forever.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Monday's Thanksgiving.

We did chat about the metagame yesterday, though. We're starting in Season 0.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Plaintext versions of the Dobbses incoming:
Name: Allison DobbsRace: Catgirl Machine Victim
Attributes [92]ST 10DX 12 [40]IQ 13 [60]HT 11 [10]
HP 11 [2]Will 13Per 14 [-5] (Perception includes +2 from 'Extra Perception')FP 11
Basic Lift 20Damage 1d-2/1d
Basic Speed 5 [-15]Basic Move 5
Ground Move 5Water Move 1
Social BackgroundTL: 8 [0]Cultural Familiarities: Fenspace [1]; Western (Native) [0].Languages: Chinese (Accented) [4]; English (Native) [0].
Advantages [100]Acute Hearing (3) [6]Acute Taste and Smell (2) [4]Appearance (Attractive) [4]Catfall [10]Charisma (2) [10]Claws (Sharp Claws) [5]Combat Reflexes [15]Extra Perception (2) (Affects Per) [10]Flexibility [5]Night Vision (5) [5]Perfect Balance [15]Resistant (Disease) (Occasional) (+8) [5]Teeth (Sharp Teeth) [1]
Perks [1]Can run in High Heels without penalty [1]
Disadvantages [-68]Code of Honor (Professional) [-5]Extra Sleep (-1) [-2]Greed (12 or less) [-15]Handwavium Biomod [-16]Overconfidence (12 or less) [-5]Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]Social Stigma (Minority Group) [-10]Stubbornness [-5]
Quirks [-1]Clothes Horse [-1]
Packages [0]Investigator (Basic Set) [0]
Skills [26]Accounting IQ/H - IQ+1 14 [8]Computer Programming/TL8 IQ/H - IQ+0 13 [4]Driving/TL8 (Automobile) DX/A - DX+0 12 [2]Fast-Talk IQ/A - IQ+0 13 [2]Research/TL8 IQ/A - IQ+1 14 [4]Sex Appeal (Human) HT/A - HT+1 12 [2]    includes: +1 from 'Appearance'Writing IQ/A - IQ+1 14 [4]
Stats [92] Ads [100] Disads [-68] Quirks [-1] Skills [26] = Total [150]
Name: Thomas DobbsRace: Catgirl Machine Victim
Attributes [115]ST 10DX 15 [100]IQ 10HT 12 [20]
HP 10Will 12 [10]Per 12 (Perception includes +2 from 'Extra Perception')FP 12
Basic Lift 20Damage 1d-2/1d
Basic Speed 6 [-15]Basic Move 6
Ground Move 6Water Move 1
Social BackgroundTL: 8 [0]Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].Languages: English (Native) [0].
Advantages [105]Acute Hearing (3) [6]Acute Taste and Smell (2) [4]Appearance (Attractive) [4]Catfall [10]Claws (Sharp Claws) [5]Combat Reflexes [15]Extra Perception (2) (Affects Per) [10]Fit [5]Flexibility [5]G-Experience (5) [5]Military Rank (2) [10]Night Vision (5) [5]Perfect Balance [15]Resistant (Disease) (Occasional) (+8) [5]Teeth (Sharp Teeth) [1]
Perks [2]Improvised Weapons (Brawling) [1]Style Familiarity (Military Hand-to-Hand - MCMAP (U.S. Marine Corps Martial Arts Program)) [1]
Disadvantages [-68]Code of Honor (Soldier's) [-10]Duty (Military) (15 or less (almost always)) [-15]Extra Sleep (-1) [-2]Flashbacks (Mild) [-5]Handwavium Biomod [-16]Overconfidence (12 or less) [-5]Sense of Duty (Comrades) (Small Group) [-5]Social Stigma (Minority Group) [-10]
Quirks [-2]Mild USMC Jingoism [-1]Uncomfortable in her own skin [-1]
Packages [0]Military Hand-To-Hand - MCMAP - U.S. Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (Martial Arts) [0]Soldier (Space) [0]Soldier - Space Marine (Space) [0]
Skills [56]Brawling DX/E - DX+1 16 [2]Computer Operation/TL8 IQ/E - IQ+0 10 [1]Disarming (Brawling) Tech/H -  16 [0]Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) DX/A - DX+0 15 [2]Elbow Strike (Brawling) Tech/A -  14 [0]Explosives/TL8 (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) IQ/A - IQ+0 10 [2]First Aid/TL8 (Human) IQ/E - IQ+0 10 [1]Free Fall DX/A - DX+2 17 [8]Ground Fighting (Brawling) Tech/H -  12 [0]Guns/TL8 (Rifle) DX/E - DX+2 17 [4]Judo DX/H - DX+1 16 [8]Knee Strike (Brawling) Tech/A -  15 [0]Knife DX/E - DX+0 15 [1]Retain Weapon (Guns (Rifle)) Tech/H -  15 [0]Scrounging Per/E - Per+0 12 [1]Soldier/TL8 IQ/A - IQ+2 12 [8]Spacer/TL8 IQ/E - IQ+2 12 [4]Spear DX/A - DX-1 14 [1]Staff DX/A - DX-1 14 [1]Stamp Kick (Brawling) Tech/H -  13 [0]Targeted Attack (Brawling Stamp Kick/Face) Tech/H -  -2 [2]Targeted Attack (Brawling Stamp Kick/Skull) Tech/H -  -3 [2]Vacc Suit/TL8 DX/A - DX+2 17 [8]
Stats [115] Ads [105] Disads [-68] Quirks [-2] Skills [56] = Total [208]
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
I assume as CGM victims, they'll have zero problems with  Donald Van Loan's strong interest in destroying the catgirling industry and ensuring that the only future catgirls are purely voluntary catgirls. Hmmmm, an implication of this that just occurred to me is that, during the prosecution of this quest, he'll end amassing a sizable cluster of recovered catgirls.  A small percentage of those--the bulk would be in no shape for anything but full fledged recovery programs--could be given the option to join the mission, the logical extension of which would be that it would become an entirely independent cat girl initiative...but I digress, wildly.
Welcome aboard, Foxboy!
Foxboy Wrote:Plaintext versions of the Dobbses incoming:
Thanks, Logan!

I've ... ing_stats)]put this on the wiki, so I know where to find it if I forget my notes.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Being quite a few hundred miles and an international border away, I can't directly participate, just give Rob some NPC stat blocks to futz around with.

Also, despite real/public Magic being a Season 2 or 3 thing in-setting, I'm liking SJGames' "Ritual Path Magic." It's slick and magick-y without obliterating a forest for a team of mages' spell lists.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
In other comments a few days later: What sort of team does it look like you've got?

I'm guessing something of Canadian First Fen, and you gave your players some in-game time to make Something Cool™ with the Wave before the Man comes around at the behest of the powers that be in the paranoid southerly neighbors?
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
We spent yesterday making the player character. (Yep - one player, one GM.)

Canadian, yes. First Fen... not quite. Backstory is "LARPer who got some 'wavium, ended up biomodded in the same incident that sent him into space, rescued by and fell in with the Senshi." As for Something Cool, does cavorite count?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
I would have called it Upsidaisium, myself. XD

too bad you couldn't get a larger team, but one-on-one works, too.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
It's a backstory generator for my primary protagonist, Van Loan/Dr. Drakken, and his Alpha Squeeze, Ramona Wandblume / Shego. To that end, I've already managed to plot out his development, and that was purely within the structure of GURPS character creation.
Session 1 - Season 0.

We begin in media res, with Van Loan holding onto the outside of his Cavorite sphere, headed for the stratosphere and "500 turbomiles due up." Can he get into the sphere? (flubbed DX check) Alas, no. Invocation of the Serendipity advantage brings a rescuer: Diana Eccles (not yet a Senshi, not yet a Sammie because they don't exist yet, not yet in command of the]Surprise because that ship hasn't been built yet). Diana takes him aboard her car and takes his ship in tow to the Silver Millennium base in the Sea of Serenity.

Our intrepid here discovers he's gained an accidental biomod, assuming the blue skin is anything to go by. He rather quickly comes to terms with that fact when Ms. Eccles shows him a photo of ... mus_Riddle]somebody who got it worse. He decides he isn't going back to Earth.

Landing at the Silver Millennium base, he meets a few people, including the two who have ended up de facto leaders of the community:]Tanith Curtis and Beverly Hayakawa. They find him a closet-with-a-bed-and-TV to sleep in - "one of the larger rooms" - and something other than his jumpsuit to wear. He discovers he looks good in a tuxedo, top-hat, cape, and domino mask, even if it is a half-size too big. They also give him a new SIMM card for his phone. ("You can use the old one, but the roaming charges ...")

Once he's settled in (read: he copies down the address of his new apartment), he and Beverly go shopping. He's looking for some jeweler's tools and supplies, some fabric, and a sewing machine. She's looking for food for the colony/town for the next week. Bev flubs an Area Knowledge roll and thinks they can get all of that at]Greenwood. While Bev goes grocery shopping, the man who has decided to call himself "Dr. Drakken" discovers there's no jewelry-materials supplier on Greenwood. Hephaestus has an office there, but they're blacksmiths, not silversmiths. He visits anyway, thinking of getting some hydroponics vats made for the Silver Millennium, and is not impressed by the chair-warmer behind the desk at that office. Drakken does find ... _Executive]Ayanami & Abriel Fashion Executive, and convinces them to sell him a sewing machine, bolts of many different types of cloth, and some leather and other clothing materials.

Next stop is]Stellvia. The trip is delayed because the Stellvia Annex is carrying out "weapons testing" in their path. (Nobody thinks to ask what sort of weapons. Neither is impressed by the "lack of fun" exhibited by weapons testing.) After docking, Drakken meets Yoriko, Sora, Kohran, and Noah (in that order). Drakken lets slip his birth name and Noah reveals something that isn't in the Fenwiki yet; as a result, Noah extends Drakken a line of credit (to the amazement of Yoriko and Kohran) and sells him some jeweler's tools, precious metals, and gems (the tools Kohran's old precision gear, the rest asteroid-mined) to be delivered in a week. Sora packs the two of them a box lunch for their trip to their next stop.

En route, Drakken makes a Weird Science roll and designs hydroponics tanks that are more efficient than the ones in use on Earth. (Bev's driving.) They discuss magical girls and the possibility of broadening the definition to include action-girls.

Third stop is]Hephaestus, where Drakken hits it off with WireGeek and Hermes, and plays fetch with one of]The Boys. Hermes quotes a price for the manufacture of the hydroponics tanks. Bev calls Tanith to ask for permission to spend that much of the Silver Millennium's money at once - they're living week-to-week. Tanith convinces Bev that they can't afford to buy the gear right now. Drakken convinces Bev that they can't afford to not buy the gear right now.

End session on a dilemma...

New Background Data for Fenspace:

Crystal Millennium Prime Minister Hayakawa now has a name and a bit of a back-story. Beverly Hayakawa is ethnically Japanese but culturally American; she grew up in San Francisco and does not speak Japanese. She knows enough about what's going on in Fenspace to know who to talk to - usually. Her close friends call her Bev. What anime she's seen has been broadcast on TV.

The "desperately-needed essential equipment" that Yayoi bought for the Senshi (which got her named Sailor Stellvia) is the hydroponics tanks that Drakken designed and Hephaestus is about to build.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Cool synopsis, Rob! Action Girls! That's an apt title to fit all of Drakken's fumbling attempts to broaden the definition of the Millennium membership.  So the Patrol is going to step in and help defray the cost of Senshi infrastructure? Is it Drakken's advanced hydroponics plans that attract the interest of Yayoi & Mikuru?
The Patrol doesn't exist yet... Give them time. This is more an explanation why Yayoi is the only original-Stellvian who isn't stinkin'-rich in Season 1; she gave her seed money to the Senshi.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Does she receive honorary Senshi status for her cash sacrifice?
Yes, that's why they call her Sailor Stellvia.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
I've got to learn to read one of these days...or at least pay attention.  How short will she want her fuku skirt to be? 
Ross Van Loan Wrote:I've got to learn to read one of these days...or at least pay attention. How short will she want her fuku skirt to be?
About this short: ... 880f6f.jpg
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
One Gratuitous Panty-Shot Special coming up! The soon to be often seen unmentionables can be thrown in. Will there be any special considerations regarding panty iconography, or will classic white cotton suffice?  Tongue
She's not going to discuss that in public.

Session 2 - Season 0

We begin a couple of days after the end of the previous session, where the Senshi leadership decide to invite like-minded people to join them and Dr. Drakken inspects the hydroponics chamber of the Silver Millennium settlement. Making a nearly-critical success, he discovers that, while the setup looks like it should work, it will fail in a month if it is not expanded substantially - what is needed is triple the size of the design he had presented to Hephaestus. And some non-Senshi "action girls" have already announced that they want to move in.

There is much agonizing over how the colony can possibly pay for what's desperately needed. However, that doesn't prevent being gracious hosts - Yayoi Fujisawa has arrived with the order that Drakken had placed with Stellvia Trading, and she's invited to stay for dinner.

Much dinnertime discussion ensues, including discussion on (a) the importance of Fen working together and (b) how some of the best leaders are the ones pushed into the job. Yayoi learns that the colony is on the brink of collapse, calls Hephaestus, and orders the hydroponics gear built, expedited, and shipped to the colony (much to everyone's surprise). This gives her an "in" to offer advice, which is quickly accepted. By the time dessert is served, a small group have started pushing to make Yayoi their leader - she saw what needed to be done and did it right away, in contrast to how Beverly and Tanith had been taking things slowly. In order to get away from that debate, Yayoi offers to help Dr. Drakken unpack his shipment.

Yayoi opens the crate for Drakken - but she hammers the crowbar into a tight fit in the box with her hand, not with a hammer. Oops. Dr. Drakken learns her big secret. He's amazed and intrigued (his Xenophilia disad kicked in). She notices he's likely to have trouble keeping her secret (his Easy to Read disad also kicked in), and lets him know her other secret ("'That's right. I'm a gay robot.'") so he'll have something he can "accidentally" reveal. She also makes a clumsy attempt at blackmail to get him to stay quiet (basically, his line of credit comes due if he spills the beans), failing miserably ... but Dr. Drakken promises to keep his mouth anyway.

Back in the colony's main hall, there's a big push underway to elect Yayoi as the first official leader. An election is held; she refuses to stand for office; Tanith is elected with a supermajority. According to how Yoko Kayabuki read the rules that the first colonists had written up, that means Tanith gets to be the Queen. She almost picks "Meimi" as her regal name, but is talked out of that by Beverly because nobody else has seen Saint Tail. Tanith glances at a map of the Moon, thinks "why not?", and chooses the name Serenity. Her first official act (under pressure from the people behind that push to make Yayoi the leader) is to name Yayoi "Sailor Stellvia" for as long as Yayoi and Stellvia both exist.

Dr. Drakken closets himself away for three days, makes his Artist (costuming) and Jeweler rolls, and designs and creates the Royal Tiara. He puts it on Serenity's head the next day - January 1, 2009.

There is some discussion about choosing a Prime Minister. No consensus is reached, except that it doesn't need to happen right away.

Within the first week of January, the hydroponics tanks are delivered and installed, and Drakken heads to Earth to get some blue-green algae and mangrove plants to get the oxygen cycle going. His Serendipity kicks in: there's an old railway tanker car available to take the algae-laden water, and the GE999 is in the area at the right time. Drakken hires Matel to take the tanker car to the Moon Kingdom settlement (as some of the newcomers are calling it). He takes some small mangroves with him in his cavorite sphere ... which is challenged by the USAF. He recalls what the current administration thinks of handwavium and handwaved people, refuses to answer, and is fired upon. He discovers that the cavorite doesn't just repel things below it - the missiles are just barely deflected (successful Dodge roll combined with the defensive properties of handwavium). Not wishing to press his luck, he hurries into space.

Time passes - two of the three new hydroponics gardens work acceptably (marginal successes on the Gardening (hydroponics) rolls), while the third works wonderfully and looks marvelous (a spectacular success on the roll). That garden quickly becomes the Moon Kingdom's relaxation spot.

In late-February, Dr. Drakken gets an email from an address he doesn't recognize in the Main Belt. Thinking it's a request for hydroponics expertise, he reads it and discovers it's from a group on Vesta that's setting up a post-secondary education facility. They want him to be on the faculty, and offer tenure as soon as he starts. He declines the offer, explaining he has commitments on Luna.

New Background Data for Fenspace:

Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Oops - I have been remiss in posting session logs. Three in the queue, as soon as I have time to write them...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

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