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Character Sheet question
Character Sheet question
When you get around to the Sailor Moon walk or Slayers walk, are we going to see a SAS or BESM character sheet for Looney Tunes?
I know we wont see a MAGIUS character sheet when you hit EVA. ^_^
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Re: Character Sheet question
Maybe. If I buy the appropriate sourcebook(s) for use in balance-/reality-checking like I did for BGC.
That's probably a good idea where Sailor Moon is concerned...

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Character Sheet question
I've got a spare copy of the SMRPG - I accidentally ended up ordering copies from two different online dealers. I'd thoguht I might use it as a prize in a writing contest someday, but if it would help you in writing a Step I wouldn't be opposed to selling it to you for little more than the cost of shipping. I don't remember right now if I have doubles of the Youma sourcebook, which would probably be even better - it has all the youma that appear in SM and R at a minimum, and I think Super as well.
Given that my only widely distributed story is a BGC fic anyway, it makes more sense to just keep my doubles of the BGC RPG and BGC:EX for prizes, anyway... if I ever even do it.
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Character Sheet question
I'll take that offer, CD. Let's take this to email to arrange the specifics, okay?

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Character Sheet question
You might want to download the free copy of Tri-Stat Dx from as well.
The Sailor Moon rpg is a good start, but it is only for that series.
Under the BESM(Tri-Stat) rules are these anime series:
Slayers, Trigun, Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon R, Helsing, Fushugi Yugi, Parallel Dual, Serial Experiments Lain, Dominion Tank Police, Tenchi Muyo, Tenchi Universe, Tenchi in Tokyo, El-Hazard(1st OVA series), Demon City Shinjuku.
Also the live action movie: Ghost Dog
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Here's a possibly relevant link
Now I'm not an RPG player (don't know anything about them much, really) but I did find this interesting site that gives a lot of stats for various characters, including the main characters of Sailor Moon.
Here's an example:
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
8/13 STR -2 12- 150kg; 2 1/2d6
10/20 DEX 0 13- OCV: 7 / DCV: 7
8/18 CON -4 13-
10/18 BODY 0 13-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4
8/13 PRE -2 12- PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6
18 COM 4 13-
2/10 PD 0 Total: 55 PD / 45 PDr
2/10 ED 0 Total: 55 ED / 45 EDr
2/4 SPD 0 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
4/10 REC 0
16/40 END 0
18/45 STUN 0 Values after the slash are Only In Hero ID (-1/4)
Total Characteristics Cost: 0

I have absolutely no idea what that means, but I guess I don't have to. Here's the link to the site as well, which also provides stats for other anime series, such as Gunsmith Cats and Cowboy Bebop.

Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
That write-up is for Hero/Champions. Not V&V, BESM, or Fuzion. It's closest to Fuzion though
I just went over to the GoO site and found up they just picked up the Neon Genesis Evangelion liscence and are planning a 3rd edition of BESM.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
Whenever I do a reality-check like this, I want to use an "official" source. As the creator of more than one unofficial character adaptation, I know the problems that can happen when fan-canon creeps into your conception.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
Whenever I do a reality-check like this, I want to use an "official" source. As the creator of more than one unofficial character adaptation, I know the problems that can happen when fan-canon creeps into your conception.
For Sailor Moon and Eva when Bob gets around to them, he now has 'official' sources to work with. Smile
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
Ah! Surbrook's Stuff!
That's where that PBEM game I play has its homepage and turns archived!
Yeah, Surbrook has tons of writeups in the Hero system. I've been contemplating for some time now translating the Fuzion write-up of Looney Toons to the Hero/Champions system. It would be a relatively easy port.
He even has the three Goddesses (Belldandy, Urd, and Skuld) statted out. Although I believe he was using references from VERY early in the manga run, or maybe the first OVA series. I disagree with the power level and some of the details now that I've been reading the series for a long time. Those character sheets need some serious updating.
I've also considered doing a write-up of Doug in BESM/Silver Age Sentinals/Tri-Stat DX. The Tri-stat system overall is a nice, clean one, and there's plenty of BESM books that have licensed anime characters for comparison and reference.
My roomates also have a couple of copies of the BESM Sailor Moon books that Guardians of order put out several years ago. And which, unfortunately, are no longer in print. GOO no longer even has the license to Sailor Moon because of some extremely convoluted problems in the American license and disputes over who owns what rights.
But as far as a gaming reference, they are the closest you're going to get to an "official" source. And the book itself has tons of reference data not just for the American show, but for the original Japanese source materiel. Even going so far as to explore some of the mythical elements of the series. If you can find it at all, I highly recommend it as an invaluable resource. Unfortunately, IIRC, it only covers the first couple of seasons, and the outer senshi are not given much detail. I imagine they were going to do another book detailing the next few seasons, but oh well.
Anyway - a conversion of Doug into Hero System character sheet wouldn't be terribly difficult. He's practically already halfway there, with a Fuzion write-up.
Hero is VERY crunchy. Which is both good and bad. If you want to know in fine detail what a character can and can't do, Hero is very good. Another advantage is that there's a lot of material, both at Surbrook's website and elsewhere, for comparison purposes.
On the other other hand, BESM/Tri-Stat is a little more simple and stripped down by comparison. It was meant to allow extremely fast, off the cuff kind of play, which suits the anime genre of course. I kind of think of it as a "Hero System-Lite". Plus, there's a lot of licensed products that were made for it as well. Everything from Demon City Shinjuku and Tenchi Muyo to Trigun, Hellsing, and most recently, Slayers. And most of it is still in print. (I've got all of the old out of print stuff myself, except for the Sailor Moon book, and I have ready access to that through my roomates.)
We may, in the end, wind up with game stats for Doug in 4 systems. The original V&V, Fuzion, Hero and BESM/Tri-Stat. That ought to be enough reference material to suit most anyone!-Logan
"So there I was, lying flat on my back, with my face pressed into the dirt, thinking, "Wait a minute, something's not rig..."
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
Unless I do a MEGS character sheet for Doug,which would make it FIVE game systems.....
(MEGS is the gaming system that was used for the DC Heroes Roleplaying Game,before DC went mad and transferred the license to WEG.)"There's only one kind of monster that uses bullets""There's only one kind of monster that uses bullets"
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
Plus, there's a lot of licensed products that were made for it as well. Everything from Demon City Shinjuku and Tenchi Muyo to Trigun, Hellsing, and most recently, Slayers. And most of it is still in print. (I've got all of the old out of print stuff myself, except for the Sailor Moon book, and I have ready access to that through my roomates.)
I think Bob was there at the Guardians of Order panel at AXNY, when they mentioned the coming-eventually three-book set of Anime Fan Guides for Revolutionary Girl Utena.
(and Slayers D20, too. Which, we joked, basically was you started at 20th level, never got any XP, just got better weaponry and some more spells for your spellbook.)Brazil has decided you're cute.
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
We may, in the end, wind up with game stats for Doug in 4 systems. The original V&V, Fuzion, Hero and BESM/Tri-Stat. That ought to be enough reference material to suit most anyone!
Hopefully... And maybe I can come up with something that works in GURPS, too, now that 4E is coming out.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
Unless I do a MEGS character sheet for Doug,which would make it FIVE game systems.....
Is that the one with the logorithmic scaling from about 15 years ago? I remember that... mostly remembered having a devil of a time wrapping my head around it.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
I think Bob was there at the Guardians of Order panel at AXNY, when they mentioned the coming-eventually three-book set of Anime Fan Guides for Revolutionary Girl Utena.
I do indeed want that puppy.
(and Slayers D20, too. Which, we joked, basically was you started at 20th level, never got any XP, just got better weaponry and some more spells for your spellbook.)
And if DW9 is going to be Slayers, just so I can support one off-the-cuff comment in DW10, then I probably should get this, too...
(Yes, people, I do plan that far in advance. The scene isn't written yet, but I know what it is, and what Doug says, and if he's going to say what I'd like him to say, he needs to have been in the Slayers world first.)

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
Of course, the Slayers RPG isn't all that accurate to canon (understatement of the century here).- "I suppose that, technically, the existance of the Association of Foul Sorcerers is my fault, but, damnit, I was joking when I told them that they should unionize!"
[Image: Aleh.jpg]
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
Of course, the Slayers RPG isn't all that accurate to canon (understatement of the century here).
That's because GoO is limited to ONLY the three TV series.
The various manga series, the novels, the OVA's, the movies are different liscences. They can't even touch the interviews that contradicted some stuff in the show.
As to the MEGS system. That system was written for Pre-Crisis DCU. At any rate, there was a bit of a flare up dealing with the publication of the Magic book for DC Heroes and caused Mayfair to lose the liscence
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
That's because GoO is limited to ONLY the three TV series.
The various manga series, the novels, the OVA's, the movies are different liscences. They can't even touch the interviews that contradicted some stuff in the show.
That sounds like ripe fan-site fodder to me. Are there any you know of that correct the RPG (another I grabbed...) to be in line with the other materials?
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
If you mean game material:
(I hope it's still up)
Most of my other sources come from here:

With 'Knight of the Aqualord', the manga has veered completely away from the novels and the anime.
The anime is its own timeline, due to the events in Try.
The Slayers novels and Lost Universe novels were linked via the Sword of Light/Gorun Nova. Yes. The battleship Gorun Nova and the Sword of Light are one in the same. Hellmaster said it himself. The Sword of Light has another form. When the Sword of Light was given back to Darkstar by Hellmaster, Gorun Nova showed up in Lost Universe

At any rate, this has veered far from Looney Toon character sheets.
So far:
V&V (haven't seen it, even though it should be up. -_^)
Fuzion(Nice sheet for BGC and Champions: New Millenium)
Probable sheets:
BESM Tri-Stat(at least Bob doesn't have to deal with PMV's)
Unisystem(depends if Bob does a Buffy/Angel step)
A mention of MEGS and Champions
I'm not sure about SAS, SAS D20, the most recent Marvel Super Hero game, BESM D20, Mutants & Masterminds, Storyteller(possible if Bob does a Street Fighter step)
We'll just forget about Palladium. They are horrible on fan sites and demand them to be shut down.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
SAS is Tri-Stat, but uses d10 instead of BESM's d6. El-Hazard also uses d10s. I don't remember the rules in the SMRPG, but since it was one of the ealy licenses, it probably stuck with d6 since they only recently unbent from the no-polyhedral-dice thing. The only real differences in what type of dice used are in the body/mind/soul and derived stats, anyway, the tricky part is defining the various skills and powers and assigning them levels.
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
Okay, we've gone through so much, I'm vaguely confused. A recap, please... exactly what is and isn't in print that might be of use to me when writing various Steps?

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
Guardians of Order has or had:
Sailor Moon
Tenchi Muyo!
Dominion Tank Police
Demon City Shinjuku
as standalone games.
In their Ultimate Fan Guide series, they have or had or will have:
Serial Experiments Lain
Fushigi Yuugi
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Neon Genesis EvangelionBrazil has decided you're cute.
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
SAS is Tri-Stat, but uses d10 instead of BESM's d6. El-Hazard also uses d10s.
Huh? I have the El Hazard book (rummages quickly through the shelves) right here in front of me, and it uses the standard BESM 2nd edition rules. Slightly tweaked for the El Hazard setting, but still using D6.
Don't know where that came from. Maybe you meant something else? The only products that GOO has put out that use D10 are the SAS books to the best of my knowledge.-Logan
"So there I was, lying flat on my back, with my face pressed into the dirt, thinking, "Wait a minute, something's not rig..."
Re: Here's a possibly relevant link
Thanks, Geoff. I'll cut'n'paste that to the printer so I have it handy next time I go to my FLGS...

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
My own contribution.
The Sailor Moon RPG, BESM, and Silver Age Sentinels all use the Tri-Stat System, which Guardians of Order rebuilt in a non-genre-specific version and packaged in a free PDF. -- "Tri-Stat dX Core Rules"
I'd say Doug would be a d10 character (same level as Silver Age Sentinels, where BESM and the Sailor Moon RPG are d6). He'd probably have a heaping load of CPs beyond the normal starting number for d10--150 or 200, at least--and a great many levels in the Highly Skilled attribute (which gives more skill points).--
If I had something nifty to say, it would be said here.
[Image: image,Sukael,white,black.png]

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