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Proper Greetings
Proper Greetings
Sorry for not doing this earlier. Hi. Names' Phillip. I got dragged here by Evil Midnight Lurker one day to see yet another piece of fiction (which inevitably ends with me grudgingly admitting that it's good stuff), and I'll have to say that I'm rather enjoying DW so far. I have yet to finish it, though that has less to do with lack of interest than it does with lack of time.
So, about me:
-I'm a gamer. Have been since recieveing a first edition Player's Handbook at the tender age of six. My father would later claim it was the biggest mistake of his life. I'd like to add some more to that list, myself. My systems of choice are GURPS, TFOS (Arguably the greatest RPG of all time), and In Nomine, though I'll play most anything at least once. My forays into developement of game designs haven't gotten me that far just yet, but give me time.
-I'm an anime fan. That kicked off my sophomore year of high school, when a friend of mine brought out a tape of Ranma 1/2 during halloween. It was Dub, but I have since learned the joys of Subtitling. As anime goes I tend to be fairly picky. Excessive blood, violence or (shudder) fanservice annoys the hell out of me. I can't help but feel that they're insulting my intelligence when they do it.
-I'm also big on fanfiction, more or less under the same stipulations as I have with anime. Mind you, I'm also picky about quality of writing, but there you go. I've got a lot of ideas at the moment, three of which have seen the light of the internet. I need to do something about this. Oh, and I write original stuff too. Smile
Lessee, what've I got on the burners now?
-'Ran Nomine: Hell or Hot Water', the 'fic previously mentioned by Lurker. Ranma 1/2-In Nomine Fusion.
-'Prodigal Son', an Ukyou-centered story in which Ukyou goes home after the Ranma/Akane wedding, hoping to leave Nerima behind. She wishes.
-'Card Captor Saotome', ...yeah. It really just hit me upside the head one day when I imagined Keroberos intoning the phrase "The life of a true Magical Girl is fraught with peril." Well, that and I enjoy making Ranma's life hell.
-'Yellow', which is the other way I'm messing with Ranma's life. Sort of a parody of the altaverse 'Ranma the badass' fics I saw everywhere for a while, it asks the question: What if Ranma, still the martial arts savant, were a complete coward?
-'Team Nerima', which is presently expanding at a geometric rate. Started as Ranma/Bureau 13 fusion, rapidly becoming Bureau 13/ALL ANIME IN THE COSMOS.
And of course Time and Place, which I'm really starting to enjoy.
Sorry about that. I really should get a website one of these days so I can just put things there.
Anway, looking forward to reading more of your works, Schroeck.
Phillip A. DesJardins
The Happy Shiny Mercurian
Monkeys With Typewriters Fanfiction Productions
Ukyou stared at the boy in disbelief. "Please don't tell me you're trying to make sure your future happens."
The boy shakes his head. "Oh no, my life is hell."
Re: Proper Greetings
-I'm a gamer. Have been since recieveing a first edition Player's Handbook at the tender age of six. My father would later claim it was the biggest mistake of his life. I'd like to add some more to that list, myself. My systems of choice are GURPS, TFOS (Arguably the greatest RPG of all time), and In Nomine, though I'll play most anything at least once. My forays into developement of game designs haven't gotten me that far just yet, but give me time.
Heh. Yet another reason why you'll fit right in around here! I love TFOS as well... Just got into Gurps, but I've played RPG's since the original boxed set D&D. Most of my gaming is ML based, because of 2 basic facts. I live in the hindquarters of nowhere, and what few gamers there are around here are all D&D types. I gave up D&D for the most part over 15 years ago, somewhere around the time of my first gaming convention, when I learned that there was more to RPG's than Kick down the monster, kill the treasure and grab the door.
Not to mention Bob has had more than a bit of RPG exposure over the course of his own carreer. :evil grin:"I was an Otaku before those kids came along and changed the meaning of the word."
-- HM "Howling Mad" Wilson to more than one team-mate.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Re: Proper Greetings
Welcome, Phillip! I know you'll fit right on in.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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