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A Teaser of Sorts...
Quote:Ebony wrote:
There are more Native Americans than the New England tribes. I doubt that the various tribes of the Comanche, the Sioux, the Navajo, or the Seattle (or others) would be interested in trekking across the country to attend some school founded by White Men. To say nothing of the Inuit or the Hawai'i maoli. "Why should we follow your ways? Ours work perfectly well."  
I was just pointing out that Ilvermorny wasn't the "whites-only; no natives need apply" place implied by the remark above mine calling it "THE ivory wizarding school."  
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Another way of looking at is this:

If the Native American peoples really were that close with the immigrating wizards, then the law concerning total isolation from the non-magicals would never have flown.

Reason being? It would mean that Native American peoples would have been barred from associating with each other just because the majority of them are non-magical.

So yeah. I'm still not seeing it.
I wish to point out that Seattle was an individual, not a tribe. He's also famous for a speech that he probably never made.
DHBirr Wrote:
Quote:Ebony wrote:
There are more Native Americans than the New England tribes. I doubt that the various tribes of the Comanche, the Sioux, the Navajo, or the Seattle (or others) would be interested in trekking across the country to attend some school founded by White Men. To say nothing of the Inuit or the Hawai'i maoli. "Why should we follow your ways? Ours work perfectly well."
I was just pointing out that Ilvermorny wasn't the "whites-only; no natives need apply" place implied by the remark above mine calling it "THE ivory wizarding school."  
I was saying in that line, that it could be like Harvard or Yale, the most prestigious college, not necessarily whites only. I also don't know the history of the American school system our colleges. If I've made a bad assumption, my bad.
Okay, folks, we're getting some conversational drift here. Why not take the discussion on Potter America to its own thread in the DW8 forum?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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