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DS's fun trip to the dentist!
s3yang Wrote:Laughing gas = Nitrous Oxide. Which happens to be one of the drugs that Percocet has interactions with. A bet that's why you vomited, rather than an allergic reaction.

Well that explains a lot. And all these years I never knew. Huh.

'Course, the ironic thing is that it was the docs that did the surgery that prescribed them to me. I'm pretty sure, anyways, it was a while ago.

nemonowan Wrote:Is this some USA thing to use so much anesthesia for toothwork that it stones you?

For wisdom tooth removal it's SOP, usually via laughing gas or a valium drip. Tooth-pulls and I think root canals (I've never had one) are done with a local anesthetic. At least this is standard in my area in the northeast US.
Wisdom teeth.
Had them out - and it was a painless, procedure; semi-drugged so the only memories were the sharp cracks echoing in my head.
The dentist was another matter - he had huge hands - my first thought was 'how does he get those fingers in anyone's mouth - the second 'it is probably for the better that he didn't get into proctology'
I had local injections as well, for my wisdom teeth (it was also the after procedure pain relievers that got me loopy). What really bugged me about my procedure wasn't the pressure or anything like that - it was the smell of burning from the drill thing they used to break apart the tooth.

@hoagie: It _can_ be used, but the dosage has to be adjusted to account for the Nitrous. Possibly a snafu on either the prescription by the dentist, the pharmacy... or you were still wonked out from the nitrous and took too much.
I had all four wisdom teeth taken out via hospital surgery when I was 18. There was no way in hell that anybody was gonna yank my teeth out while I was awake!
I had locals done as well... but what they gave me for afterwards was the real fun part. Vicodin. Big fat ones, too. I was SIQ (Sick In Quarters) for two days with that. TBH, they should have given us more time to recuperate. Wisdom pulls that are that traumatic take more than a couple of days to recover from and boot camp takes a lot out of a person... and that's all on top of the 'Recy Crud' that starts going around.
That is the difference, then. Here, the aftercare is usually something more like "put some ice on it, no solid foods for 24 hours, take this or this other OTC meds". In bad cases they might give you a prescription for a stronger but uncontrolled, non-opiate painkiller (and the prescription is not because they won't sell without one, but in order to pay a discounted rate).
And people wonder why there's a problem with Pill Popping here in the US.
I tend to go minimal on whatever they prescribe as I fall outside of the most common category in how I react. I'm not sure which category I'm in, but it makes me wary.
Let's see, Codeine does achieve its primary purpose but makes me as hyperactive as a ferret on pixie sticks. I shall never have Vicodin ever again as it failed its goals (and extreme nausea was the mildest of the set of things it did do). And when they put me on morphine, I got off it ASAP as it wouldn't let me sleep. And it was weeks before I was allowed to stop.
Mind you, I got several plot bunnies out of that last one. They're probably kind of warped though. On the other hand, it's not like I don't already have enough ideas.
"Remember, the truth is out there." —Johnny
"It is? Oh, I hope it doesn't maul anyone this time." —me

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