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Yamato 2199 Episodes 15-18 view-able and Subtitled
Yamato 2199 Episodes 15-18 view-able and Subtitled
#1 ... -2199-ova/

Quick thumbnail sketch thoughts - 

Ep 15:  

 -- OMG... you might respect and fear the regular green Gamilas ships, but the BLUE fleet will inhabit your NIGHTMARES.  Is THAT what happened to Earth, at least in part? And - it seems even the other Gamilas officers may think this guy went too far...

-- "You've reached the life model decoy of Misaki, please leave a message at the sound of the incredibly brilliant wave motion theory..." 

-- Sandor - for such a "schmott guy", you really are BLIND sometimes in some of the most basic ways... 

-- Desslok go boom? Say WHAT? 

-- Domel (Lysis) Yikes... this guy really is GOOD... This is the first time in this current version of the series that the Yamato has really been SERIOUSLY outmatched... 

Ep 16: 

-- Internal conflict with factions on the Yamato crew. Mr. Squinty Eyes is REALLY getting on my nerves. 

-- Niimi - right reasons, but wrong choice. 

-- Yamato behind schedule by a month? But revelations on Beemala below might make that a moot point. And - interesting re-do of the original episode as well.

-- That appears to clear up THAT particular love triangle... Someone's not happy... 

-- Plants within Plants within plants... And squinty-eyes gets his come-uppance! Woot! 

Ep 17: 

-- Mostly a flashback episode - showing events in the past of some characters lives. A lot of interesting revelations. Good character stuff. The framing plot moves the story - and the Yamato - forward - through a space gate toward a confrontation at Planet Balan...

-- Meanwhile... Domel may be a great General, but he SUCKS at politics. His wife and he are both accused (falsely) of being in on the plot to assassinate Desslar, and Domel is sentenced to death...

-- A naval review of a large portion of the Gamilas fleet is being orchestrated at Balun. Over 10,000 ships... 

-- And we FINALLY find out who the real Iscandarian member of the crew is for real!

Ep 18: 

I only have one major comment to make about this episode... 

Captain Okita...





No wonder they had to give the Yamato to you! Only a battleship that
size could -carry- your PURE TITANIUM COJONES!!


Quote:Logan Darklighter wrote:
No wonder they had to give the Yamato to you! Only a battleship that
size could -carry- your PURE TITANIUM COJONES!! 
DHBirr:  But titanium is light for its strength.  Now, if you said osmium-iridium alloy...Logan Darklighter:  

Dralm help me; I was hoping to spend less time on the computer in the next few days.  Thanks, though.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
..... This is gonna be the perfect end to a long and shitty week. Commentary to follow.
In ep. 18: That finishing move made me HOWL with delight!
DEATH is Certain. The hour, Uncertain...
Oh - and Desslok gets some serious style points for ruining the Field Marshall's day. 
"Of course it was a double that you killed. You thought you were smarter than Celestria? She knew all along. You really are quite a stupid man, aren't you? But you did save me a long boring trip. Any last words?" 

Ghale Dessler indeed!

And General Goer (Volgar) ... Give him some credit too - he may not be a GOOD officer. He may be a condescending racist twit to his subordinates and a whinging kiss-ass to his superiors, but he actually has a spine and is loyal to a fault. Amazing. 
Yet more reason for camping my mailbox/doorstep armed with nerfguns (stamps from Canada & that bluray).
Quote:Logan Darklighter wrote:
Oh - and Desslok gets some serious style points for ruining the Field Marshall's day. 
"Of course it was a double that you killed. You thought you were smarter than Celestria? She knew all along. You really are quite a stupid man, aren't you? But you did save me a long boring trip. Any last words?" 

Ghale Dessler indeed!

And General Goer (Volgar) ... Give him some credit too - he may not be a GOOD officer. He may be a condescending racist twit to his subordinates and a whinging kiss-ass to his superiors, but he actually has a spine and is loyal to a fault. Amazing. 
Or being the self-preserving toady that he is, decided to show his loyalty in the most prominent way possible so that Dessler does not execute him as part of the plot.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Quote:ordnance11 wrote:
Quote:Logan Darklighter wrote:
Oh - and Desslok gets some serious style points for ruining the Field Marshall's day. 
"Of course it was a double that you killed. You thought you were smarter than Celestria? She knew all along. You really are quite a stupid man, aren't you? But you did save me a long boring trip. Any last words?" 

Ghale Dessler indeed!

And General Goer (Volgar) ... Give him some credit too - he may not be a GOOD officer. He may be a condescending racist twit to his subordinates and a whinging kiss-ass to his superiors, but he actually has a spine and is loyal to a fault. Amazing. 
Or being the self-preserving toady that he is, decided to show his loyalty in the most prominent way possible so that Dessler does not execute him as part of the plot.
Could be. He does have a talent for survival. This will be the SECOND time he's escaped when the Yamato blows up a prominent stellar feature nearby. 
Quote:Kurisu wrote:
In ep. 18: That finishing move made me HOWL with delight!
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Finally got to episode 16, and I can say two minor things nobody else has mentioned.
1.  Look at those maintenance and repair platforms hovering around the ship in the early scenes, and then look at an Eagle Transporter from Space: 1999.  Verrrrry interesting!

2.  I think it's fascinating that although Japanese has its own word for "seagull," their recon plane is named with the English word.  A nice reminder that, for all the all-Japanese crew, this is a United Nations ship and mission.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Quote:DHBirr wrote:
Finally got to episode 16, and I can say two minor things nobody else has mentioned.
1.  Look at those maintenance and repair platforms hovering around the ship in the early scenes, and then look at an Eagle Transporter from Space: 1999.  Verrrrry interesting!
Huh. I don't think the design is any sort of direct homage to the Eagles (if it was, I'd think the cockpit pod at least would be a closer match). 
They're obviously much smaller. But the general layout is similar. RCS pods with landing gear, a center section with various tools/clamps/modular equipment, a cockpit pod and some thrusters at the back end. 
I think it's more because a general layout like that just makes a lot of plain sense for a workhorse craft. If the 1999 Eagle is a Space truck, then these would be space Jeeps. But I see where you're coming from. 
Quote:2.  I think it's fascinating that although Japanese has its own word for "seagull," their recon plane is named with the English word.  A nice reminder that, for all the all-Japanese crew, this is a United Nations ship and mission.

I noticed that too. I like how there are more nods to an international effort in this version - early on for example the re-directing of the Earth's remaining power grids to kick-start the Wave Motion Engine for example. 
I'll add one more thing regarding episode 16:  the security troops' CQC training obviously sucks.A submachine gun is NOT for butt-stroking an unarmed but clearly determined and skilled person who's coming at you with hostile intent.  It's for putting lots of holes in him or her very quickly.
Since I'm not in favor of putting holes in good-looking girls who're on the side of good, I'm gonna let it slide this time.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
All I have to say about ep18: almost enough dakka!
Enough dakka would have destroyed all the Gamilons. Smile
That's why I said 'almost', they'd have to pull a Carter Special with the Wave Motion Gun to have gotten a full strike instead of the split they managed.
Quote:blackaeronaut wrote:

Enough dakka would have destroyed all the Gamilons. Smile
Blasphemer!  If "enough dakka" could ever exist, it would annihilate not just one puny space fleet but the universe -- all universes -- at once!
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
*Starts up his dramatic commander voice.* No. The point of having enough dakka is to annihilate all enemies standing... Should you destroy all else, then you destroy the very reason you were fighting for!
Okita's read his Sun Tzu -- "on death ground," indeed. That's one way to make up their schedule slippage. Although no one seems to be asking the obvious question: if they've blown up the gate, which appears to be the only fast way to get to the LMC, how are they going to get back in time?

The Yamato is triggering revolts all over Gamilas space? That's... interesting, and not very much touched upon. Of course, the Empire seems nearly note-perfect for a police state ruled by fear... and right on the edge of coming apart at the seams. Also, notice how Dessler is using the one-and-only "submarine" as his personal flagship/transport?

Domel is interesting in this sequence. During planning he's calm, collected, dispassionate -- the very model of a modern Belisarius. But... put him in the field, head-to-head with a worthy foe, and suddenly he turns into the freakin' Wolfman (look at that grin!). This is a man who loaves a good fight, but is too professional to indulge until he's seen to it that he can afford to do so -- he's read his own equivalent of Sun Tzu as well, especially the part about "making our position unassailable." It's important to note that the Yamato only escapes b/c of outside intervention -- the Laws of Drama require that Domel Returns. Of course, his return may not be to Dessler's benefit -- if the "back from the dead" Emperor doesn't make sure that Domel's wife comes back intact from her sojourn in political prison, Domel may turn from Belisarius to Ceasar -- I'd bet Domel would tolerate being hung out to dry himself, but his wife is another matter. There's only so much injustice an honest man can take, in a snake pit like the Capitol, before he decides to clean house... with extreme prejudice.
With regard to Domel, it finally hit me:  we've seen a bit of, let's say "correspondence," between the customs and names of the Gamilas and some from Nazi Germany.  So ... if you replace the "D" with "R," and add another "m," it becomes very clear why he's characterized as he is.  Supported by Dessler referring to him as the "Space Wolf" -- "Desert Fox," anyone?
My apologies to anybody who'd already figured this out from the first.

Edit:  Oh, not to mention his implication in a plot to assassinate the Fuehr-- er, the Phuzeron.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Right. Sorry - that bit's always been pretty obvious to us old school fans to the point we hardly even think about it anymore. Yes - Domel in the original was very obviously Rommel. 
However in the 2199 version I think he's more than that. Most of the characters are, now that they've been more fully fleshed out in. It may be just that simple. 

But thinking about references to WWII Germany in regards to the Gamilas and Domel makes me think of something... and I can't quite remember it... Kinda frustrating. But I seem to recall that there was a German Kriegsmarine officer pretty high up in the chain of command who stepped in to prevent the persecution of some competent officers under his command. They were either Jewish or "half-Jews" (however that was defined... ugh... even saying it like that gives me a bad taste in my mouth) but all he saw was competent men under his command. I don't think he was anything like a "Schindler" type. He didn't go out of his way to protect anyone not in the navy. But he stopped or stone-walled the Gestapo etc, from persecuting the men under his command. That's all I've got really that I can recall. Maybe someone else knows and can jog my memory?

In any case - seeing that Domel doesn't think anything of employing "lesser Gamilons" as his officers but treats them with full respect - and apparently receives a LOT of personal loyalty from them in return - that's what makes me think of that vague recollection above. 

So that, at least in my mind, Domel might be in some way a pastiche of Rommel and this (half-remembered) German Navy Officer.

And of course Desslok is not Hitler. He's almost more of a Roman Emperor. And though he may have started off as a bored playboy noble type (in both versions) as he becomes more personally involved, his competence and native intelligence become more and more obvious. And the more seriously he begins to take things. 

And Domel is NOT plotting to kill him. That was someone else. 

So things do begin to skew away from any kind of direct comparison with WWII Nazi Germany pretty quickly the more closely you look, despite some of the obvious trappings. 
Yeah, I figured it was already known.  I just wanted to show I was awake, I guess.
With regard to Dessler not being Hitler ... well, episode 8 gave evidence of that, when he a) in general, took his defeat gracefully, and
b) gave Shultz (and, if the translation was correctly phrased, all his crew) posthumous promotions and raised the status of their families. 
I'd still like to kill Dessler, but I don't hate him quite so much after he instructed Hyss about the promotions as I did before.  Although Shultz's dying vision, and his crew's loyal cheers, still hurt to recall.
OK, I'm wondering if the original series hinted this early on that Dessler has a thing for Queen Starsha.  That painting or mural practically shouted it in ep 8 already, and with that in mind, his telephone conversation at the start of 12 was very ... intriguing.  He sounded like an estranged husband expressing hope for a reconciliation.
I vaguely recall the Kriegsmarine reference you mention or something like it, but in even less detail and with no names.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Quote:DHBirr wrote:OK, I'm wondering if the original series hinted this early on that Dessler has a thing for Queen Starsha.  That painting or mural practically shouted it in ep 8 already, and with that in mind, his telephone conversation at the start of 12 was very ... intriguing.  He sounded like an estranged husband expressing hope for a reconciliation..
In the original Yamato, his love for Starsha was really almost more of a retcon that they showed as of New Journey Yamato (the TV movie that was shown between the end of the 2nd season Comet Empire story and the Be Forever Yamato movie.) Though they did show a similar phone call correspondence even as far back as first season (1974). But there if there was something hinted at in that 1st season phonecall it was VERY subtle. And the Star Blazers transliteration pretty much glossed over that aspect completely. They did show the phone call in Star Blazers. But it was a very "political" conversation. Starsha wasn't happy with what he was doing and he explained why he felt it was necessary. 
Dessler's devotion to her (posthumous) was obvious in 3rd season since he re-named an entire planet for her and there were conversations between him and Kodai and Yuki that referenced it. 
So yeah - Make no mistake - a lot of this stuff was THERE in the original. But they kinda "made it up as they went along". Often doing it as a retcon or a "as you know" kind of explanation. 

Here - they've taken pains to take all those ideas and characters and weave them much more organically into the narrative from the start. 

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