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Riding My Ass Off...
Riding My Ass Off...
Greetings and Salivations, my fellow forum-denizens! Lend me your ears (and a little something besides) for a sec.... I beg Bob's forbearance for a bit while I beg for a few bucks from the rest of you...

This weekend (June 28/29) I'm going to be riding my ass off (hopefully not literally) in the National MS Society's annual MS150... That's 150 miles on a bike over 2 days... why, you may ask, would I do something so crazy? Well, I might answer, it's to raise money for the National MS Society which sponsors research for treatments and (hopefully) a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. They also provide resources and support for people living with MS (you can read their whole spiel]here).

While I've raised enough to participate, I'm still quite a bit short of my goal, so I'm asking y'all, hat in hand, to go to %[link=]] and throw in a few (US tax-deductible) bucks. If people show an interest, I'll post some pics along the way of the scenic Massachusetts coast (signal permitting).

That's my spiel. Thanks for your time. Try the veal. Don't forget to tip your waiter.

-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.

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