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Shadowrun (was: Now that Helen and Atilla have moved back to our area...)
RE: Shadowrun (was: Now that Helen and Atilla have moved back to our area...)
Well. The next session was scheduled for yesterday (12 October), and we got off to a good start, with everyone on time and the session kicking off right at 2:00, but Helen eventually developed a migraine and associated symptoms, and Tiffany had to leave early, so we only got in a couple hours' play before we just called it. So here's what we accomplished in the abbreviated session:

We picked up where we left off at the end of the last game, after we'd all dashed into the hangar, slit throats and started looting. Valentine's voice crackles over our comm links: "Grab your shit! Security is coming!" and we go into overdrive. As our van screeches to a halt in front of the hangar, we're running around frantically. Bikavèr relieves the unconscious oni of all its possessions and rips jewelry and credsticks off the bodies of the mikos, then hoists the unconscious oni onto his shoulder. Lukas and Volpe's surviving sniper come back with the body of the other sniper, then Lukas ducks into the Taks' private jet to grab anything he can -- he comes back out with more credsticks and an armored deck case, locked and heavy. Valentine loads the two Doberman crawlers into the van and sets the Wandjina to follow us at a reasonable altitude. Everyone else (besides Yoruichi, that is -- she's barely mobile) is ransacking the bodies of the footsoldiers; most of their cyber and gear are crap and we only grab a couple things (armor mostly, if I recall correctly) plus all the credsticks that they were carrying.

Sadly, we won't get to organleg the Yaks as Yoruichi would like -- we simply can't gather and transport them in the time and vehicle we have.

Anyway, we pile into the van. Lukas, who had countermanded his commands to his spirits when it turned out they weren't needed, now instructs the storm spirit to Conceal the Wandjina all the way back to our base, and has the Samurai spirit (which is the equivalent of a city spirit) Conceal the van for the same trip. We peel out just before airport security storms the hangar and have no problems getting away, being effectively invisible.

On the way home we make a detour to stop at an industrial park where we meet up with Volpe and the rest of her team. We turn over the body of the sniper, for which she is grateful. She wishes us the best of luck and we part ways. An hour later, at something like three in the morning, we're back at our base, and with the mission now officially, we get our karma awards from Helen. I think Bikavèr took another grade of initiation, but as far as I know no one else has decided what to do with their karma yet. We also finally get to look at the payment the Takogumi made to our account as part of the "handover" of Yoruichi, and we each walk away with 50,000 nuyen. We also total up all the credsticks we lifted after the firefight, and that totals another 391,000 nuyen, which we also distribute. (With the money earned Bikavèr makes two 100,000 nuyen payments on some kind of debt he owes his fixer Katarina, leaving him with only 100,000 nuyen left on it.)

We also determine that practically all the stuff Bikavèr got off the oni and the mikos is magical in some way, and some of it is made of orichalcum. In particular, we figure out one particular pair of earrings is kind of a two-part focus; each earring by itself is a relatively small focus, but when both are worn by the same person, there's some kind of synergistic effect that multiplies them. Exactly how powerful they are, we haven't figured out yet, though.

Meanwhile, Valentine jacks into Yoruichi's cyberware, partly to make sure it's all okay after her ordeal, and partly out of curiosity about why the Takogumi went through so much trouble to retrieve her. Her cyber is all okay, but Valentine finds something odd... an unidentified module of some sort installed at the base of Yoruichi's spine that's actively hiding itself. She has no idea what it is, and has no way of getting inside it to see. We're all pretty concerned when we hear about that.

Anwyay, while her cyberware is in good shape, her flesh parts aren't, and we can do no more for her with our limited magical and biotech resources. Bikavèr calls Joachim, tells him about our battle with the Taks (and how their decker was in Westphalia and got away) and that Yoruichi needs real medical attention. Joachim says "stay at the base, I'll be there shortly. And when I get there give me everything you have on that decker." Bikavèr barely looks at Valentine before she hands him a datastick and runs out the door to get back to her "boss".

Joachim shows up with an entire medical team with what seems to be a portable clinic, which they set up in Yoruichi's room. We spend a few minutes as Helen digs through the medical rules, then the doctor rolls eight successes and we learn that Yoruichi will recover in a bit under three days. "Good thing you called me," Joachim says. "She was pretty messed up." Then he critiques the op. "Well, that was louder, but you kept out of sight. Except for you." He shoots a glare at Bikavèr, who just grins at him. He goes into a bit more detail, but ends with, "Still, you did pretty good." After this and arranging for a nurse to watch over Yoruichi while she recovers, he leaves.

Once Yoruichi's out of danger, Lukas runs home and deals with his father, who is happy and proud at Lukas' scholarship -- if not a little confused, because he was sure Lukas' grades weren't good enough to merit one. He's also concerned that Uncle Martin hadn't known where Lukas was, and Lukas realizes that with everything that happened in the last 24 hours or so he nearly blew the secret of his double life. He resolves to be more careful and not take more crazy chances, and settles in to a day being an ordinary 11-year-old (with a party coming that night).

The same day, Ylva finally goes in to get her cultured Tailored Pheremones implanted, and when that's done she's going to need a day to heal.

And while she was getting that done, Bikavèr talks to Reiner, his fixer Katarina's top mage. We need someplace to keep the oni, whom we believe is a physical adept. We've got a cell already excavated deep below the warehouse to keep him in, but we need a little extra something, and we contract with Reiner to come in and ward the cell, and to keep coming back to refresh the ward as needed.

And pretty much that's where things petered out.
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....

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RE: Shadowrun (was: Now that Helen and Atilla have moved back to our area...) - by Bob Schroeck - 10-13-2019, 07:18 PM

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