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Stormy seas ahead for Trump's Lawyer
RE: Stormy seas ahead for Trump's Lawyer
Silver Fang, Honestly I'm not the snowflake, i just have a habit of calling it as i see it. I recognize that my sources are biased, never said they weren't, and i'm not going to argue or try and explain something simply because of two things.

1-Right or wrong, pretty much everyone has made their minds up about this and is not accepting any new information that doesn't meet their pre-conceived notions, myself included. Honestly i try very hard to keep an open mind, but when i see a whitewashing and a witch-hunt perpetrated by the same group and the only difference is because of the name, i tend to draw my line in the sand and defend it loudly.

2-I fight myself very hard not to enter these threads other than to read, and rarely even that because i know that any time i do so i might get into an argument and get extremely pissed, ruining my writing for quite a while. That said, I am a conservative, and to a degree an isolationist. I don't believe in a lot of the lefts causes, and the ones i do agree with on principle, i disagree with their implementation simply because, having studied history, and in particular how wars, including Civil Wars and Revolutions start and tend to go, i don't want to see my country fall from those tactics.

people want to vote on something, they want to pass laws through the appropriate means, fine. But, and this is a Texas sized BUTT, know where you've come from and neither forget it, nor deny it, for that path leads to very bad consequences.
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent. 
Currently writing BROBd


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RE: Stormy seas ahead for Trump's Lawyer - by Rajvik - 04-17-2018, 03:06 PM

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