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Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached
RE: Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached
Raylan Givens of Justified Wrote:"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

Gopalkrishna Vishwanath on Wrote:I am inclined to agree.

Here is a story, for those with patience to read. Others can please skip.

I had just got into my car and started to drive. The windows were open.

I got the smell of shit assailing my nostrils. I was upset and thought that the footpath was perhaps used as a toilet by those too poor to afford a toilet. Such areas do exist in many Indian cities.

I thought after I drive off the smell would go away. After I turned a corner I found the smell continued. I thought this was also another locality like this. I then reached a well-known prosperous locality and the smell still did not leave me.

I realized suddenly what was happening. Yes, the smell was emerging from the soles of my shoes. Unwittingly I had stepped on some shit somewhere before getting into the car and was carrying it with me all over the place.

The realization was sobering. I stopped. Got out. Reached for the bottle of water that I always keep in my car, found a suitable spot and used the water to get the stuff off the soles of my shoe.

The city smelt nice thereafter.

This is where I end up falling in between the right and left and unable to argue for either side, generally - the problems that both hold up and decry are, generally, real and in need of correction, but the causes they attribute them to and/or proposed solutions tend to be things I look at and say, "Are you kidding? That's a cure worse than the disease!" And of course the leaders on either side tend to exemplify something closer to the extremes rather than a moderate position that could actually accept some compromise and get things done in a least-horrible way, because brand identity or something.

Even I'm not immune to that, of course, freedom from religion and mandatory universal firearms safety training being probably my own strongest held extreme positions, but at least I try to be aware of it and not actually shove my agenda in other people's faces. Living up to my .sig here and all, even if "make everyone willing to kill for religion die" is probably my top pick if I had a wish and had to waste it on something in this world instead of a protagonist makeover and transport to a more interesting one. See also the list of reasons I should not be made the philosopher-king, it shares a similar position.

For one last quote by way of a closing statement, something that is attributed to various people and characters in various configurations, but I think this one was formulated by Charles Barkley during an interview:

Quote: Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. Some just stink more than others.
‎noli esse culus

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RE: Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached - by classicdrogn - 12-25-2018, 07:55 AM

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