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Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached
RE: Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached
Rajvik, leaving aside all the name-calling, I'm curious as to why you think that the things Democrats want is "Socialism" when it really is not.

It's a foregone conclusion: what we have is not even true capitalism. It may have started out as such, but it's turned into some cancerous thing that's metastasized and infected the government itself. (And don't you dare try and tell me it hasn't!) True capitalism stays the hell out of the public services sector. And this is pretty much what the Democrats want - for the corporations to get the hell out of the public services sector.

So, how the hell is it "socialism" when we want a federally-funded public schools option for higher education?

How the hell is it "socialism" when we want affordable healthcare without insurance companies jacking up the prices?

How the hell is it "socialism" when we want a free and open Internet?

How the hell is it "socialism" when we want fair living wages?

BTW: that last one? That's not socialism at all. It, in fact, has a 100% 'MURICAN name: Fordism. Because Henry Ford was such a raving, mad-eyed, make-me-riocher-than-God capitalist that he realized that no one was gonna buy his damn cars if they couldn't afford to. And you wanna know that crazy part? IT FUCKING WORKED.

Oh sure. You can complain and moan that an expanded social safety net is Socialism all you like. That DOES have the ring of socialism to it, I won't argue that.

But here's the thing: the sooner you start paying Americans fair living wages that are pegged to regional cost of living factors, then the sooner you're gonna see Americans getting off of Welfare and become tax payers instead of tax leaches. That will go so much farther to help our Federal budget than any amount of Republican spending cuts.

Anyone that says that the poor aren't going to start buying things if they get better pay is either an idiot of epic proportions or trying to sell snake oil.

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RE: Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached - by Black Aeronaut - 04-21-2019, 10:31 AM

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