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Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached
RE: Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached
(01-23-2020, 11:42 PM)Rajvik Wrote: Matrix, the Schiff panel was a partisan hack job that should have been laughed out, except, Orange man bad. That was where Trump's legal team and himself should have been allowed to counter and question, but they were denied that. The judiciary committee "allowing" their entry was a joke to try and lend some semblance of authority to the Schiff show and rightfully he didn't play along.

Right, allowing Trump's legal team to participate would have made a total mockery of the legal process.  In this case, the House acted as the grand jury, responsible for handing down an indictment.  Defense attorneys never participate in grand juries.  Perhaps it's more like a preliminary hearing where defense would participate, but hey, grand juries are part of the U.S. Constitution.

(01-23-2020, 11:42 PM)Rajvik Wrote: second, as per the congressional subpoenas, Executive Privilege is something to be protected by every person to sit in that office, don't believe me, ask Adam Schiff circa 2012, when he was defending Barack Obama's denial of subpoenas over Fast and Furious, you know, that little debacle of Eric Holder's that got him held in both civil and criminal contempt of congress.

Agreed 100%.  However, Donald Trump has never invoked executive privilege.  Not even once.  So while it's an interesting point it's not really relevant to the situation.

(01-23-2020, 11:42 PM)Rajvik Wrote: The house made it's rules, and now the senate has made it's that again, echo the Clinton impeachment trial, meaning what was good for the Democrats is good for the Republicans. They do not get to try again because they got impatient and didn't bother to even try to get the courts to back up their subpoenas

Look, we had evidence of a crime in process.  Trump was caught trying to rig the next election.  Should we have waited until after the election to try to stop the crime?  The Ukraine thing was a total rig job.

Rajvik Wrote:Actually Labster, the time to get evidence was back when the house was having their inquiry, you know, before the impeachment vote, they voted to impeach with what they had, so bring what you've got, you don't get a do over

OK replying seriously this time.  The rule that you can't introduce new evidence into an ongoing trial doesn't exist.  It has never existed in any democratic jurisdiction.

The willingness of the right to invent new rules specially for Trump, and then get people to accept them, has me seriously worried.  The president doesn't just get to decide which laws he wants to enforce.  His job is literally enforcing all the laws.  The president doesn't get to ignore subpoenas, this is called obstruction of justice.  The president doesn't get to tell people that they can't testify or risk losing their jobs, this is called witness tampering.  The president doesn't get to solicit things of personal value from foreign countries in exchange for official actions, this is called bribery.

The President's lawyers have argued in court that the president has absolute immunity from prosecution.  Under questioning, the attorneys argued that yes, the claim that "I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and not get arrested" was literally true.  They argued, in front of an actual federal judge, that it would be illegal for the police to even investigate the crime, because the President would be the prime suspect.

Like, this is literally true of Elizabeth Windsor in her realm.  She is the source of justice of the crown; no one may judge the sovereign save God.  But like, I thought America was supposed to be a republic, man.
"Kitto daijoubu da yo." - Sakura Kinomoto

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RE: Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached - by Labster - 01-24-2020, 01:28 AM

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