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Riot Force 6 Year One: Street Sabre
RE: Riot Force 6 Year One: Street Sabre
Doc Roc had been a real doctor once, a long time ago. Most of the knowledge from that life was long gone, burned away by the Dyne, but he still believed he knew what he was doing. He'd kept notes, performed tests, and soon, soon he'd figure out the secret recipe of Superadine. Then the Trolls wouldn’t need anyone…

He grinned to himself as he pushed the girls head under the surface, his thoughts drifting yet again to revenge on everyone he thought had wronged him. For a moment, he nearly forgot what he was doing, dreaming of blood and violence, before coming back to the present. Pulling the girls head out of the liquid, he studied her, trying to determine her reaction to his work.

Coughing up some sludge, she managed to focus enough to look at him. Despite the agony she was clearly in, she managed a smirk, before spitting at him. Despite everything, Roc couldn’t help but be impressed at her fire, before shoving her back under the surface. Holding her under, he watched the air bubbles as they reached the surface and popped, grinning in satisfaction at his work.

After another minute or so, as the bubbles began to slow, his smile faded slightly. The bellowing and general violence of Trolls was a constant background noise in the tunnels, but there was something different about it all of a sudden. It was louder, more energetic, and the gunfire was more consistent than usual. Releasing his grip on the girl, he walked over to the cavern entrance, catching sight of several Trolls running down the tunnel. “What happening?”

“Heroes!” yelled a gardvord, grinning with anticipation. “They break in, start fight! Now we smash them!”

Roc stood there for a moment, letting the concept work though his brain. Eventually, his expression darkened and he growled. “Of course. They come when me working! Interfere with work!” Snarling in frustration, he stomped down the hall, intent on smashing the new arrivals …

…and completely forgetting about the girl he'd left to drown in poison.


Extending her right blade, Silicon Sabre cut her opponents shotgun in half, then pushed forward and drove her left fist into the Trolls face with all the strength her amour gave her. As he flew back into his companions, sending them all spilling across the ground, Flashover stepped forward, flames flowing out from her as she almost seemed to dance.

As she had almost every time she watched her friend work, Sylia had to suppress the urge to just stop and watch. There was something wonderful about the reminder she was in a world where actual magic existed, as the fire moved in ways it shouldn't be able to, seeking out the Trolls hands, burning them just enough to force them to drop their weapons. As the smoke wrapped itself around their heads, stinging their eyes and stealing their breath.

As the Trolls hit the dirt, she couldn't help but smile at this impossible world.

That moment didn't last long, unfortunately. Some of the Trolls managed to get to their feet, while even more came running around a corner. “Flashover, barriers please.” Turning towards Silicon, Ifrit smiled and blew her a kiss, the air around the armored woman igniting in protective flames. “Thank you,” she chuckled, extending both blades and charging.

A safe distance from the brawl, Purrfect Archer twirled an arrow in her hand, considering her targets. In between eye blinks, she nocked the arrow, drew and released, pinning a Troll to the wall and making him drop his grenade before he could pull the pin. Nodding in satisfaction, she turned to the group of prisoners they'd come across, doing her best to give them a reassuring smile. “Hello everyone! If you could all just remain calm, we’ll be getting you all to safety in no time.”

“But we're too deep underground!” protested one of the slaves, a dangerously skinny woman who could barely stand. “They'll chase us down… and some of us couldn't run anyway,” she admitted, looking at the ground in shame.

“That's where I come in,” Neko announced, leaping down from her companions shoulder. Several people stared at the talking cat in shock, which she ignored with experienced ease. “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm your shortcut to safety. If you could all gather in close…” they did as they were told, still looking more than a little confused, and she twitched her tail in satisfaction. “Right then, if you could all stand still…”

Lines of purple light appeared just above the dirt, weaving around the civilians in intricate patterns, forming an elaborate spell circle around them. Archer stepped back slightly, watching as the glow from the circle spread over the people, lifting them off the ground ever so slightly… And then the circle faded away, taking the prisoners with it, and leaving Neko standing alone in front of her partner. “No problems?” Archer asked.

“Safe and clear to the flare the Legacy Chain set up,” the cat assured her. “Thank the spirits they knew those techniques. I really didn’t want to try and get people out through these tunnels.” She leapt up onto Purrfect Archers arm, using it to reach her usual perch on the girls shoulder. “More importantly, the local aether is strong enough I can keep using that trick.” Tilting her head to the side, she considered that for a moment. “Actually, conditions here are remarkably good for teleportation magics. Curious.”

Pausing as she handcuffed a higher ranked Troll, Silicon looked at the cat. “Hmm?”

“Never mind,” Neko replied, shaking her head. “Academic question for later. For now…?” With the civilians safe and all the Trolls incapacitated, the band of heroes had a moment to regroup and consider their next move.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Purrfect Archer reached out with her telepathic abilities as best she could, ‘listening’ to their surroundings. “I don't think there's more civilians nearby,” she mumbled. “Trolls definitely… like a rock in a rusty barrel.” Flashover tried not to giggle at the description, letting the girl focus. “More Trolls… old hymns, sung by those that have forgotten the words… wait, what-”

Before anyone could react, the girl jerked back, gasping in pain as blue lightning suddenly washed over her body. It vanished as soon as it appeared, the girls legs giving way and sending her crashing to the ground, a stunned Neko landing next to her with a pained yowl. Flashover was by their side a moment later, tiny flames around her hand forming the runes of a healing spell. “Archer, can you hear my voice?” she asked, her voice surprisingly gentle given the circumstances.

“Owie,” Archer whimpered in response, sitting up slowly. She opened her eyes slightly, then hissed and forced them closed again. Next to her, Neko sat up, shook her head, then made an offended squeaking noise and started grooming herself. Still frowning in concern, Ifrit finished casting the spell, the runes shifting into pure flames again and flowing over the girl. “Thank you,” she mumbled, opening her eyes to reveal a flash of purple energy..

Keeping watch over their surroundings, Silicon glanced at them for a moment. “What exactly just happened?”

“Aetheric surge,” Neko said, still running a paw over her head. “She must have skimmed over something magically powerful, like the psionic equivalent of touching a live wire.” Pausing to lick her paw again, her ears flattened as she considered the matter. “Strange. Anything strong enough to generate that kind of response, I should be able to sense as well.”

“As should I,” Flashover said, frowning. “But there’s… nothing.”

Picking up her bow, Purrfect Archer climbed to her feet. “It just appeared, right next to… someone else. Not a Troll or anything like that. There was a lot of pain. An injured civilian maybe?” Frowning, she looked at the other women. “I can’t sense them now either.” Considering the matter for a moment, she turned and pointed at a side tunnel. “I think it was that way - well crap,” she muttered.

Growling, a massive Ogre emerged from the tunnel in question, eyes narrowing as he saw the women in front of him, unconscious Trolls scattered around them. “Heroes… Come to our tunnels, start fight.”

Turning to face him, Silicon laughed, making certain her external speakers made it loud enough for the brute to hear. “Also, we rescued quite a few of your slaves.”

Pausing to consider that, the Ogres expression grew even angrier. Roaring loud enough to rattle the tunnel roof, he charged towards them. Thrusters firing, Silicon Sabre launched herself forward to meet him, arrows and magical flame alongside her.


Priss knew she was about to die. Trapped at the bottom of the tub, her injuries leaving her unable to even sit up, or even sure what way was up, and she could FEEL the sludge forcing its way down her throat. The pain in her broken arm and possibly cracked skull was quickly being overtaken by the pure agony in her chest, and the fraction of her mind not being lost to sheer terror couldn't help but wonder if she'd have a heart attack before she suffocated.

Her good hand searched desperately for some sort of handhold, even as her stomach heaved and the burning in her chest got even worse. All of her bravado was gone now, replaced by the pure fear of a girl that didn't want to die. Someone, anyone, please…

The pain grew, washing away sensation and thought, and then…

The pain was gone, leaving behind nothing but an odd sense of peace. Opening her eyes, Priss stared in surprise. Instead of the filth of the tub and the Trolls crude attempts at making drugs, she floated in the middle of a massive starfield, safe and unharmed. Looking down, her eyebrows rose as she realized even her clothes had been repaired, her leather jacket and motorcycle pants exactly as they’d been before she’d been swept up by the Troll Rave.

Looking back up, she considered the starscape around her. “Anyone here?” she called out, her voice vanishing into the distance without even an echo. “Guess not. What the hell, what the hell…” Running her hands through her hair, she tried to think it through. Is this death? I mean, that bastard was drowning me, and it’s not like I’d know what came next…

Her thoughts were interrupted by a flicker of light in the corner of her eye. Turning her head, she frowned as she saw several stars moving, circling each other in elaborate patterns. “Pretty sure normal stars don't do that… COME ON!” she roared at the top of her lungs. “I'm not in the mood for this bullshit! Whatever the hell this is all about, just get on with it!”

“Man, I shouldn’t even be surprised.” Squeaking in surprise, Priss tried to turn towards the voice coming from directly behind her, only to end up flailing around helplessly, earning some laughter at her expense. “Yeah, it’s your first time doing this. You’re damn lucky I was the one that heard you screaming into the Void. There’s some nasty shit this far out. Now hold still.”

Before Priss could protest, a hand clamped down on her shoulder, and the world around her shifted yet again. Her feet were suddenly touching a surface of some sort, and she stumbled slightly as gravity took hold. Ignoring the question of where the ground game from, she pulled free of the strangers grip, darting a few feet away and spinning around, intending to give her latest kidnapper a piece of her mind, only to skid to a halt, physically and mentally, upon catching sight of the woman. “You, you’re… wha?”

Hands on her hips, the other woman grinned back at her. “I’m what?” she said, in a voice Priss now realized was almost identical to her own. Red eyes so similar to her own almost seemed to glow as the woman looked her over. “You, with a few more years and a visit from the puberty fairy? How old are you anyway kid?”

Forcing back her shock, Priss scowled at the other woman. “Nineteen,” she snapped, temper easily reignited by that particular irritation. It wasn’t helped that the woman in front of her looked like what she’d always dreamed of. Tall, with actual curves, and standing with a confidence Priss was certain was no act. “Just… Who the hell are you?” she demanded.

Grinning again, the taller woman gave her an elaborate bow. “Priscilla Stingray, Goddess of Heroes, Passion and Music, at your service.”


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RE: Riot Force 6 Year One: Street Sabre - by Matrix Dragon - 07-20-2019, 02:27 PM

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