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24 Hours to Solve Crossovers That Should Not Be
RE: 24 Hours to Save Crossovers That Should Not Be
So, Chaldea has saved the world with their hidden project from their base on Antarctica. Admittedly, the side-effects may have involved accidentally... um, accidentallying Antarctica and flooding a good part of the world. But they saved most of humanity... more than half, anyway. Well, it's hard to get an exact count. Particularly as much of their super-secret base was at ground zero and thus the organisation did not survive - scattered members, sure. But Chaldea itself is gone.

And apparently a massive worldwide tsunami and a lot of flooding shook up a lot of magus households. Often by hammering them flat by so much water that their defences laughed ironically and collapsed, killing magi and leaving only a few of their most secure vaults of back-up notes, archives and tools. Some of which has since fallen into questionable hands.

Well, it was previously in the hands of magus families, so more questionable hands.

Such as, for example, notes on how to create homunculi, create giant golems and summon ancient heroes to fight a war that results in someone having any wish at all granted.

Thus a circle of seven powerful men form a cabal to pool their resources to create this ritual and grant their wish to be immortal rulers of the world. There is no more than the usual amount of backstabbery going on so they decide to appoint an overseer for this ritual, a man disinterested in anything since the loss of his wife, to the point he even sent his only child away.

Surely there is no way that anything can affect their ritual, buried in a mammoth cavern under Tokyo-3 (it was called Fuyuki before a 50m high wall of water flattened the site) and no way that a man driven mad by grief for his wife could possibly wish to subvert a ritual that grants any wish at all.

...what's that you say? Giant monsters are rising up to attack the ritual site, forcing the deployment of gigantic flesh golems to fight them?

Uh... well according to these scrolls recovered from a magus family based near the Dead Sea, there are these things called Counter-Guardians... Maybe? Possibly? We don't actually know...

Just focus on completing the ritual, Director Ikari. And then everything will be fine...

Messages In This Thread
RE: 24 Hours to Save Crossovers That Should Not Be - by drakensis - 11-13-2020, 01:15 AM

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