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2020 US election - The fat lady is warming up in the wings
RE: 2020 US election - The fat lady is warming up in the wings
The USA used to be the First World country because the First World used to be defined by 'America and palls'. If you compared it by standard of living, poverty rates and wellbeing of the population the USA has always lagged behind its palls, fueled in no small part by the sheer racism of the general public. But following the early years after WW2 and into the 70's the USA has in general had the sort of culture that said 'you know what, yes that happened, but we can at least try to be better now'. Not that it always succeeded, not that it was easy, but both the general public and political leadership realized that it was harming their nation and ridding themselves of it was the better option.

It's not that the USA sat on its laurels. It's that it gathered its laurels, crowned itself victor and has since both torched its laurel crown and consumed what gave it claim to the ancient symbol of victory.

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RE: 2020 US election - The fat lady is warming up in the wings - by hazard - 11-11-2020, 07:31 PM

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