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Another thought occurred to me...
Another thought occurred to me...
So another random question - It says in the FAQ that Doug has to understand a song's lyrics to gain powers from it, would this work on a foreign language song if he had read a translation of the lyrics before hand? Does he need to be at least partially fluent?

The reason I ask is I was perusing song ideas and thought about the classic Duel Of The Fates from the Star Wars prequel trilogy. I thought the lyrics were in Latin, but it turns out that it's actually a old Welsh story/poem loosely translated into Sanskrit.

The reason it gives me pause is because the poem (Cad Goddeu - The Battle Of The Trees) itself screams Power Song to me - it's about the old Welsh folk hero/mythological figure Gwydion animating a forest full of trees into an army of warriors to fight for him (amongst a lot of other random things).

But in the hypothetical 'gain powers by learning the lyrics beforehand' scenario, would Doug get the 'Turn Trees Into Fighters' powers, or would his subconscious be more likely to go towards 'Song Lyrics+Star Wars Association = Jedi Powers'. It could go either way for me.

Another wrinkle is whilst the song is based on the Battle Of The Trees the actual (loosely) translated lyrics in the song don't actually mention trees - it's mostly just variations of the words speak, dreadful and give. This goes into another question - it says in the FAQ that Doug goes by what his subconscious is drawn to by a song rather then the literal meaning in the words - would the hypothetical knowledge of the original poem make his subconscious focus on that, and thus get the proposed Tree power, or the Star Wars=Jedi power? Or no power given the lyrics in context are kind of gibberish?

A link to the song for people wanting a reminder.


Messages In This Thread
Another thought occurred to me... - by David Lewis - 04-07-2021, 02:13 PM
RE: Another thought occurred to me... - by Ebony - 04-08-2021, 07:53 AM

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